
Emotional Intelligence - Assignment


Added on  2020-10-22

21 Pages5681 Words450 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentPsychology
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence - Assignment_1

Table of Contents
TASK ..............................................................................................................................................1
1.How self-awareness and continuous self-development will help you to fulfil role as a
successful leader or manager in future........................................................................................1
2. Critical incidents to reflects upon the findings and implication from two self-analysis
toolkit from the module...............................................................................................................3
3. Identify area of personal development as a (future) manager that you can work on in the
next year....................................................................................................................................14
Emotional Intelligence - Assignment_2

Self-awareness is the capacity for introspection and the ability to recognise oneself as an
individual which is separate from environment and others. There is a psychologist named as
Daniel Goleman. he proposed most famous definition of self awareness in their book Emotional
Intelligence. After knowing about own strength and weakness, individual can develop self so that
they can gain better position in future. Development of own-self is also necessary so that
individual can play their role successfully as an leader or manager in future. Below mentioned
assignment is explaining role of person as an successful manger in future. Along with this two
model related to self analysis and in the last strength and weakness summarised for finding major
areas which need development for becoming future manager.
1.How self-awareness and continuous self-development will help you to fulfil role as a
successful leader or manager in future
Self-awareness : It is the capacity found in an individual person to recognise their own
behaviours, feelings and characteristics. For understanding cognitive, self emotional and physical
as well in simple term, it can be said that every individual have their own identity which is
different from others and everyone must know about their own-self. Below mention are the
question which must be required self-awareness to answer :
Who am I ?
What do I want ?
What do I Think ? How do I feel (physical and emotional)?
According to Okdie, Self awareness stand for capability of becoming object of one's own
attention. In this procedure, person can actively identify, processes and can store information or
data about self. In simple terms, it can be said that self-awareness is schema of special type
which consist of all the knowledge possess about ourself (Self Awareness 2018 ). Moreover,
manager should be self aware about themselves so that they can develop their specialised area
which is required while performing job role of manager.
Self- development : It is an activity which covers process like improve awareness and
identity, enhance individual life quality as well contribute to the realization of dream and
Emotional Intelligence - Assignment_3

ambition, develop talent and potential, build human capital and facilitate employability Goleman,
Boyatzis& McKee, (2013). Personal development may also involve developing other persons
also which take face by performing role of leader or manager. Now a days, there is wide level of
competition in the environment because of that there is requirement of developing own skills and
knowledge so that individual can have better career.
According to Mueller & Anderson, developing own-self is important for becoming what
individual wants to be as well it is an grand challenge to enhance skills and knowledge for
creating new meaning and fulfilling their lives. Generally, it is all about taking responsibility for
own-self, thoughts, actions and think about that how person can change themselves. Apart from
this, manager have to be self developed so that they can motivate other employees also for
enhancing their own skills and knowledge.
Manager – They are the people who are in charge of particular group or team in the
company. Manager have staff of people who report him/her related to each and every
official things for taking any further decision or for resolving issues. Along with this they
are expert in their own field or area for managing and supporting their employees.
Manager is the individual who work within the company together with team members for
accomplishing common goals of business Cavazotte, Moreno & Hickmann,(2012).
Their are several role of a successful manager by the assistance of self awareness and self
development in the future are mention below :-
Daily operations : This is major role of manager in the organisation and it can be only
performed when he/she is self developed because if individual is own develop then only
then can manage working of their organisation along with employees in better manner.
Their are several departments in company each have their own manager who look overall
activity of that particular division because there are various activities performed in the
Training – Main motive of providing training is for enhancing skills and knowledge of
employees in specific area or field. Before framing training program for individual person
there is requirement of identifying which particular skill need to be enhanced. So thus,
there is requirement of self awareness so everyone knows in which particular field there
Emotional Intelligence - Assignment_4

is requirement of training. In training major role is played by manager because they are
the one who frame this session for employees.
The leader – An manager in the company can perform several activities through their
self development. By developing known skills and knowledge manager can take
responsibility of the subordinates, encourage as well motivate staff members and exercise
their formal authority Schutte & Malouff, (2011). This is the main role performed by the
manager in organisation because they lead their entire team as well control and manage
their working.
Initiative – Business environment is dynamic in nature. In that case there are several
directions or decision which is given by manager in the absence of higher authority.
Manager becomes capable of taking major actions only when they are self aware and
developed. Because judgement is that which can take company up-to its high or low both
so decision making should be done by keeping all the important points in mind.
Coaching – Manager can only coach their staff members when he/she is self developed
and aware about themselves. An individual can only educate when they have good
knowledge about that particular area as well it can be possible only by developing or
enhancing skills related to specific field Walter,Cole & Humphrey,(2011). Coaching is an
important role of manager because in this he/she gives knowledge or teach their
employees for better outcomes.
Supervisor - In this, role manager give instructions to their employees or supervise their
overall performance. Along with this, give feedback to each and every person related to
their performance and supervise them for further improvement. So that manager can
enhance overall working of their staff members as well generate more and more revenue.
2. Critical incidents to reflects upon the findings and implication from two self-analysis toolkit
from the module
There are several models given by different psychologists for self-analysis out of all these
there are some which is mention below :-
Emotional intelligence – This is an psychological theory which was developed by John
Mayer and Peter Salovey. Emotional intelligence is the ability of particular person that
understand feeling to access and create emotions so as to provide assistance to the thoughts for
Emotional Intelligence - Assignment_5

knowing sentiments and gaining emotional knowledge Brunetto & et.al., (2012). As well as to
reflectively regulate emotions so as to promote intellectual and emotional growth. There are five
components of the same which is developed by Daniel Goleman he is a science journalist who
brought numbers of books of emotional intelligence. Out of these five competencies first three
domains are personal, self awareness is defined by a deep knowledge of an individual person
feeling, strengths, weaknesses and capability to accurately and honestly self-evaluate. Self-
regulation is related to control and rule of particular emotions, ability to stay quiet, clear and
focused at the time when things are not going as per the pre -planning Beauvais & et.al., (2011).
The third domain includes the quality of self-motivation and initiative.
Remaining two domain are related to social concern and ability of particular person for
managing relations with others. Whereas, empathy includes demonstrating social awareness and
social skills cover capability of communication, collaborate, influence and work with colleagues.
Apart from this there are several aspects of emotional intelligence if these are possess by leaders
then he/she likely to demonstrate effectual behaviour for various reasons :-
If leader possesses aspects of emotional intelligence then they consider or understand
other staff members personal needs also.
Along with this, utilise emotional expressive languages and non-verbal signals or signs
which is related to charismatic leaders.
Five components of Emotional intelligence are as follows :-
Self-awareness : This term involves self-confidence, realistic self-assessment and self-
deprecating sense of humour. Self awareness is the ability to understand and
acknowledge own moods, feelings and drives as well all these effects on other peoples
Beauvais & et.al., (2011). Along with this, if an person is self aware then he/she can
monitor their emotions because in some situations it is necessary to control it. There are
mainly three competencies of self-awareness :
EA= Emotional awareness recognise feeling and their impact.
AS= Accurate self-assessment states understanding own limits and strengths.
SE= Self esteem is the sense of own capabilities and self-worth.
I am emotionally aware about myself because I known which emotions I am feeling at
particular time and also its reason. Along with this I recognise how my sentiments are affecting
Emotional Intelligence - Assignment_6

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