
Employee Relation in Hilton hotel - Report


Added on  2020-01-15

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Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentPolitical Science
Employee Relation1
Employee Relation in Hilton hotel - Report_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSTable of Contents.................................................................................................................................2INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................4TASK1..................................................................................................................................................41.1 Explaining the unitary and pluralistic frames of reference....................................................41.2 Assessment of changes in trade union which affect employee relation................................51.3 Explaining the roles of main players in employee relation...................................................6TASK 2.................................................................................................................................................72.1 Explanation of the procedures of resolving conflicts............................................................72.2 Explanation of key features of employee relation in conflict situation.................................82.3Evaluation of the effectiveness of procedure used in the conflict situation...........................9TASK3................................................................................................................................................103.1 Explain the role of negotiation in collective bargaining......................................................103.2 Assessment of the impact of negotiation strategy for situation...........................................11TASK4................................................................................................................................................124.1 Assessment the influence of the EU on industrial democracy in the UK............................124.2Compare the method used to gain the worker involvement and participation in decisionmaking process..........................................................................................................................124.3 The impact of HR on the employee relation practices.........................................................13CONCLUSION..................................................................................................................................14References..........................................................................................................................................162
Employee Relation in Hilton hotel - Report_2

INTRODUCTIONEmployees are the key of every organisation. They play a significant role for the growthand success of the business and for making company’s environment healthy. Maintaining strongemployee relation is very important in the business context. It is necessary for employers to keepsound relations with their employees at the workplace (Carter, Armenakis and Mossholder,2013). If they have effective relationship, then it will be easy to resolve the conflicts related tothe business activities and functions. In this project report, the importance of employer andemployees relations at the workplace has been discussed. The importance of participation ofemployees and its impact on decision making process has been discussed in this report. Thisproject defines the Hilton hotel’s internal relationship among employers and employees that howthey have interacted with each other and resolve their business related conflicts. Under thisreport, the discussion has been done on the relationship of employee and employer in the Hiltonhotel. This hotel is one of the best hotel in UK and its HRM importance has also defined in thisreport.TASK11.1 Explaining the unitary and pluralistic frames of referenceUnitary frame of references means the way of thinking, a set of assumptions, attitudes,values and practices relating to management and organisational membership. A core assumption of unitary approach is that management and employees of companyshare the same objectives, interests and purpose so that they will work together and share mutualgoals. Further, unitary perspective views define the common purpose of firm. Every employeestreated as a part of the organisation culture and structure .They have a common goal and valuesin order to achieve the organisation success. From employees’ point of views, unitary approachmeans that the entire workforce is process improvement oriented, multi-skilled and ready tohandle any task within company (Leonard and Cardy, 2011). Also it is very important to take theparticipation of employees in the business related decision making. It will help in empoweringemployees for their roles and emphasizes on team work, innovation, creativity, qualityimprovement, etc.3
Employee Relation in Hilton hotel - Report_3

From employer’s point of view, unitary approach can be defined as a process wherecompany's mission and vision are discussed and communicated with the employees so that theycan do relatively well for achieving their individual goals and objectives. Also, reward systemwill be designed for the employee’s encouragement and motivation. Furthermore, it has twomain sub-groups in the pluralist views such as management and trade unions (Eldor and Vigoda-Gadot, 2016).In the pluralistic frames, company divides its business unit into different sub-groups.Each group has its own lawful loyalty and respect to their objectives and leaders. In thisapproach, role of manager is of less commanding and enforcing. They are also responsible formore coordination. (Luthans, Sweetman and Harms, 2013). Trade union plays a major role inthis approach. In the pluralism, Organization creates subgroups such as management and tradeunion. According to this perspective, company should have personnel specialists who providesadvice and suggestions to the managers and offer specialist services with respect to staffing andmatters relating to union consultation. 1.2 Assessment of changes in trade union which affect employee relationA trade union is association of employees, designed for the purpose of maintaining orimproving the working conditions in the business. Main intention of union is to provideprotection to the workers against exploitation of employers. It offers security system to them sothat they can feel safe and secured regarding their rights and interests (Sánchez, 2011). In otherwords, it can be said that trade union is taken as a preventive body along with the purpose ofprotecting employees. It also promote their interest. It may be formed on national and regionalbasis. At last, it is clear that it is the association which is formed to promote, protect and improvethe employee relation through collective actions. In Hilton hotel, trade union has been very effective for the employee and employerrelations. In 20thcentury, this phenomenon become very powerful. In 1920, old industries likecoal mining were declining. So, in the year 1921, employers cut wages of workers. In 1926, theyproposed to cut wages and increased the working hours of them. So, the miners went on strike inwhich some workers died. After that, it came into form. The changes affects the employee’srelations. Initially, trade union reform the relationship between the employer and employee4
Employee Relation in Hilton hotel - Report_4

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