
Comparative Analysis of French and American Revolutions


Added on  2019-10-01

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Comparative Analysis of French and American Revolutions_1

Last Name 2IntroductionThe essay will be focusing on the main theme that is French Revolution. It has been observedthat the American Revolution took place in the year 1776 and it ended in 1783. The main motivation of this revolution was political as well as economic taxation without the representation of the tyranny. On the other hand, the French Revolution took place in the year1789 and it was over by 1799 and the main motivation of this revolution was political and social- ending the nobles and clergy’s privileges (McDonald). Furthermore, this essay will behighlighting the main causes behind the French Revolution, the main phases of this revolution and the conclusion will be based on contrasting French and American Revolutions outcomes. DiscussionCauses of the French RevolutionThe three main causes of the revolution social, political and economic cause that will be highlighted in the below segmentPolitical cause- It has been observed that during the eighteen Century France was one of the main elements of the autocratic monarchy. The power of the French Monarchs was unlimited and they also stated themselves as the God’s representatives. Louis XIV and his reign from 1643-1715 was regarded as one of the most powerful Monarch.Louis XIV was also confident, strong, efficient as well as the hardworking leader. He had gathered experience in the wars. It can be said that the autocratic monarchy, the huge amount of expenditure as well as the faulty administration gave birth with regards to the political causes for the French Revolution (Doyle).
Comparative Analysis of French and American Revolutions_2

Last Name 3Social cause- It can be said that the social condition of the France during the 18th century was not at all good. The French Society at that time was mainly divided into the three main classes namely common, clergy and the noble people. The Clergy people were the people belonging to the first class and they were mainly divided into two groups such as lower and the higher clergy. The higher clergy were the people for whom the top-most position in the society was occupied. These are the people that did not pay anything tax to the monarch. The common people were exploited by these people to a great extent. The higher clergy people always lived in a luxurious manner. The higher clergy people always received hatred from the common people. However, the provincial people were always concerned with the problems of the common people but they did not receive the same privileges like the Clergy Nobles. The common people became quite rebellious and the lower clergies joined them as well as the bourgeoisie. Hence, the French Revolution is also as the “Bourgeoisie Revolution”. Economic cause- The France economic condition was another cause for the French Revolution. At that time the condition of the France was not at all good because Louis X1V did some foreign wars and all of the wars were quite expensive and it continued for almost 7 years. Therefore, it is quite evident that the instability in the economic was one of the vital reasons for the French Revolution (Acemoglu).Phases of the French Revolution There were main phases of the French Revolution and this will be discussed in this segment. The moderate phase- The French Revolution took place with the moderate phase, at least by contrasting with what would happen later on. Furthermore, The Third Estate had created a lotof trouble that they had been barred from the assembly but they were not at all ready for giving up. The National Constituent Assembly could not do anything for solving the
Comparative Analysis of French and American Revolutions_3

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