
Assignment on Public Speaking


Added on  2021-07-20

21 Pages5008 Words50 Views
Table of Contents
REFLECTIVE JOURNAL ENTRY PRO-FORMA – Public Speaking........................................6
REFLECTIVE JOURNAL ENTRY PRO-FORMA - Teamwork...................................................8
REFLECTIVE JOURNAL ENTRY PRO-FORMA – Giving and Receiving Feedback.........10
Summary and Action Plan:...........................................................................................................12
Personal Development Plan.....................................................................................................13
Appendix 1: QUIZ Are You A Good Speaker?........................................................................17
Appendix 2: Feedback from the tutor.......................................................................................18
Appendix 3: Belbin’s Team Roles test.....................................................................................19
Appendix 4: The Team Player test...........................................................................................20
Appendix 5: How good is your Feedback?..............................................................................21
Appendix 6: Giving and Receiving Feedback Quiz................................................................22
Assignment on Public Speaking_1

Business Psychology is an applied science that examines how to make
organizations and individuals more successful (Daniel and Lawley, 2016). Employs
social science analysis approaches to analyze individuals, professions, and
institutions to help balance their different and often overlapping needs.
As an applied science, Business Psychology may educate companies on what
defines successful management activity by utilizing a mixture of psychological
concepts, empirical analysis, and quantitative testing methods to evaluate actions at
work. The aim is to build stable, efficient, and reciprocal partnerships between
organizations and people and by implementing the insights that psychology provides
to persons, teams, and structured groups (Michael and Edward 2011). In other
words, Business Psychology could be described as the analysis of individual and
group actions in the workplace by applying psychological theories.
Psychology is described as ‘the scientific study of behaviour’ (Gross, 1996:19). As
per McLeod (2013), nowadays, psychologists do not agree that there is a "true"
approach to research how people act or respond. There are, still, various theories
that have been developed across the history of psychology and tend to form the
method psychologists examine human behaviour. Although psychologists may
emphasize various aspects of psychology in their behavioural testing and study,
different perspectives of psychology are recognized as approaches or perspectives
(Cross and Carbery 2016). According to Waterman (2013), five main methods have
had an influence on psychology: humanistic, psychodynamic, cognitive, behaviourist
and biological, each emphasizing specific impact in their theories of mind and
The psychodynamic theory describes identity in term of unconscious cognitive
processes and argues that early memories are essential to defining adult identity
(Taylor, 2009). The psychodynamic methodology was introduced primarily by Freud
and described actions in terms of three sections of the mind that are conscious
(perceptions, thoughts), unconscious (desires developed in childhood, wishes ) and
preconscious (values, beliefs) and three elements of the identity that are Id, ego and
superego (Corsini et al., 2010). Hill (2001:72) mentions Freud as stating, ‘I set myself
Assignment on Public Speaking_2

the task of bringing to light what human beings keep hidden within them’. Freud's
conception of the mind focused on techniques of interpretation.
Nothing like the psychodynamic approach, the cognitive methodology focused on
how our minds interpret info and how we react to what we process, a normal cycle
as humans are born with this ability. Piaget was the most recognized cognitive
science expert who, in the late 1950s and early 1960s, proposed that thinking
improves by qualitative modifications due to increased brain maturity (King and
Lawley, 2016). Cognitive psychology explores how individuals understand and
interpret ideas or facts which is closely linked to cognitive science and influenced by
philosophy and artificial intelligence.
Freud's principle centres mostly on social and emotional growth, whereas Piaget's
focus is with academic advancement, which he sees because of the relation
between natural development and environmental stimulus.
As Fairholm (2012) points out, both approaches have provided successful
explanations on a wide variety of subjects, such as personality development,
aggression, and moral growth.
Piaget daily observation of children playing, and experimentation, demonstrate that
cognitive behavioural psychologists have adopted approaches such as observation.
In contrast, psychodynamic researchers have used case study and dream
interpretation to test their principle (Cross and Carbery, 2016).
Business Psychology employs a wide variety of study methods to evaluate and
recognize effective management strategies. It incorporates qualitative and
quantitative approaches and finds all forms of evidence to be equally true. Specific
methods of data collection include questionnaires, interviews, focus groups, surveys,
and studies, while analytical strategies include concise and statistical data, thematic
analysis, and material analysis (Frost, 2001).
The benefits of one method should not outweigh the other; qualitative and
quantitative approaches are complementary, and both are important methods of their
way (Roche,1991). One of the main distinctions between quantitative and qualitative
methods seems to be that the quantitative approach lays forth the theory at the
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beginning, whereas the concept of qualitative analysis being formulated and
established through the process.
Psychology is essential to companies as it helps to address the expectations of
individuals, businesses and organizations through inspiration, leadership, and
human resource management strategies.
In psychology, self-awareness is including cognitive and emotional mechanisms that
are central to self-regulation (King and Lawley, 2016). Self-awareness implies insight
into our habits, values, needs, weaknesses, strengths, emotions. Through a sense
of who we are and a vision of what we want to become, career or personal growth
strategy can be developed.
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What is the core skill?
Public speaking is the method of transmitting knowledge to the audience (Jaffe,
2013). Besides, public speaking involves speaking to an audience in a formal,
deliberate manner designed to introduce, inform or entertain the audience and is
widely perceived as a face-to-face interaction between individuals and listeners.
Why is this core skill important? (use relevant theories and concepts to
support your answer)
Public speaking is a highly necessary skill in a professional career. More and
more, companies and corporations prefer oral presentations states Doyle (2019) in
one of her articles. Study papers, meetings with workers, seminars are some
instances where most of the professionals must face strong verbal communication,
particularly in public. Studies have found that audiences typically recall just 7% of
the words spoken by a speaker, whereas the other 93% recognize non-verbal
features of speech, such as body language and speech sound (Pease, 2006).
Therefore, the quality of the performance would then be determined not by the
information you give, but by what the audience receives. In other terms, visual
contact may be substantially more efficient at conveying the essence of the
message to the listener.
How competent are you currently? (use your tool-kit findings, Feedback
from peers and your tutor, plus your reflections on your thoughts, feelings,
and behaviours to answer this question)
To evaluate my Public Speaking skills, I have completed a self-assessment quiz
Are You a Good Public Speaker? (The Managers Guide, 2020). As can be seen
in Appendix 1, my score was 14/16 and indicate that I am a great public speaker.
In My Opinion, speaking in public is not my greatest skill an I struggle with public-
speaking anxiety. Fear of public speaking is a prevalent phobia, and according to
the National Institute of Mental Health, up to 73% of the population, is believed to
be affected (MedlinePlus, 2020). Psychologists recognize that the simple reality of
being in the centre of the attention sometimes tigers a whole set of involuntary
responses that we can encounter only in the presence of a life-threatening risk
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(Scott, 1907). It is frightened enough being rejected by one person, but the anxiety
we might feel when rejected by a broad audience can raise from very
uncomfortable to absolute terrified. Reflecting on my class presentation, I realized
that somehow, I was able to hide my emotions from the audience, and I managed
to deliver an excellent performance. The high grade received and the positive
feedback from the tutor and my peers are only the result of very good research
on the presentation topic, good visuals and the rehearsal/practice of my speech
(Plohi, 2020 Appendix 2).
Can you identify any contradictions or allowable weaknesses from your
For me, just the idea of getting the attention of the audience waiting in silence
appears like rejection and judgment. In contrast to my feelings is the other
perception of my public speaking. As detailed above, although I felt anxious, the
others have seen me calm and confident. Furthermore, I believe that the test
results pointed me as a great public speaker due to my general knowledge on this
subject, but the test does not reflect or measure the main qualities of an excellent
public speaker. I will not allow my fear of public speaking to turn into an
impediment of my personal growth, and like any other skill, the public speaking
skill can be improved through persistence, preparation, and practice.
How will this skill help me in the future? (use references to support your
Tracy (2020) claims that the practice of public speaking has several tangible
advantages that go way beyond giving a project speech or attending a successful
conference. Enhancing my interpersonal abilities and practising public speaking
opens up fresh doors for development and, most significantly, keeps me safe from
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