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Role of Employee Motivation in Tesco's Success


Added on  2019/12/03

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The assignment content explores the role of follower positivity in extreme contexts, including leadership and job performance. It discusses various studies on leader-member exchange, self-efficacy, and organizational identification as factors influencing employee performance. The content also touches upon the importance of employee motivation, highlighting the mediating role of follower positivity in extreme contexts. Additionally, it provides a questionnaire for assessing employee motivation and its impact on organizational success.

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Research Project

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TASK 1 RESEARCH SPECIFICATION .......................................................................................4
1.1 Overview of project ..............................................................................................................4
1.2 Factors contributed in the selection of research ....................................................................4
1.3 Research aim and objectives .................................................................................................4
1.3 Literature review ...................................................................................................................5
1.1 Research methodologies........................................................................................................7
1.5 Structure of the research .......................................................................................................9
2 Literature review ........................................................................................................................11
2.1 Introduction .........................................................................................................................11
2.2 Literature review .................................................................................................................11
3 Research methodologies............................................................................................................15
Research design ........................................................................................................................15
Research approach ....................................................................................................................15
Research philosophy..................................................................................................................16
Research type ............................................................................................................................16
Data collection ..........................................................................................................................16
Data analysis .............................................................................................................................17
Ethical consideration .................................................................................................................17
4 Data collection and analysis ......................................................................................................18
4.2 Findings and discussion ......................................................................................................25
5 Conclusion and recommendation................................................................................................28
5.1 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................28
5.2 Recommendation.................................................................................................................29
5.3 Future areas .........................................................................................................................29
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Illustration Index
Illustration 1: Maslow Hierarchy of needs ......................................................................................7
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Research tittle
Influence of employee motivation on performance of organization-A study on Tesco UK.
1.1 Overview of project
In present scenario, the competition among businesses has become so intense that it is not
easy for companies to grow and survive in long run. Further organizations now always seeks for
the ways through which they can enhance their performance and survive in market. The
objective behind this research is to determine the link between employee motivation and
organization performance. For any company its workers are considered as one of the biggest
assets and they also contribute a lot in the growth and success of the same. Thus, many of the
companies use various tools and techniques of motivation in order to encourage employees to
give their best. This study will help in identifying whether employee motivation can be useful in
enhancing the performance of organization or not.
1.2 Factors contributed in the selection of research
One of the major factors which has contributed in selection of this research is the role of
motivation within organization. The competition among businesses in retail sector has become
so intense that now it has become very essential for companies to seek for the way through
which their performance can be enhanced. This research will help in determine how performance
of organizations can be improved by providing motivation to employees. Other than this, it will
also assist in determining what are some of the effective ways which can be used in order to
encourage employees within organization.
1.3 Research aim and objectives
“To assess the impact of employee motivation on performance of organization- A study
on Tesco UK.
To determine the role of employee motivation within organization
To assess the link between employee motivation and performance of Tesco To recommend ways through which Tesco can motivate its employee and can enhances
its performance

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Research questions:
Discuss the role of employee motivation within organization
What is the link between employee motivation and performance of Tesco
What are the ways through which Tesco can motivate its employee and enhances its
1.3 Literature review
Role of employee motivation within organization
Motivation can be defined as the process in which employee are encouraged to give their
best in accomplishment of organization's aim and objectives. Companies run only and only
because of workers and the contribution of each and every worker is very important (Mowday,
Porter and Steers, 2013). In traditional time it was believed that the employee motivation is
directly linked with financial rewards. Thus, most of the companies started to offer financial
rewards and incentives in order to get the best out from their employees. As per the view Chiang
and Hsieh, (2012) of with the passage of time organization started noticing that only money is
not enough to encourage employees to give their best (Chiang and Hsieh, 2012). It was identified
that employees at top level and middle level management were also looking forward for some
non financial rewards in order to get motivated. A drastic improvement in performance of
employees was observed when businesses started to recognize and appreciate the efforts of their
employees. According to Cummings and Worley, (2014) employee motivation play very
important role in overall success of companies as it helps in lowering down the rate of employee
turnover (Cummings and Worley, 2014). Many of the industries in the world such as hospitality
faces very high rate of employee turnover and on of the main reason behind this is that there is
no driving force which encourages people to give their best. Further most of the people leave
organizations when they feel that their efforts and hardwork is not recognized and appreciated by
the management. In the year 1943 Maslow stated that in order to encourage people, it is very
essential for businesses to satisfy their needs and wants. Further he explained that, rather than
focusing on overall needs, companies are required to identify different needs of employee
working at different level (Maslow, 2013). The model of Maslow is mentioned below as:
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In order to motivate employees at lower level of management, organizations are required
to accomplish their needs for physiological and safety. Physiological needs includes water, food,
sleep whereas safety needs includes protection of elements and security of workers. The people
working at middle level are satisfied when their belongingness love needs are satisfied along
with the physiological and safety needs (Van De Voorde, Paauwe and Van Veldhoven, 2012).
Employees at top level management are more motivated when their esteem needs along with
need of self actualization is satisfied along with the other three needs. As per the view of Grant,
Gino and Hofmann, (2011) it is very essential for businesses to determine what are the factors
which encourage the people (Grant, Gino and Hofmann, 20110. There is no sense of providing
Illustration 1: Maslow Hierarchy of needs
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monetary rewards to employees at top level management as for them prestige and designation is
more important as compared to money.
Link between employee motivation and organization performance
According to Pinder, (2014) employee motivation is directly linked with the performance
of employee and it has been observed that organizations really perform well when they have
highly motivated employees (Pinder, 2014). Motivation is that art which creating such condition
in organization where everyone try to give their best efforts towards achievement of the goals
and objectives. In increases the overall effectiveness and efficiency of people and act as driving
force. has asserted that change has become very essential for businesses and in order to cope up
with changing business environment a team of motivated employees is essential. It is not easy for
managers to understand what encourages people to give their best (Reinholt, Pedersen and Foss,
2011). Their are various factors associated with employee motivation and it is one of the most
complicated task for managers to understand all these factors. Pinder, (2014) has evaluated that if
the workers are not motivated then a negative environment is created at workplace which makes
it very difficult for businesses to achieve their goals (Pinder, 2014). On the other hand, motivated
employees brings innovation and creativity which not only increased their efficiency but also
assist companies to gain competitive advantage. The success and failure of firms also depends on
their rate of employee turnover. Thus, when a manager motivates its workers, it directly results
in lowering down the overall rate of employee turnover (Mowday, Porter and Steers, 2013). In
addition to this, the result of motivation is that it increases the level of energy and bring
creativity in work.
1.1 Research methodologies
Research design- Research design is defined as the blueprint which assist researcher in
gathering appropriate information with regards to the topic of research. There are various kinds
of designs which are used at the time of carrying out a particular study. In the present study
descriptive research design will be used. Further it can be stated that the selection of suitable
design depends on the nature of study. In the present study, various elements of research will be
described and thus, descriptive design will be the mots suitable one.

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Research approach- Research approach helps a scholar to collect and interpreter the
information from various sources. In the present research inductive approach will be used as the
findings will move from general to specific.
Research philosophy- Research philosophy is considered as the belief and values of an scholar
which are applied during the findings. In addition to this, it supports scholar in selecting the most
appropriate and suitable technique of data analysis. In the present study, interpretivism
philosophy will be used. The reason behind selecting this philosophy is that it will help in
accomplishment of the aim and objective of study in desired manner.
Data collection- Data collection is the process in which a scholar gather information with
regards to the topic of study. In this research both primary and secondary sources of data
collecttion will be used. In addition to this, books, journals and various online sources will be
used to collect secondary data regarding the influence of employee motivation on performance of
organization. On the other hand, 10 managers of Tesco will be taken into consideration in order
to collect primary data.
Data analysis- It is the process in which an research analyse the information collected from
primary and secondary sources. The objective behind this to derive the accurate findings of the
study. In this research qualitative technique of data analysis will be used to evaluate the
information. The reason behind selecting this technique is that the data will be present in non-
numeric form and thus, qualitative technique will be the most suitable one. In addiction to this,
Various themes will be developed to present the findings of study.
Sampling- Sampling can be termed as the process of selecting sample from large part of
population in order to collect data. In the present research the information regarding role of
employee motivation in organization performance will be collected from managers of Tesco. The
total population will be 50 and the sample size will be 10. other than this, purposive sampling
method will be used so that mots accurate and reliable data can be collected.
1.5 Structure of the research
At the time of carrying out an research every researcher is required to adopt an
appropriate structure in order to achieve the desired results. The structure of present study is
mentioned below as:
1 Introduction
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This section highlights the aim, objectives and purpose of the research. Further it
provides the readers a very clear idea regarding the topic of study. It is considered as very
important section of study as it develops interest of the readers with regards to the reasech.
2 Literature review
This part of research helps in getting in depth knowledge regarding the topic of the study.
It is also considered as one of the most important section as it reflects various views and opinions
of other authors regarding the topic of research. It helps a research to understand the topic in
effective manner which further supports at the time of writing down the findings.
3 Research methodologies
Research methodologies is the section of study which highlights how a researcher which
collect and analyse the information. It contains various tools and techniques which a scholar uses
to gather and evaluate the data and to get the most accurate findings.
4 Data analysis
Data analysis is the section in which a researches evaluates the information collected
from various sources. Further a scholar needs to be very careful during the process of data
analysis in order to obtain desired results.
5 Concussion and recommendation
In is the last section of study in which a researcher drive conclusion after carrying out the
entire research. Further recommendations are provided to the company which can assist in its
future growth and development.
Action plan
Activities 1st
Framing the
proposal of
down the aim
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and selecting
method of
down the
2.1 Introduction
The section of literature review is considered as one of most important section of any
research. It helps a scholar to develop in depth knowledge regarding the topic of the study and
carry out the entire research in effective manner. This sections reflects the views points of

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various authors with regards to the topic of study and it also includes the critical evaluation of
the same by other other authors. Some of the areas which has been covered in this section are
role of employee motivation, link between employee motivation and organization performance
2.2 Literature review
Role of employee motivation in organization
Motivation can be defined as a driving force which encourages people within
organizations to give their best towards the accomplishment of the aim and objectives. As per the
view of the Chiang and Hsieh, (2012) one of the main question which business raise is that why
motivation is so necessary in aspects of organization and the answer is for the survival and
growth of businesses (Chiang and Hsieh, 2012). It is very crucial for business to determine what
are the factors which encourages people in organization to give their best. Cummings and
Worley, 2014 has evaluated that unmotivated employees always put very less efforts in the
success of organization which future results in lowering down their growth rate (Cumming and
Worley, 2014). Such employees do not love to perform the task assigned to them and also avoid
coming to the workplace. At the time when changes occurs in organization, unmotivated
employees find its very difficult to adopt those changes and they starts creating negative
environment at workplace. The impact of this is that the productivity of entire business is
affected and it givers other market players an opportunity to steal the market share from
company. According to Bellé, 2013 one of the most complicated task for a managers is to
motivate its workers as in order to motivate them, the manager is required to understand the need
and demand of workers (Bellé, 2013). Further he needs to satisfy those identified need and
demand so that the workers can get motivated and give their best. The need of employees differ
from person to person in case of big organizations it is not easy to understand that what factors
motivate employees. However Van De Voorde, Paauwe and Van Veldhoven, (2012) argued that
motivation is complicated task but the benefits which it provides to organizations are priceless
(Van De Voorde, Paauwe and Van Veldhoven, 2012). A team of motivate workers helps
organizations to grow with a rapid pace and also assist in increasing the sales and profitability.
Other than this, motivated employee also helps in creating a health environment at workplace
which encourages other employees to come to job and giver their best efforts. Miner, (2015) has
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evaluated that motivation has a direct impact on the performance and productivity of
organizations (Miner, 2015). It has been found that the competition among businesses have
become so intense that now it is not easy for companies to survive in long run. A team of
motivated workers provides innovative and creative ideas regarding how company can
competitive advantage. Further the employee also put their views and opinions at the time of
making strategies and support organization at the time of implementation of the same. Thus, it
can be stated that the practises used to motivate employees provides various benefits to
businesses. One of the most important thing which is required to be taken into consideration is
that at the time of providing motivation, businesses are required to ensure that fact that
dissatisfaction is not created at the time of motivating employees. According to Mowday, Porter
and Steers, (2013) companies use various financial and non-financial rewards to encourage
people to give their best (Mowday, Porter and Steers, 2013). In such situations organizations are
required to ensure the fact that there should be fair practises adopted at the time of evaluating
performance and rewarding them. Thus, it can be stated that employee motivation plays a very
important role in the growth and success of organizations and also supports in getting in
competitive advantage.
Link between organization performance and employee motivation
As per the view of DiPaola and Tschannen-Moran, (2014) organization performance
and employee motivation are directly linked with each other as a team of motivated employees
enhances the performance of organization (DiPaola and Tschannen-Moran, 2014). Along with
this, it also supports in accomplishment of the organizations aim and objectives in the desired
manner. Every business operates with a common objective of becoming successful in long run.
In present scenario, the competition among firms have become so intense that organization
nowadays always look for the ways through which it can enhance its performance. Messersmith
and et. al., 2011 has stated that the increasing rate of employee turnover has also become one of
the major issue in front of organization. Workers are termed as the biggest and most valuable
asset of companies and they play very significant role in providing competitive advantage to
businesses. As per the view of Peterson and Hannah, (2012) two companies have some amount
of technological and monetary resources but what makes one company differ form another is
their human resources (Peterson and Hannah, 2012). Motivation not only help companies to gain
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competitive advantage over other market players but also assist in lowering down the rate of
employee turnover. Loss of employees is considered as one of the biggest loss to any
organization. When organizations use various tools and techniques of motivation, a sense of
satisfaction is created in the minds of workers. In addition to this, it encourage them to give their
best and support companies during their hard times.
Now a days most of the businesses have become aware about the role and significance of
motivation. Further they have started using various theories and models as now considered them
as integrated part of companies overall strategy. Some of the common theory of motivation
includes Maslow need hierarchy theory and Herzberg two factor theory. According the theory of
Maslow rather than focusing on the overall needs, businesses are required to understand the need
and demand of employee working at different level (Maslow, 2013). The main objective of this
was to make the organizations become aware of the fact that it is not necessary that employee
working at lower level has same needs which an employee at lower level is having. As per the
view of the theory of Maslow states that in order to motivate employees, businesses are required
to identify and satisfy the need of its employees.
On the other hand, according to Mowday, Porter and Steers, (2013) the Herzberg theory
of motivation organizations are required to take care of two major factors in order to motivate
their employees (Mowday, Porter and Steers, 2013). The factors are motivators and hygienes.
Walumbwa and Christensen, (2011) Has asserted that both the factors are essential in order to
encourage people within company as the motivators inspire them to give their best and good
working conditions helps in creating a healthy environment at work (Walumbwa and
Christensen, 2011). When practises of motivation are adopted by organizations they are required
to determine what kind of tool they are going to use. As per the view of Nahrgang, Morgeson,
and Hofmann, (2011) in traditional times most of the businesses use to feel that providing
monetary rewards is one of the major and only source of motivating employees (Nahrgang,
Morgeson, and Hofmann, 2011). With the passage of time, organization became aware of the
fact that it is monetary rewards are not adequate to encourage employees. Some people were
motivated when their efforts and hard-work was recognised and appreciated. This given birth to
non-financial rewards and helped organizations to encourage their employees. Reinholt,
Pedersen and Foss, 2011 has evaluated that in order to enhance the performance of businesses,

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motivation is very essential (Reinholt, Pedersen and Foss, 2011). Further it acts as a driving force
which supports organizations in becoming more productive and competent. However argued
that, motivation not only help companies but also support individuals by providing them with
adequate opportunities for growth and development. At the time of change, motivated employee
do not have any kind of difficulty in the adapting the change (Role of employee motivation, e.
d.). In addition to this, they help organization to implement changes and make sure that it do not
have any kind of negative impact on organization as well as on its employees. Other than this,
motivated employees always support firms by giving their ideas and opinions regarding how
they can increase their sales and profitability (Role of employee motivation, 2014). This directly
enhances the performance of organization and increase their sales. In accordance with it is
required by company to identify the factors that affects employees motivation. Further all the
strategies and practises should be frame on the basis of the identified factors. Thus, it can be
stated that motivation practises is very essential for companies and they also support the
businesses in accomplishment of their aim and objectives.
It is the third chapter of the study which includes some of the major areas such as
research philosophies, approach, sampling, data analysis etc. Research methodologies are
defined as the tools and technique which has been employed by a scholar to carry out the study
and obtain accurate findings (Smith, 2015). At the time of selection of tools and techniques one
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has to be very careful as it has a direct impact on the effectiveness and success of the entire
Research design
Research design is defined as the blueprint which assist researcher in gathering
appropriate information with regards to the topic of research. In addition to this, it can be stated
that research design helps a scholar to identify the issue or problem associated with the entire
study. This further assist in carrying out the entire research in most effective and desired manner.
There are various type of research design such as exploratory, case study, descriptive,
experimental etc. which are used by a researchers (DePoy and Gitlin, 2015). In the present study
descriptive research design has been used. One of the main objectives behind selecting this
design is that it has supported in describing different elements of the research. This has further
lead to carry out the entire study in best possible manner.
Research approach
Research approach is defined as the way with the help of which a scholar try to carry out
his study. Further with the help of an appropriate research approach, scholar is able to determine
the effective tools and techniques which can help in carrying out the study easily. Inductive and
deductive are the two most common type of approachers which are adopted for the study
(Fellows and Liu, 2015). As per the nature and objectives off research, any one of the above
stated approaches are being used. In the present study, inductive approach has been used where
the scholar has taken information form managers of Tesco. They have provided some relevant a
and accurate information regrading the impact of employee motivation on organizations
performance. Instead of generalize, more specific results were required and thus, deductive
approach is not used in this study.
Research philosophy
Research philosophy are generally termed as the belief and values of a scholar which
supports in carrying out the study and get the most accurate findings. In addition to this, it helps
a researcher to determine whether the questions of study has been addressed or not and the
objective has been achieved or not (Yanow and Schwartz-Shea, 2015). Interpreetivism and
positivism are the two major philosophies which are used at the time of carrying out the study.
In this research, interpretivism philosophy has been used and it has helped in ensuring the fact
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that the objectives of study has been achieved. Other than this, one of the main reason behind
selecting this philosophy is that it is subjective in nature and entirely relies on the study.
Research type
Research type is termed as the nature of study on which different tools and techniques are
being employed. In order to attain the accurate outcome of study, every scholar is required to
identify the type of research. Further qualitative and quantitative are the two type of researches
which are used by scholar. In quantitative researchers, statistical tools are used in order to
analyse the information collected from various sources (Jackson, 2015). On the other hand, in
qualitative researchers themes are developed to evaluate the information. This study is based on
the role of employee motivation on organization performance and thus it can be stated that this
study is qualitative in nature. Thus, qualitative researcher type has been used in the present study.
Data collection
Data collection is an important process of study in which a scholar determines what will
be the sources of data collection used in this research. There are two sources of data collection
which are secondary and primary (Smith, 2015). Both the sources have been used in the present
study where the primary data is collected from the managers of Tesco. New and accurate
information regarding the role of employee motivation on organization performance has been
collected from managers. On the other hand, online sources, books and journals are taken into
consideration for collecting some secondary data with regards to the topic of study.
Sampling can be defined as the process which concentrates on identification and selection
of suitable sample in order to gather accurate and reliable information. Non-probabilistic and
probabilistic are the two common type of sampling methods which are used in order to collect
data from primary sources. In the present research purposive sampling technique which is a part
of non-probabilistic sampling method is selected. Data will be collected from 10 managers of
Tesco. The reason behind selecting this sample is that it has helped in collecting most reliable
and accurate information with regards to the topic of study.
Data analysis
Every researcher is required to analyse the information collated form various sources in
order to obtain accurate findings. Qualitative and quantitative techniques are most commonly

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used in any kind of research. The advantage of qualitative analysis is that it provides a deep and
detailed knowledge with regards to the topic of study. On the other hand, its major disadvantage
is the sample size used in qualitative studies are usually less which somewhat effects the findings
and results of study. In terms of quantitative analysis, the benefit is that the accuracy and
generalization of results in such studies are very high. Other than this, the results are limited as
they are present in numeric form which becomes one of the major disadvantage of quantitative
analysis. When non-numeric data is present in study, then qualitative technique is used whereas
in case of numeric data quantitative techniques are adopted. In the present research, the data has
been collected with the help of a well structures questionnaire and it is present in non-numeric
form. Therefore, quantitative technique is the most appropriate and suitable technique for this
Ethical consideration
In the present research all the ethical aspects have been taken into consideration in best
possible manner. The scholar has well taken care of the privacy of data collected from primary
sources and has ensured that the information has not used by any other party. Other than this, the
information has been secured in effective manner and the data has been used only for the purpose
of this study. Ethical aspects are very important in any kind of study as it helps scholar to
differentiate between what is right and wrong. No biasness has been done at the time of
collecting and analysis of the data.
Data collection and analysis is also one of the important section of a research. Further this
section reflects the information gathered and evaluation of the same. In the present study, the
information collected form primary sources is mentioned in the form of tables and charts.
Thematic analysis has been done to interpret the information.
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Theme 1
1. Do you think employee motivation
is essential for the growth and success
of organization
Number of
respondents Percentage
Yes 8 80
NO 2 20
Theme 2
2. Employee motivation play
significant role in increasing
sales and productivity
Number of
respondents Percentage
Strongly agree 4 40
Agree 3 30
Neutral 1 10
Disagree 1 10
Strongly disagree 1 10
Yes NO
Do you think employee motivation is essential for the growth and
success of organization
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Theme 3
3. What are the
techniques of
motivation which Tesco
has implemented
Number of
respondents Percentage
Monetary rewards 2 20
Appraisals 1 10
Rewards 1 10
Promotions 2 20
All of the above 4 40
Employee motivation play significant role in increasing sales and productivity
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree

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Theme 4
4. Tesco encourage its
workers to participate in
decision making process
Number of
respondents Percentage
Strongly agree 3 30
Agree 3 30
Neutral 1 10
Disagree 2 20
Strongly disagree 1 10
Employee motivation play significant role in increasing sales and productivity
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Document Page
Theme 5
5. Do you think employee
motivation helps in getting
competitive advantage
Number of
respondents Percentage
Yes 7 70
No 3 30
Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
Tesco encourage its workers to participate in decision making process
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Theme 6
6. Hygienic working
conditions also supports
Tesco in motivating
Number of
respondents Percentage
Strongly agree 3 30
Agree 2 20
Neutral 1 10
Disagree 2 20
Strongly disagree 2 20
Do you think employee motivation helps in getting competitive advantage

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Theme 7
7. How do you recognize
the efforts of employee Number of respondents Percentage
Formally 2 20
Informally 1 10
Both 7 70
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Hygienic working conditions also supports Tesco in motivating
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Theme 8
8. The workers of Tesco are
highly motivated and
competent Number of respondents Percentage
Strongly agree 4 40
Agree 4 40
Neutral 0 0
Disagree 1 10
Strongly disagree 1 10
How do you recognize the efforts of employee
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4.2 Findings and discussion
Theme 1: Employee motivation is important for the growth and success of organization
From the data collected it has been found that motivating employees is very essential for
the success of organization. Out of the total 10 respondents, 80% agree with the above stated fact
and said that the motivating workers increases productivity and efficiency. Further it assists
organization to easily achieve its short and long term goals. On the other hand, 20% of the total
respondents disagree with the fact and said that growth and success depends on other factors.
Theme 2: Employee motivation play a significant role in increases the sales and profitability
The findings of study clearly highlights the fact that motivating employees directly
enhances the sales and profitability of businesses. Out of the total 10 respondents, 40% strongly
agree with this fact and other 30% agree with the same. They said that, motivation act as an
driving forces and encourage workers to giver their best. At the time of developing strategies
motivated employees always provide their view and opinions. The result of this is that the
organization is able to from more effective strategies which directly increases the sales and
The workers of Tesco are highly motivated and competent
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree

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profitability. Other than this, 10% of respondents were neutral, 10 disagree with this fact and the
remaining 10% were strongly disagree with the same.
Theme 3: Tesco use various techniques of motivation
From the data gathered, it has been observed that rather than focusing on one or two
techniques of motivation, Tesco has employed several techniques. Out of the total 10
respondents, 20% said that the organization use monetary rewards to encourage employees
whereas other 10% were in favor of appraisals. Other than this, 10% stated that the its rewards
the workers and 20% said that Tesco provides promotion to the employees in order to motivate
them. Majority of the respondents which is 40% state that all the above mentioned techniques
has been employed by the organization. The results of this is that all the employees working at
different level are satisfied.
Theme 4: The workers of Tesco are encouraged to take part in decision making process
The results of research reflects the fact that Tesco has always ensured the fact that the
views and opinions of its workers are taken into consideration at the time of making decision.
Out of the total 10 respondents, 30% strongly agree with this fact whereas the other 30% agree
with the same. On the other hand, 10% were neutral and 20% disagree with the above stated fact.
The remaining 20% strongly disagree with the same. Thus, it can be stated that Tesco motivates
employees by encouraging them to take part in the decision making process. One of the main
benefit of this is that it creates a sense of satisfaction among workers as their view and opinions
are considered as valuable.
Theme 5: Employee motivation helps in getting competitive advantage
From the information collected, it can be stated that employee motivation not only helps
in enhancing organizations performance but also assist in getting competitive advantage over
other market players. Out of the total 10 respondents, 70% agree with this fact whereas 30%
were not in the favor of the same. Therefore, it can be said that a motivated employees is very
essential for the success of organization. The competition among retail industry has become so
intense that it has become very essential for businesses such as Tesco to gain competitive
advantage over other retailers. Other than this, motivated employees assist in creating some
unique and differentiate strategies which helps in getting advantage over other. Further they are
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also able to understand the need and demand of customers and deliver products and services
according to the same. The results of this is high degree of customers satisfaction.
Theme 6: Hygienic working conditions also supports in motivating employees
From the data collected, it has been observed that monetary and non-monetary rewards
are not adequate for motivating employees. Along with this, organizations are required to
provide safe and hygienic working conditions to their employees. Out of the total 10
respondents, 30 strongly agree with this and the other 20 agree with the same. On the other hand,
10% were neutral, 20% were disagree and the remaining 20% were strongly disagree with the
fact. It has been observed that unhygienic working conditions creates a sense of dissatisfaction
among workers and when they work in such conditions they are not able to concentrate well.
Safe and hygienic workplace encourages people to giver their best towards the accomplishment
of organizations aim and objectives.
Theme 7: Tesco use both formal and informal ways to recognize efforts of employees
The information collected clearly highlights the fact that it is very essential for businesses
to recognize efforts of their workers in order to motivate them. Out of the total 10 respondents ,
20% said that the organization use formal ways whereas 10% of them said that it use informal
ways. Majority of respondents which is 70% said that Tesco has employed both formal and
informal ways to recognize its workers. Rather than focusing on formal ways the retailers also
use some informal ways which creates a sense of satisfaction among workers. Along with this, a
fair and transparent reward system is used by the organization to appreciate the recognized
efforts of employees.
Theme 8: Workers of Tesco are highly motivated and competent
From the data collected, it has been found that the employees of Tesco are highly
motivated and competent. Out of the total 10 respondents, 40% strongly agree with this fact
whereas the other 40 agree with the same. On the other hand 10% were disagree and the
remaining 10% were strongly disagree. Tesco is one of the leading retail brand in market and the
credit for its success goes to its motivated and competent employees. Further they assist
organization to frame effective strategies, enhance the margin of profit and increase the
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It is the last section of the study where the entire findings of the research are concluded.
Along with this, there are some recommendations which have been provided to Tesco through
which it can motivate its employees and enhance their performance.
5.1 Conclusion
From the above study, it can be concluded that employee motivation have a great impact
on the performance of organization. The retail industry of world is highly competitive as there
are many small and large retailers competing with each other. Thus, it is very essential for
businesses operating in this industry to seek and adopt the ways through which their performance
can be enhanced. It can be concluded that motivation is very essential for the growth and success
of any organization. Further it is a driving force which encourages people in organization to give
their best towards the accomplishment of aim and objectives. It can be evaluated that motivated
employees not only increases the sales and profitability of organizations but also assist them in
getting competitive advantage. From the above study, it can be asserted that high rate of
employee turnover has become one of the major issues for companies. In addition to this, loss of
human resources is considered as one of the biggest loss to organizations. In order to overcome
this issue, business are required to use the techniques of motivation so that employees can be
satisfied and the rate of retention can be lower down.
It can be concluded that at the time of using the tools and techniques of motivation
businesses are required to be very careful. Selection of wrong tools can create dissatisfaction
among workers and may encourage them to quite their job. Rather than focusing on single
technique of motivation, organizations can use several techniques. The core benefit of this is that
it will create satisfaction among employees of all the levels. Other than this it can be also
concluded that it is financial rewards are not adequate to encourage employees and organizations
are required to use some other tools such as appreciation, promotions etc. It can be evaluated that
the motivation has a positive impact on the performance of organization. A business can become
successful only when it is having effective and efficient workforce.
Further there is a direct relationship between organization performance and employee
motivation. It can be stated that there are various benefits which companies have when they use
the techniques and tools of motivation. It assist in getting competitive advantage, increases sales,

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lower down employee turnover, helps in attaining high degree of employee satisfaction. Thus, all
the above stated factors are very essential for the success of any organization.
5.2 Recommendation
On the basis of conclusion there are many things which can be recommended to Tesco in
order to motivate employee and enhance its performance. It can be recommended that at the time
of providing rewards and appraisals, a fair policy should be adopted. It has been observed that
sometimes rewards have negative impact on other employees as they feel that their efforts are
not been recognized by organization. Thus, it is recommended that a clear and transparent policy
of reward and appreciation should be adopted by Tesco. The benefit of this is that it will create a
sense of satisfaction among all its employees. Other than this, it is also recommended that
employee surveys should be conducted at the regular intervals. This will help the retailer to
understand the need of its employees along with the factors which motivates people to giver their
best. When organization seeks for the ways through which it can encourage its employees, it
becomes very difficult to find out what factors motivated people in organization. Thus, it can be
stated that employee survey at regular intervals will be very beneficial for Tesco. On the other
hand, it can be also suggested that in order to enhance its performance, the retailer is required to
provide training and development to its employees. The benefit of this is that it will support
Tesco in enhancing the skills set and productivity of its workers. Further this will result in
enhancing the overall performance of organization.
5.3 Future areas
The present report is based on the impact of employee motivation on organization
performance. In future research can be carried out on topics such role of motivation in getting
competitive advantage or impact of employee motivation in the growth and success of
organization. Other than this, this study is based on Tesco and in future the same research can be
done by selecting other retailer such as Marks & Spencer or Asda. This will help in exploring
some facts about the impact of motivation on organization performance.
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40 Above
1. Do you think employee motivation is essential for the growth and success of organization
2. Employee motivation play significant role in increasing sales and productivity
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
3. What are the techniques of motivation which Tesco has implemented
Monetary rewards
All of the above
4. Tesco encourage its workers to participate in decision making process
Strongly agree
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Strongly disagree
5. Do you think employee motivation helps in getting competitive advantage
6. Hygienic working conditions also supports Tesco in motivating employees
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
7. How do you recognize the efforts of employee
8. The workers of Tesco are highly motivated and competent
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
1 out of 33
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