
Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace


Added on  2023-01-23

16 Pages3384 Words20 Views
Professional DevelopmentMaterials Science and EngineeringPsychology
Emotional Intelligence
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Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace_1

Task 1
Question 1
a) Once when I was in grade 8, I got very attached with my English teacher. She was like a
guide and second mother to me. I used to like her very much and used to follow each words
of her. However, one day I heard the news that she has resigned from the school. It was the
last day of her at school and it made me very emotional. I was very unhappy with the news
and was depressed days long after that. I even cried a lot and she promised me that she will
be keeping in touch with me. In order to describe that emotion of mine, I would use the words
like- unhappy, downhearted and depressed. The emotions came from within my heart.
However, I handled it by focusing more on my studies and spending more time with my
mother. She also used to take me at her place to give her a visit.
b) Mood have a significant impact on our performance at workplace (Maslach & Leiter,
2016). One day I was feeling low and overwhelmed. Actually, I had a fight with my brother
that morning. Naturally, my mood was spoilt and at workplace, I also demonstrated very less
collaborations that day with my peers. The part that I was asked to complete went all wrong
and as a result, the group project that were assigned got delayed to be completed.
c) In order to manage my emotions at workplace for increasing productivity, I would be
finding all things positive regarding the situation and would try to not surround myself with
anxiety and worry. I would try taking deep breaths and focus on my work.
Question 2
a) In order to respond to this situation, I would turn to my co-workers for support. It will help
me to buffer me from the negative effects of the job stress.
Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace_2

b) In order to respond to this situation, I would prioritise the most important one of all and
they review my work pressure on a regular basis. So, that I can easily balance my work and
do not face such situation in the coming future.
c) I would first ensure that the project that I am working on first gets completed. Then I
would keep my eye on the other projects.
d) At this situation, I would address the conflict sooner and would discuss the problem face to
face with my colleague. If it is my fault then I would ask for pardon and would work on
rectifying it.
e) In this situation, I would ask the management to provide me training and development
opportunities to work well. I would also ask my peers to give me feedbacks on my
f) In this case, I would practise more on public speaking and would communicate about my
problem with my team leader and team mates. I would tell them that I need their support to
excel in this and guidance to overcome this weakness of mine.
Question 3
Emotional Triggers Negative response Positive response
Team members making
constant mistakes at work
Blame them for the same
and question their abilities
of doing the work properly
Reminding by peers that
mistakes do happen and
helping them focusing on
solving the problem
Being bullied at Bullying him back and
taking it seriously.
Maintaining a calm presence
and do not acting shocked.
Peers facing hard time with Being frustrated and Showing concern regarding
Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace_3

learning the tasks pointing out that the others
are able to learn by the time.
his progress and providing
help in order to make him
Unable to meet the deadlines Expressing frustration Being calm and without
placing blame on anyone,
accepting the responsibility
Making presentation but
thinking that it would go
Being frustrated as the entire
department is depending on
Being calm and taking deep
breath and focusing on
presenting the presentation
in the best possible way.
There are certain talks
regarding layoffs and budget
cuts. Peers asking me for the
Thoughtlessly stating that “I
think I have an idea who
will be let go, but I can’t talk
about it.”
Empathising with the
concern. Telling them I
would share the information
if I can and keep the
communication going.
Question 4
a) The three ways I can request feedback about your job performance and managerial
approach by asking questions to my boss like:
1. Which part of my working style concern you the most Sir?
2. As per you, what do I need to work on in order to be ready for the project”?
3. What can I do to better support the mission of our team?
Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace_4

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