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Ethical Communication in the Workplace: Importance, Issues, and Solutions


Added on  2023/06/11

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This paper discusses the importance of ethical communication in the workplace, the issues related to it, and the solutions to those issues. It covers discrimination, policy issues, and unsafe working environments. The paper emphasizes the need for ethical behavior, values, and policies to create a safe and positive working environment. The conclusion highlights the importance of ethical communication in achieving success in a competitive environment.

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Running head: Ethical Communication
Ethical Communication

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Ethical Communication
"Ethical communication is an essential part of the business"
This paper will discuss the ethical communication in the workplace. It has been analyzed that
ethical communication should be there so that goals and objectives can be achieved. There are
four arguments made in this paper. The arguments are based on the overall issues in context to
the workplace. The issues that are explained this paper are related to discrimination in the
workplace, issue related to policy and also the unsafe working environment. Last part of the
report will focus on the statement of purpose and conclusion.
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Ethical Communication
The thesis statement is based on the "Ethical communication is an essential part of the business".
The major part of the company is related to ethical communication. If there is ethical
communication in the workplace then it can be easy to complete the assigned task given to the
employees. Ethics is concerned with the information which is accurate and also right to be
considered. Ethical communication is related to the communication that takes place by
considering the moral principles. It means that the operations of the company should be
conducted in a proper manner and it should be ethical in eyes of law (Catellani, 2016).
Ethical communication helps to reduce the overall discrimination that takes place at the time of
communicating with the other people. In this paper the emphasis is given to the ethical
communication and issues related to the ethical communication will be discussed. The three
issues that will be highlighted in the paper are concerned with discrimination in the workplace,
issue related to policy and also the unsafe working environment.
Argument 1: For (Is It is important for the business to consider the ethical policy in the
It has been analyzed that there are various problems that are related to the ethical
communication. By focusing on the present scenario, the argument is stated which is related to
the importance of ethical policies in the workplace. Proper flow of communication is necessary
for the workplace so that the activities can be conducted in a right manner. It has been seen that
to maintain proper flow of communication the company should focus on considering the policies
related to ethics so that the communication which is done in the workplace can be done in a
positive and ethical manner (Hargie, 2016).
It can be evaluated that every company has some specified rules and regulations to be followed
so that the actions can take place in a right direction. It is important for the company to frame
such policies that give a proper message of the expectation level of the business towards the
employees. The policies should communicate effectively the level of expectation of the company
in context to the employees. The expectation level can be related to the workplace honesty when
communication is made with the customers or with the top management. If there are proper
ethical policies in the workplace then it can be simple to communication ethically in the
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Ethical Communication
workplace (Kabir, Watson and Somaratna, 2018). The advantages can also be achieved by the
organization policies which are ethical are considered as it can help to achieve success in the
competitive environment. Unethical communication which is related to stealing the information
can be reduced and it will help the company to achieve advantage (Vercic and Zerfass, 2016).
Argument 2: For (values and behavior are important in context to the ethical
In reference to the ethical communication, it has been seen that the communication should take
place in an honest manner. It is important to consider value and behavior so that hindrances
cannot take place in the company. The information of the company should be kept confidential
and it should not be discussed with the other people of the company or the people who are
outside of the business. It is important for the managers to focus on maintaining the ethical code
of conduct so that the activities which are conducted can be completed in an ethical manner. It is
the responsibility of the employees to manage the activities and complete it by considering the
ethical policies of the company (Kim and Krishna, 2017).
The individual should behave in such a manner that it does not give adverse or negative impact
on the individual. Ethical problems can take place if the employees are not communicating in an
ethical manner. It has been evaluated that ethics can vary from company to company. Every
company has its own rules and procedures and according to that ethical communication takes
place. The expectation level of the employees is that they should not conduct the actions in an
unethical way. It is essential to focus on maintaining the ethical culture or communication in the
workplace so that ethical practices can take place in the workplace. Ethical behavior should be
considered by the employees so that standards of the workplace can be maintained (Huang and
Luthans, 2015).
Argument 3: Against (Unethical communication can lead to the safe working environment)
The safe working environment is important in the workplace. The problem that takes place in the
company is concerned with the unsafe working environment. It is important for the employees to
behave in an ethical manner so that safe working environment can be created. If there is an
unsafe working environment in the company then it can lead to the reduction in the productivity

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Ethical Communication
level of the workers. Communication which takes place in an ethical manner can lead to the safe
working environment (Vladutescu, 2014).
Ethical communication is considered as an important aspect that helps to maintain the
environment of the company. If the workers who are conducting their routine activities are not
communicating in an ethical manner then it can lead to conflicts and issues in the workplace.
There are many companies who provide training to the employees so that communication can
take place effectively in the workplace. It can be stated that ethical communication can lead to
the safe working environment and can also help to achieve success in the workplace. If there is a
positive environment in the workplace then activities can be conducted in an effective manner
and success can be achieved effectively (Mishra, Boynton, and Mishra, 2014).
The ethical communication should take place between the top management also employees so
that conflicts can do not take place. So, it can be seen that the argument which is related to the
unethical communication can create a safe environment. It is a wrong statement which is stated
the right statement is related to creating a safe environment with the help of ethical
communication (Neuliep, 2017).
Argument 4: (Increase in the workplace discrimination can lead to the ethical
The last problem is related to the discrimination that is seen in the workplace. It is essential for
the organization to emphasize on the overall issue related to discrimination. At the time of
discrimination that takes place in the company can give an adverse effect on the company. The
confidence level of the employees reduced if there is discrimination in the workplace. If ethical
communication is there in the workplace then it can enhance the motivation of the employees
and can lead to equality in the company (Richards and Schmidt, 2014).
Proper communication in the workplace can help the company to focus on the overall goals and
objectives and also it can help to achieve success in the competitive environment. It is the
responsibility of the manager to create a positive environment in the workplace. A positive
environment can only be created if there is no discrimination in the workplace (Shockley-
Zalabak, 2014). To create a discrimination-free environment it is important to focus on
maintaining proper relation with the top management so that goals and objectives can be
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Ethical Communication
achieved. The set of policies and procedures which is set by the company in the context of the
discrimination-free environment should be considered so that smooth functioning of the
activities can take place. The smooth functioning of the activities can lead to the overall
satisfaction level of the employees in the workplace. So, it can be stated that if ethical
communication is there in the workplace then it can lead to a discrimination-free environment in
the workplace (Pearson, 2017).
Statement of position
According to me, it has been evaluated that without ethical communication it is not possible for
the company to focus on the overall goals and objectives of the company. Negative impact can
be seen if there is lack of ethical communication in the workplace. It is important for the top
management to focus on creating an ethical environment in the workplace so that relations can
be maintained between the employees. To maintain the values it is important for every employee
to focus on the values so that activities can take place in a smooth manner according to the policy
of the company.
Proper and ethical communication in the workplace can lead to the management of the activities
and also success can be achieved easily. When the individual focuses on considering the policies
then it has been seen that they behave in an ethical manner. Communication is an essential part
that should be controlled by the management. The role is of the top management to maintain
ethical stance in the workplace then only the chances of success enhances. Through
communication only it can be easy for the employees to consider the activities of the company.
To complete the task the direction is given by the supervisor with the help of ethical
communication. The communication process should be followed so that in a correct direction the
activities can take place.
By analyzing the paper, it is concluded that ethical communication can help to achieve success in
the competitive environment. Without ethical communication, it cannot be possible for the
organization to guide their employees to conduct the activities in a right direction. If there is no
proper communication in the workplace then it can lead to loss of the company and also
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Ethical Communication
hindrances can be created at the time of conducting the activity. It is important for the employees
to follow rules and policies so that in the right direction the activities can be conducted. By
following rules and policies, success can be achieved easily. Ethical communication in the
workplace can bring success to the company and also through the image of the company can be
maintained effectively.

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Document Page
Ethical Communication
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