
Social Marketing and Its Applications


Added on  2020-01-23

14 Pages4363 Words88 Views
Social Marketing and Its Applications_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................3TASK 1............................................................................................................................................31.1 Explain the various elements of the marketing process........................................................31.2 Evaluate the benefits and cost of marketing orientation.......................................................4TASK 2............................................................................................................................................52.1 Show how micro and macro environmental factors which influence marketing decisions..52.2 Propose segmentation criteria to be used for product in different markets...........................62.3 Choose a target strategy for a select product/ services.........................................................72.4 Demonstrate how buyer behaviour affects marketing activities in different buyingsituations.....................................................................................................................................72.5 Propose new positioning for selected product/ service.........................................................9TASK 3............................................................................................................................................93.1 Explain how goods are developed to sustain competitive advantages..................................93.2 Explain distribution is arranged to provide customer convenience....................................103.3 Explain how prices are set to reflect an organisation's objectives and market conditions .103.4 Illustrating how promotional activities is integrated to achieve marketing objectives.......103.5 Analyse the additional elements of extended marketing-mix.............................................11TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................12Attached in PPT........................................................................................................................12CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................12REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................13
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INTRODUCTION Marketing is an essence of any company as they assist most of the organisation in thepromoting the product or services in the target market. The marketing strategy play a great rolesuch as marketing mix, market segmentation, targeting and positioning and marketing research.They are the most important aspects through which they can deliver the most importantinformation in the target market. In the present research project, there is mainly discussion onexplanation on the various elements of the marketing process and after that evaluating thebenefits and cost of marketing orientation (Forsgren, 2015). Furthermore there is mainlydiscussion on show how micro and macro environmental factors which influence marketingdecisions. Thereafter, market segmentation criteria to be used for product in different marketsand Choosing a target strategy for a select product/ services. Furthermore, Demonstrating howbuyer behaviour affects marketing activities in different buying situations. Thus, afterwards,explaination how goods are developed to sustain competitive advantagesTASK 11.1 Explain the various elements of the marketing processGreenwich Leisure Limited follow the marketing process that facilitate them in findingthe clients expectations so, they can fulfil those requirement in an effective manner. Therefore,there are various elements of marketing mix that are as follows- Situational Analysis- It is the first stage of marketing process where the companyanalyse it situation to get to know the their strengths and weakness. Therefore, it adoptSWOT Analysis model that facilitate the management to analyse firm's internal andexternal environment so, they can easily understand their capabilities. Businessenvironment and customers (French, 2010). The cited company loot at the macro-environmental factors that impact on business activities and operations. The main aim ofthese analysis is that to know their position and its product in the target market. It assurefirms to summarize the opportunities as well as problems arise within the environment ithelp them to know its capabilities in the potential market. Marketing strategy- It is the next step of marketing process, after knowing the strengthsand weakness they can easily develop various alternative marketing strategy. GreenwichLeisure Limited adopt marketing-mix strategy and Market segmentation, targeting,
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positioning strategy. They apply this marketing strategy into the target market afterunderstanding their capabilities and customer's expectations. In regard to this, theysegmenting the UK market in which they only targeting one single segment and makepositioning in the minds of its customers. Thus, the another strategy is marketing-mix inwhich the company deliver the unique quality of product at reasonable prices to thecustomers. It can be distributed through medium channels and sets the effectivepromotional strategy to retain more customers and increase sales. Marketing-mix decisions- The cited company applied the marketing-mix strategy toachieve its marketing objectives. There are various elements that involves in it aredescribed below- Product- The cited company deliver the healthcare services that are unique that attract amore customers to buy. Price- Company adopt the premium pricing strategy as there is high-quality of productsor services offer by the organisation. Promotion- The effective promotional tools adopted by company is a social mediamarketing and advertisement in newspapers etc. Place- The cited company adopt distribution strategy that is direct in which it sellproduct directly to its customers. Thus, they also adopt indirect strategy through intermediariessuch as whole-seller and retailer. Implementation and control- It is a last step of marketing process in which the citedcompany implement the marketing-mix strategy into the potential UK target market.Thus, it facilitate them in monitoring that the strategy that are implemented is effectivelyor not. 1.2 Evaluate the benefits and cost of marketing orientationMarketing-orientation are mainly focus on offering products that are designed as per thecustomer's needs and desires. Greenwich Leisure Limited create products based upon market -orientation approach it has some benefits and cost of this orientatChoose a target strategy for aselect product/ servicesion that are as follows- Benefits
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