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Analysis of Waste Disposal System in Japan for Paint Manufacturing Firm


Added on  2023/04/23

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This article analyzes the waste disposal system in Japan and provides recommendations for a paint manufacturing firm to ensure sustainability and profitability. It covers legal, socio-cultural, and economic factors affecting waste disposal policies.

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Analysis of the external environment of Japan
Japan is one of the leading countries in terms of the waste disposal systems and
sustainability is given the major concentration. It is identified that waste disposal is one of the
major problems in Japan and more than 48 percent of the illegal waste disposal is being done by
the business firms (Takata 2016). Thus, the paint manufacturing firm should have to be effective
enough in disposal of their harmful waste materials in operating in Japan (Chaukura et al. 2016).
In terms of the socio-cultural environment in Japan, majority of the population of Japan are
aware about the sustainability and they prefer eco-friendly and sustainable firms over others. In
addition, Japanese population is also well aware about the social impacts of the business
organizations due to their waste disposal systems. Thus, in terms of the cultural factors,
Australian paint manufacturing firm should have effective waste production and disposal system,
which will have minimal impacts on the society. This will help them to ensure their sustainability
in the Japanese market.
In terms of the legal factors, Japan is having Waste Disposal and Cleaning Law, which
hold the entities responsible for illegal disposal systems. It is also reported that under this law,
business firms responsible for illegal waste disposal system will have to pay fine of more than $
1 million and it can get increased to $ 3.5 million (Zaman 2015). Thus, it can be concluded that
the paint manufacturing firm should adhere to the legal bindings of Japan in order to prevent the
penalties. In terms of the economic factors also, there are number of determining factors to be
considered by the paint manufacturing firm. This is due to the reason that the more effective will
be the waste disposal policies, the more will be the economical benefits for them. There are
number of incentives being offered to the business sustainability including the tax benefits
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(Haidar and Hoshi 2015). Thus, the overall profitability will be affected due to the waste disposal
policies of the firm.
Based on the above analysis, it is recommended that the paint manufacturing firm should
concentrate more on recycling. This is due to the reason that according to the reports, recycling
rate in Japan stood at 20.8 percent as of 2012. Thus, it will be effective for the paint
manufacturing firm to leverage the existing recycling infrastructure in the country. Moreover, it
should also be noted that initiation of the recycling strategy will help in reducing the cost of
operation by optimally utilizing the resources. In the case of the paint manufacturing sector,
recycling can help in producing newer variants of different utility products, which will increase
the business profitability and the business revenue.
It is also recommended that landfill disposal system should not be practiced due to the
reason that in the recent time, price of landfill is increasing, which will cause added cost for the
paint manufacturing firm. On the other hand it should also be noted that paint industry is having
hazardous waste, which are prohibited from landfill disposal. Thus, this practice may cause
lawsuits for the company. Thus, the paint manufacturing firm should use the washed waters
derived from waste as the primer. This is due to the reason that in the primer, color is not
important and the washed waters can be used. This will recycle the use of the water resources
along with the reduction in the cost of production. Sewage cost will also get reduced with the
help of this strategy. Waste audit can also be beneficial for the paint manufacturer due to the
reason that it will help in prior identification of the gap areas.
Document Page
Chaukura, N., Gwenzi, W., Bunhu, T., Ruziwa, D.T. and Pumure, I., 2016. Potential uses and
value-added products derived from waste polystyrene in developing countries: a
review. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 107, pp.157-165.
Haidar, J.I. and Hoshi, T., 2015. Implementing structural reforms in Abenomics: How to reduce
the cost of doing business in Japan (No. w21507). National Bureau of Economic Research.
Takata, H., 2016. Effects of industry forces, market orientation, and marketing capabilities on
business performance: An empirical analysis of Japanese manufacturers from 2009 to
2011. Journal of Business Research, 69(12), pp.5611-5619.
Zaman, A.U., 2015. A comprehensive review of the development of zero waste management:
lessons learned and guidelines. Journal of Cleaner Production, 91, pp.12-25
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