
Environmental Law & Sustainability


Added on  2020-02-14

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TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................31. Sustainable development principle ....................................................................................32. Precautionary Principle......................................................................................................53. The Integration Principle ...................................................................................................64. The Substitution Principle..................................................................................................85. The public participation principle......................................................................................96. The preventative principle................................................................................................117. The polluter pays principle...............................................................................................12CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................13REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................14
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INTRODUCTIONEnvironmental law includes a sequence of laws, policies and processes that are enforcedby different departments with the aim of saving the environment. It protects those naturalresources which are scarce in quantity like air, land and water. Environmental law has severalguiding principles at national and international level that can be useful at the time of decisionmaking process of court.1 The main principles are precautionary principles, Principle ofintergenerational equity, conservation of biological diversity and ecological integrity andimproved valuation, pricing and incentive mechanisms principles. Other guiding principles arepublic participation in the decision-making, accessing information and application ofenvironmental impact on assessment.2 In the present scenario, environmental principles inrespect of sustainable development, precautionary principle, integration principle, substitutionprinciple, public participation and preventive and polluter pays principles are going to bediscussed.1. Sustainable development principle Sustainable development is that type of development which fulfils the needs of presentwithout sacrificing capability of future generations to meet their needs. Sustainable developmentcontains two elements first is needs concept and the second is limitation concept.3 In needsconcept, the significant needs of poor is given priority and in limitation concept limitations areimposed by state of technology and social concerns on environment's capability to satisfy presentas well as future requirements. Brundtland Commission was formerly known as World Commission on Environment andDevelopment. The mission of this commission is sustainable development with the help ofdifferent countries. In December 1983, the assembly observed and pointed out heavy losses tohuman environment and natural resources and then UN decided to establish BrundtlandCommission.4 A resolution was passed in respect of this commission; some important points arecovered in this report which is as follows.1Percival, Robert V., et al. "Environmental regulation: Law, science, and policy." (2009).2Lazarus, Richard J. The making of environmental law. (University of Chicago Press, 2008).3Burns, Ronald G., Michael J. Lynch, and Paul Stretesky. Environmental law, crime, and justice. (LFBScholarly Pub., 2008).4Godden, Lee, and Jacqueline Peel. "Environmental law: scientific, policy and regulatory dimensions."(2010).
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1.To propose and implement long term environmental strategies to achieve the target ofsustainable development up to 2000 in the coming years.2.To co-operate with other developing countries at social and economic development andto achieve common and mutually supportive objectives. 3.To determine the ways and methods those are helpful in dealing with environmentalfactors.4.By taking into account relevant resolutions, long term goals are prepared to dealsuccessfully with the problems of protecting the environment.The three main pillars of sustainable development are economic growth, environmentalprotection, and social equality.5 To implement sustainable development has become a challengefor different nations but with the help of Brundtland commission, progress has been noticed. Aninternational meeting was held by this commission in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to make programsand action for sustainable development globally, nationally and locally. Economic Growth: Sustainability depends on economic growth of any country. That isthe reason as most of the countries focuses on economic growth and put efforts toincrease resources for the environment protection and economic growth sustainability.6 Itis not possible for a country to grow economically without harming environmentsustainability, but the commission is working on finding ways to enhance economicgrowth without harming the environment. Environmental Protection: In recent years, environment protection became important forgovernment as well as businesses. This motivated people to invest their time and moneyin green technologies. In 2010, US, Europe had generated more power capacity fromrenewable resources like wind and solar.7 In 2011, more countries contributed theirefforts for these resources and around 45 new wind energy projects started in 25 differentstates. Eco city development that is running around the world helps in developing waterconservation strategies, smart grids with renewable energy sources, LED street lights andenergy efficient buildings. 5Brooks, Karl Boyd. Before Earth Day. (University Press of Kansas, 2009).6Zinn, Matthew D. "Adapting to Climate Change: Environmental Law in Warmer World." Ecology LQ 34(2007): 61.7Primack, Richard B. A primer of conservation biology. Sunderland: Sinauer Associates, 2012.
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