
Energy Engineering Assignment


Added on  2020-05-04

22 Pages5967 Words100 Views
Materials Science and EngineeringEnvironmental Science
Running head: ENERGY ENGINEERINGEnergy EngineeringName of the StudentName of the UniversityAuthor Note
Energy Engineering Assignment_1

1 ENERGY ENGINEERINGTable of Contents1. Introduction......................................................................................................................22. Experiences of Successful countries................................................................................43. Selecting an appropriate process-500..............................................................................63.1. The Photovoltaic Process..........................................................................................63.2. The CSP Process.......................................................................................................73.3. The Chosen process for Saudi Arabia......................................................................94. Installing process...........................................................................................................105. Economic area...............................................................................................................116. Environmental issues.....................................................................................................137. Efficiency of solar system.............................................................................................147.1. Pros.........................................................................................................................157.2. Cons........................................................................................................................158. Saudi Arabia has a lot of sun - and there are the oil interests - do they want that?.......169. Conclusion.....................................................................................................................1710. References....................................................................................................................18
Energy Engineering Assignment_2

2 ENERGY ENGINEERING1. IntroductionThe solar energy is a radiant energy that is obtained from the vibrating particles thatradiates from the Sun. The nuclear fusion reactions occurring in the Sun emits a lot of heatenergy. Therefore, Sun is a rich source of energy, which can be utilized to solve various powerproblems in earth. Solar energy comes under renewable energy resource unlike the carbonproducing fuel resources and therefore it can provide continuous energy supply without beingdepleted. Studies proves that if all the sunlight that reaches the earth surface is captured for anhour, the energy collected is enough for supplying the world with energy for an entire year. Thisis because, a simple three foot by three foot patch located on a sunny area of the earth’s surfacereceives on an average, 2,000 kilowatt hours of solar energy in a year (Fahrenbruch & Bube,2012). Another primary advantage of making use of solar energy is that, it does not producegreen house gases that harm the atmosphere. The increasing use of fossil fuel is a major reasonfor global climate change. Use of fossil fuels emits carbon dioxide and other green house gassesthat trap heat in the earth’s atmosphere, thus increasing the temperature of the earth. Therefore,the use of solar energy may not only benefit a large-scale organization by saving a huge amountof monetary investment in fossil fuel, but also reduce pollution of the environment. This impliesthat solar energy has the ability to reduce the environmental impact and contribute to the energyindependence (Pelizzetti & Schiavello, 2012). Solar energy is widely used nowadays to generate heat and produce energy. According tothe reports of International Energy Agency or IEA, by the end of 2050, solar energy would beused for supplying around 45% of the energy all over the world. Moreover, the use of solarenergy is getting remarkable popularity in the industrial applications over the world. It is mostlyused in food, non-metallic, textile, chemical, building and business related industries.
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3 ENERGY ENGINEERINGFurthermore, the use of solar energy is prominent in telecommunication, water desalination, andagricultural purposes in operating pumps, engines, fans, and refrigerator and so on. Use of solarenergy may further help in increasing the energy stability and energy sustainability, thusenhancing the efficiency of the system. This report aims at studying the use of solar energy indifferent sectors of Saudi Arabia. The experiences of the successful solar energy implementationare discussed in this report (Redweik, Catita & Brito, 2013). The study evaluates the economicadvantages that Saudi Arabia might gain in implementing this project. The efficiency of the solarsystem is further evaluated in this report. The possibility of implementation of solar energy besuccessful in Saudi Arabia is high as it has an advantage of its climate. Saudi Arabia can embarkon the project of using solar energy for industrial purposes as he average energy Saudi Arabiareceives from the sunlight is almost 2200 kWh/m2. Therefore, possibility of generating clean energyin the country via a direct sunlight, trapped through PV cells is very high. Researches prove that, theapplication and use of solar energy power is growing since 1960. Furthermore, in order to meet the rising electricity demand of Saudi Arabia, the need forexpanding power generation also increases. Conventional energy uses is a major cause of environmentalpollution and have a negative impact on human health. Therefore, it is intellectual to have an alternativemethod of power generation that would provide a support to the existing conventional generational duringthe peak hours. One of the major advantages of Saudi Arabia in embarking on solar energy projects isthat, the country is geographically suitable (Kalogirou, 2013). This is because it is located in the Sun Belt.If successfully implemented, solar energy can act as a serious competitor for the conventional powergeneration. Thus processing of Sunlight through photovoltaic cell is an important method of generation ofclean energy. The increasing growth of population in Saudi Arabia results in the rising electricity demand.With the implementation of solar power energy, the total power demand from the conventional powersources in Saudi Arabia may be reduced to a considerable extent during peak periods (Connolly, 2012).
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4 ENERGY ENGINEERING2. Experiences of Successful countriesMany countries have been using solar power energy in order to meet the increasingenergy demands. On April 30 this year, Germany has established a new national record in use ofrenewable energy resources. More than 85% of the energy consumed in the country has beenproduces from the renewable energy resources especially solar energy along with the energyfrom wind, biomass and hydroelectric power. Solar panels lines the residential rooftops ofGermany (Winter, Szmann & Vant-Hull, 2012). The cost of implementation of this solar powergeneration has been significantly high. However, the success rate of implementation of solarenergy generation has been noteworthy. The core process of Germany’s solar PV program isassociated with a set of FITs for installation of solar PV of various sizes. It guarantees fixedelectricity compensation and the program requires involvement of transmission system operatorsto purchase all the power obtained from the PV systems (Zhang et al., 2013). The program hasundergone a number of reforms over the years in response to the unexpected growth ininstallation above expectations. The recent reports suggest that the solar energy resourcesrepresent almost 50% of the peak energy demand in Germany. The increasing use of renewableenergy resource has helped in putting down the prices of the existing fossil fuel generator. Thelesson learnt with the successful experiences in solar power generation in Germany is that theimpact on trade-exposed heavy usage of electricity can certainly be mitigated by using natureand renewable energy resources (Aanesen, Heck & Pinner, 2012). The use of solar energyresources have helped Germany in becoming Europe’s strongest buoyed by an excellentrenewable industry. Germany was one of the first countries that have developed andimplemented renewable power generation. The use of solar energy as the primary energyresource in Germany has helped the country is reducing the emission of green house gas as well
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5 ENERGY ENGINEERINGas dust emission. Furthermore, it decreases the import of fossil fuel in Germany. The overallinvestment on renewable energy in 2012 was Euro 19.5 billion, while the savings were overEuro 10 billion (Prasad & Snow 2014). Another example of successful implementation of solar power energy is China. It is theworld’s biggest investor of clean energy resources. China has implemented distributed solarpower projects in buildings, malls and schools. The electricity output from the photovoltaicplants is almost 80% (Zhao et al., 2013). Japan is another country that shows a leading growth in the use of solar power resources.The boom in the solar power is accelerating dramatically in the country. Japan is forecasted tohave eight Gigawatts of solar installation by the end of 2017. With the advent of solar power andelectricity generation using solar power, a series of reform has been laid on the nation’selectricity system (Singh, 2013).The Montaldo di Castro solar power plant in Italy is the largest generating photovoltaicplant in the world and is a great source of energy. The benefits obtained from the energy plantinclude energy independence for the entire community and stimulation of the local economy.Furthermore, it saves the carbon emission of the country by 70000 tons/year. The Italiansubsidiary has implemented more than 110 national photovoltaic projects that strengthen theirmarketing position in renewable energy sector.United States have successfully implemented the idea of generation of electricity usingsolar energy. Solar power has become more affordable in the United States as the electricityobtained from the solar power plants is enough to power 5.7 million houses in America. Thesuccess of solar power implementation has resulted in decrease of the cost of solar panels by
Energy Engineering Assignment_6

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