
PPDI5039 ETHIC REVIEW AND LEARNING CONTRACT Student Name: Olufemi Salami 42943


Added on  2020-04-21

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Leadership ManagementProfessional Development
PART ONEPORTFOLIO Energy & Procurement Department Oil & Gas ProgrammeProject / Placement Design & Implementation Spring 2017PPDI5039ETHIC REVIEW AND LEARNING CONTRACTStudent Name-: Olufemi SalamiID -: 42943
PPDI5039 ETHIC REVIEW AND LEARNING CONTRACT Student Name: Olufemi Salami 42943_1

Learning Contract Level 5 ProjectSection 1: Student and course detailsName:Olufemi SalamiStudent ID #:42943Tutor:James MilneProject/Placement:Section 2: FocusAim/Problem StatementThe aim of this learning contract is to identify roles between me and my Tutor -James Milne and set expectations for the work based learning. For this I would beusing my acquired skills for developing new competencies in the following areas:Team workPlanningData AnalysisFeedback coverageThe contract involves an understanding of the simulation of the project environmentfor hydroelectric power plant construction project.According to Gibbs (1998), only learning is not enough unless a student also reflectsupon his or her learning. Gibbs has created a Reflective Cycle that can be used foridentifying learning outcomes on a project[ CITATION Gib88 \l 16393 ]. Learning Outcomes As a result of this project I am able:1.Build a portfolio of evidence using a range of methodologies and activities (logbooks; critical incident diaries; employer or supervisor feedback).2.Identify and articulate the development of work related skills mapped to evidence drawn from either the project or placement. 3.Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the background and context relative to the chosen project or placement opportunity.
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4.Evaluate the effectiveness of preparation and planning undertaken prior to theplacement or project implementation.Section 3: JustificationClick here to enter text.Learning can be influenced by several factors and several people including practicaland theoretical forms of teaching, internal factors and external factors. However, theresponsibility of learning is majorly on the student. The aim of this project was tolearn the skills and competencies I need in my career. The core competencies that Ihave gained from the experience on this project would help in following ways:Team work: In any job, I would need to work with teams that have to collaborate toproduce good results and thus, learning team work would also add a value to myskills.Planning: Effective planning is the start of a successful project and thus, it isconsidered as one of the most essential skills a project manager needs to have.Data Analysis: Today’s projects are data driven such that big decisions are takenbased on data so if I have an understanding of data analysis, I would be able tounderstand what is happening on a project from the data and would be able to takegood decisions as a project manager in my career.Feedback: From this project, I was able to learn how to provide and receivefeedback constructively which acted as a good learning tool as well as served as ahelp to evaluation of my skills. This would help me become a better performer in aproject setting[ CITATION Sue02 \l 16393 ].My current work on the project would give me the opportunity to develop each ofthese competencies. For this, I would participate on the project activities like gettingstakeholder buy-in and negotiating key decisions with the stakeholders.I have already used some methods for self-analysis such as Johari Window andClifton test that have helped me identify my strengths, weaknesses, and theopportunities I have as a learner. This self-awareness would help me achieve skillsin an effective manner.Section 4: MethodsI have chosen as my method pathway. The reasonis because simulation can provide a practical learning using real life experiencessuch that I would be learning by doing. This would expose me to the challenges inthe project environment and would give me an understanding of how thesechallenges affect a project and how they are dealt with. Simulation is a kind of work
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based learning that can be used for bridging the gap between the theoreticalunderstanding and practical learning. There were other methods available that I could explore such as case study analysiswhich is an analytical tool but it is more of a theoretical approach to learning andthus, could not give a real life experience. Another learning method I could use isthrough an internship program or placement in an organization which could havebeen a longer path and needed more dedication. I needed to give commitment to theorganization for learning so that they are benefited by my contribution. This wouldhave been a great learning opportunity but it has constraints and ethicalconcerns[ CITATION McA10 \l 16393 ]. Simulation provides a learning environment which is close to such an arrangementbut does not have the constraints like a placement program. It is an immersiveexperience which would give me a good experience and learning through enhancedcommunication. As per McGill and Beaty (2001), simulation is an action basedlearning as it uses a continuous process of learning and reflection between studentsthat come together as a team[ CITATION McG01 \l 16393 ].I am going to create and maintain a log book and a journal during my learningexperience through simulation and these would act as the evidences for my learning.These tools would help me record my ideas, thoughts, experiences, actions, andfeelings. With team, I would also maintain a critical incidence diary to record eventsthat needed a deeper exploration.Section 5: TimetableSimulation would take 4 weeks while the project in total would take 12 weeks. It isessential the plan the tasks before executing them and define timeline that issufficient to complete the project. The tasks that would be involved in the project withthe expected time they would be completed in are presented in the timetable shownin the Appendix C.In the initial 3 weeks, I would be revising the modules that I have learnt in the classincluding Project/Placement Design and Implementation (PPDI5039) and Evaluationand Reflection (EVRE5017) as the theories discussed in these modules would helpme build a foundation for understanding the project in the real setting. The simulation would start in the 4th week of the project and would go on till 7thweek. In the first week, warm up exercises would be done in order to get used to thesimulation environment. For warm up, the project team would have discussions onthe project and would plan a weekly strategy for execution that would help usachieve the aims of the project[ CITATION Edm12 \l 16393 ].
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In the third week, actual simulation would be run which would help us gain a better understanding of team work as everyone in the team would be given a chance to express oneself for contributing to the project. In the week 3, the team would collect all the project data necessary to take decisions on the strategy to be used for simulation. This data would be evaluated in the week 4 and final decisions would be made on the strategy to be used. During simulation, I would prepare and maintain learning logs, skills grids, and critical incident report that would serve as an evidenceof my learning and would also help me collate the learning journal and final project report[ CITATION Moo04 \l 16393 ]Section 6: Evidence of accomplishmentBy the end of this project I will produce a portfolio containing:The learning contract and associated appendices Project reportLog booksCritical incident diariesTutor feedbackSkills GridLearning JournalSection 7: ReferencesBannister, S., 2002. Developing Objectives and Relating them to Assessment , s.l.:University f Western Australia .Edmondson, A. C., 2012. Teaming to Innovate, New York: John Wiley and Sons.Gibbs, G., 1988. Learning by Doing: A Guide to Teaching and Learning Methods.,s.l.: Oxford Further Education Unit.McAteer, M., Hallett & F. Murtagh, L., 2010. Achieving your Masters in Teaching andLearning, s.l.: Exeter.McGill, I. & Beaty, L., 2001. Action Learning: A Guide for Professional, Management& Educational Development... 2nd ed. s.l.:Abingdon: Routledge Falmer.Moon, J. A., 2004. Learning journals: A handbook for academics, students andprofessional development. s.l.: Abingdon: RoutledgeFalmer..
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Section 8: List of appendices to this learning contractAppendix AAppendix B
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