
Ethical Decision making and Effective Management PDF


Added on  2021-06-14

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Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentPhilosophy
Running head: ETHICAL DECISION MAKING AND EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENTETHICAL DECISION MAKING AND EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENTStudent’s Name:Institution:1. IntroductionEthics and ethical decisions are essential in any organization becauseit offers the management and the employees’ proper direction of arriving atgood decisions without infringement of any laws that get the organization inlawsuits. It as well takes care of the people around as well as the community.In this essay, a review of the related literature concerning ethical decisionmaking gets examined. The management that is effective gets measured bythe quality of decisions they make and that a right creates a positiveconsequence. In the utilitarian perspective, a course of action taken properlyis an action that endeavors to ensure maximum happiness. A manager’s roleis to ensure that the employees are aware of the company’s ethical codes,monitors the behavior of the employees in relation to the expectation of the
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ETHICAL DECISION MAKING AND EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT2organization of the expected behavior. Moreover, the manager has theresponsibility to counsel and help employees experiencing ethical dilemmas.Besides this, the many are also responsible of upholding the ethicalstandards in the course of making a decision and on they are obliged tofollow different professional codes of ethics based on the responsibilities, therole, and training. The role of making decisions requires a manager to haveskills and capabilities which get learned or acquired. It is established that thetraits exhibited by an individual are related to an ethical decision that aperson makes for the organization. A responsible leader ensures thatdecisions made are for the good of all the people concerned. Additionally, anintelligent person uses the Intelligence to invoke the power of reasoning andthinking so that ethical decisions get reached; these are coupled with theanalytical mind, articulate trait, and balance and self-adaptive. In knowing my skills and capabilities, I carried out an evaluation usingthe Big Five Personality Test, emotional intelligence test as stressmanagement indicator tool. The results indicate that my managerial traitsare good in other areas and not worst in some areas. The areas of concernare the emotions, planning and organizing teams that require improvement. Ihave set a plan for improving these traits.2. Literature ReviewThe Relationship between Ethical Decision Making and EffectiveManagementEthical decision making is acts of coming up with decision that is in linewith set regulations so that no decision affect others or the surrounding. Theguiding principles of an individual’s behavior are ethics as well as morals.The cultural practices, social norms, as well as religious influences, shapethese morals. The process of making ethical decision entails the assessmentof ethical implications of an action to be undertaken (Lawton & Páez, 2015).The reason is that the decisions made have an ethical dimension becausethey have an effect on others. It is therefore imperative that managers oughtto have own ethical and moral beliefs so that this act as a guide whenencountered by difficult decisions (Craft, 2013). According to Hassan et al. (2013), ethical decisions entail a number ofconsiderations that entails utilitarian approach, virtue approach as well asfairness and justice appraoch. VanMeter et al. (2013) pointed that in ethicalphilosophy, there are a number of ways of systematizing, defending, as wellas recommending whether something is wrong or right. An action that isright is one that creates a positive consequence. In the utilitarianperspective, a course of action taken properly is an action that endeavors toensure maximum happiness. On the other hand, Schwartz (2016), disputes it
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ETHICAL DECISION MAKING AND EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT3and state that there exist gray areas in the most ethical decision becausethere is no clear-cut decision that can be ascertained through objectiveconsideration of quantitative analysis. Bateman, Valentine & Rittenburg,(2013) point out that there is a need for the use of judgment, interpretation,and application of set values to determine the perception and estimation ofconsequences that might arise while Ruiz-Palomino & Martínez-Cañas (2014)established that ethical decision entails the selection between good andbetter of bad and worse. Additionally, Mudrack & Mason, (2013) augmentedthat the thinking of people involved as well as the nature of decision to bemade is another aspect to consider and in such cases a consensus is alwaysan option to follow so that no party get hurt unaware in the process and thatthe choice is in line with the organization’s set values.The 4 Approaches in Ethical Decision MakingTheUtilitarianApproach:The actions that are ethical are those that presentthe greatest good as opposed to evil. In the analysis of issues with the use ofutilitarian approach there is the identification of the causes of action, theimpact of the action (positive or negative) and select the action with greatestbenefit. In this approach, the consequences of actions get focused on basingon utility, considers that people identify the benefits and harm. In the twoactions, an ethical action is one that produces more benefits as compared toharm (Craft, 2013).The Virtue Approach:The approach assumes that there are idealsthat people are expected to follow which give the full development ofhumanity. These ideals get discovered through the reflection of thekind of potential person one endeavors to become. These entailvirtues such as honesty, compassion, courage, fidelity, fairness,prudence, self-control etc. (Craft, 2013).The fairness and Justice approach:This is based on Aristotle that,‘equalsshouldbetreatedequallyandun-equalsunequally." Thisexamines the treatment given to people in the same way and thatthe treatment whether it is favorable or discriminatory is wrong.People ought to be treated in the same way unless there is a moraldifference that is happening between them (Craft, 2013).The Big five OCEANThis is quite often employed to assist in getting an understanding of theconsumers as well as the segments of these consumers. It is as well utilizedby HR in evaluating potential employees. These are taken to be the traitsthat make up a person’s personality. Each of this gets highlighted. Openness: Individuals who get the chance to learn new things quickly andappreciate new encounters for the most part of their learning score high.
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ETHICAL DECISION MAKING AND EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT4Openness incorporates characteristics like being shrewd and creative andhaving a wide assortment of interests.Conscientiousness: Individuals that have a high level of conscientiousnessare dependable as well as prompt. Attributes incorporates being well-organized, methodic, as well as careful.Extraversion: Extraversion qualities incorporate being; vigorous, assertive,and talkative (at some point seen as candid). Extroverts get their energy anddrive from others, while introverts people are self-propelled get their drivefrom inside themselves.Agreeableness: These people are warm, friendly, humane and helpful andthe attributes incorporate being caring, tender, and thoughtful. Interestingly,individuals having low levels of agreeableness might be more secluded anddistant.Neuroticism: Neuroticism identifies with level of negative feelings.Individuals that score high on neuroticism regularly encounter passionateflimsiness and negative feelings. Qualities regularly incorporates beingtouchy and tense.The of Role Manager in Ethical Decision makingYang, Ding & Lo (2016) asserts that the managers are in positions thathold them accountable for the ethical conduct of the people reporting tothem. In carrying out this role, they ensure that the employees are aware ofthe company’s ethical codes. Additionally, the manager monitors thebehavior of the employees in relation to the expectation of the organizationof the expected behavior. Huhtala et al. (2013) moreover, add that themanager has the responsibility to counsel and help employees experiencingethical dilemmas. Besides this, the many are also responsible of upholdingthe ethical standards in the course of making a decision and on they areobliged to follow different professional codes of ethics based on theresponsibilities, the role, and training (Ruiz-Palomino et al., 2013). Ininteractions with the stakeholders, the managers are responsible forproviding ethical direction on decisions planned or action to be taken inrelation to ethical considerations. Furthermore, the role of the manager is toimplement changes in the company’s ethical codes and guidelines whichmay be as a result of internal determination with respect to the experienceof the workforce (Shapiro & Stefkovich, 2016). The Capabilities/Skills for Good Ethical Decision MakingNeubert, Wu & Roberts (2013) assert that a good manager must haveintuition which is a skill essential in permitting one to come up with the good
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