
Essay on Ethical Practice in Hospitality Sector


Added on  2022-12-28

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Essay on Ethical Practice in Hospitality Sector
Essay on Ethical Practice in Hospitality Sector
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Essay on Ethical Practice in Hospitality Sector | 1
Business ethics is a tool on which the organization works. It is a ethical principal defined
by many scholars. It is used in every industry to make sure that the company and its people are
following correct code of conduct with the internal and external stakeholders.
Ethics is a set of principles that defines what is good and proper action of conduct. This
principle helps in decision making and evaluating the situation specially when in competitive
environment. Ethics is more concerned with how a person should behave morally (Meara, 2016).
It becomes tough for many companies to sustain competition and sometimes the ethical
factor is scarified. But while making relationship with the suppliers, customers& other
stakeholders they promise of following strong ethics in the company to build trust and image.
To constantly make ethical decision is little difficult when there are so many factors that
can influence. In any company decisions are made based on professional, economical, social
pressure, or profit orientation as the reason. Any decision affecting other company may have
ethical implications. All important decisions of any company or industry reflect the decision
maker's sensitivity and commitment to ethics (Hall, M.A. and Berenson, 2018).
The traditional principle for ethical decision making are evaluated on these terms:
trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship (Israel, M.S. and
Bass, 2018).
The process of decision making is eliminating unethical options, sometimes scarifying
self interest to follow the right path.
To treat everyone equal and correctly. Not as per how they treat you. Treating others
fairly and with honesty.
To manage the conflict of interest when there are many other factors which may effect
the profit. Some interest is prioritized but to be honest and ethical we have to overcome
the urge to satisfy those interests.
To successfully implement the ethical decision making process in a traditional methodology
(Combes, 2016). The traditional ethical principles are :
Essay on Ethical Practice in Hospitality Sector_2

Essay on Ethical Practice in Hospitality Sector | 2
Utilitarian – To maintain the balance this approach tries to bring out the greatest of the good
and minimizes the harm that may be involved. The leaders try to find the best ethical practice
to everyone.
Rights- The leaders who make sure to go with the right approach. They try to protect the
rights and moral of everyone . The people are treat as a continuous customer and not a mean
to end.
Fairness- As the word suggest it is all about treating everyone fairly regardless of their
position or influence in the company.
Common Good- It is the duty of the leaders to protect the well being of the people around
them. The compassion to do good and emphasizing on the relationship.
Virtue- To base the ethical standard on the universal virtue such as honesty, tolerance,
compassion, and courage. The principle choose should make the people to strive for their
better selves.
Hospitality and tourism industry:
Travel and tourism industry is one of the highest foreign exchange earner in any
economy. It is very crucial to the economy. Some of the spot on the world map has been
renowned as one of the best world class tourist centre. It is not easy to maintain an enviable
reputation to attract the tourist constantly (Grant, Arjoon, and McGhee, 2017). It becomes
important for the industry to enhance the tourist experience and improving the tourist
facilities. But in doing so they must not forget that the people are their important asset. Not
only towards the customer but also towards the employees they should establish high ethical
standards that not only retain the customer but also the employees.
The hospitality industry is majorly concerned with providing accommodation, food &
beverage and entertainment. It is the concern of the hotels that they meet the need for safety
and supports for their property, transportation and other purpose of their travel. Sometimes
these goals are not met and thus in the below paragraph it has been discussed what are the
Essay on Ethical Practice in Hospitality Sector_3

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