
Ethical Dilemmas And Job Displacement Assignment


Added on  2022-08-26

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Running head: TERM PAPER
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Ethical Dilemmas And Job Displacement Assignment_1

The law in its primary sense is considered to be a certain rule or regulation which would
be imposed by an authority. Ethics and law are not considered to be similar or identical as the
law provides an individual with a guideline that states the minimum standards for behavior
whereas, ethics tries to set the maximum standards. Due to ethics, the employee in an
organization has the opportunity of contributing their abilities and endowments directly to an
organization. Certain major ethical issues persist in the field of technology where the moral
nature of issues is co-relating to the ethical dilemmas along with several health issues or job
displacement. Thus, it needs to be understood that any ethical problem or any other related
difficulty in a situation is considered to require an individual or an organization to work together,
which would try to choose any other alternative which must be assessed as an ethical or unethical
alternative. Subsequently, after assessing and observing the organization or the individual needs
to come up with alternatives, which would be ethical to get the work done in an ethical, manner,
satisfactory to both sides (Allen, 2019). The world is considered to be changing and growing at a
rapid rate which is majorly driven by science as well as technology, therefore, countless
manifestations of science are considered to pervade the world and it affects the social as well as
the economic or cultural outlooks profoundly for the societies or the individuals who are alike.
Thus, the accretion of the scientific knowledge along with its technological applications is
increasing and proliferating at a rate that enables the larger part through various powerful
computers that provide lightning-fast communications. The role of ethics is considered to be
managing and controlling the latest innovations and keeping track of it to ensure that such is
being done in a proper and fair manner. (Cortez, 2018).
Ethical Dilemmas And Job Displacement Assignment_2

This paper aims to discuss the Law along with Ethics in the digital advancements. It
will also discuss how ethics is considered to be adopted as a fundamental need which would
be represented in all kinds of aspect of the legal regulations that would surround the
technology and such would also use further help in making developments regarding the
technological advancements. The paper will discuss why technology has become essential
and why such is considered to be an integral part which would need certain kind of
communication with the parties that are involved. It would further discuss the two sides
which are considered to be the importance of ethics along with the ethical theories as these
would help in maintaining a balance to be available for the upcoming technology initiatives
along with diving into the World of Ethics. In conclusion, it would summarize the points
that have been dealt with in the paper.
Two sides of Available and Upcoming Technology Initiatives
Limitless Good possibilities
Technology provides access to the internet that would be combined with digital literacy as
such would open up a wide variety of scope for the individuals to support themselves
economically. The increased automation regarding the manufacturing of several jobs means that
they are considered to have greater efficiency and therefore, the individuals are involved less in
repetitive jobs as such increases the flexibility regarding the work times. In addition to such, the
wealth of the information which is considered to be available over the internet is astonishing and
having access to such means that there is access to the world’s knowledge. Science is also
considered to be benefitting from technology as the scientists and the researchers have a massive
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speed which helps the computers perform calculations and along with such investigate difficult
questions that would take the humans lifetime to know the answer (Cortez, 2018). Various
medical breakthroughs, as well as the astronomical discoveries, are also considered to have been
made by the computers. Thus, it can be understood that computer regulation along with
automation is considered to signify that the devices, as well as the machines, can help in
functioning effectively and efficiently with the help of less power as they work in a rate which is
efficient and automatically switch themselves off when it is not being used. These are considered
to provide benefits and contribute to the environment and helps in reducing the costs of an
individual (Barnes, 2017).
Possible Issues in Use of Unlimited Technology
Despite various benefits, there are possible downsides to technology. If an individual is
overly connected to the technology then such could lead to psychological issues which can cause
distraction or narcissism which would lead to an expectation of various instant gratification, it
can also lead to depression (Tavani, 2016). The chronic use of technology is considered to have a
certain kind of negative impact on the development as well as social skills as it can also be
considered to affect the mental health of a child (Hegde, Bhandary, & Balraj, 2019). In addition
to such, technology can also harm the environment as well as cause pollution through its use and
produce. For instance, it can be understood that the industries come up with various innovations
such as the air conditioners and the refrigerators and these harms the environment. It can also be
understood through the example of software developments that uses AI and are considered to
cause monopolies in the market with their campaign. The waste manufacturing technology is
considered to create large amounts of waste. Therefore, there are certain negative implications
regarding the use of technology (Cortez, 2018).
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Ethical Issues now and down the road
While the ethics regarding technology is considered to be analyzed in a manner that is
across various disciplines it can be understood that the technology is not considered to police
itself. Therefore, the new technologies need to be paid attention to as such voices our concerns in
a constructive manner and demand a certain kind of accountability when the individuals are
considered to be harmed due to its use. The digital capacity for innovation as well as
development is considered to have been ever-expanding through the digital arena. Nevertheless,
despite such the creation along with the use of such vast-network is considered to have put
forward its own set of ethical challenges. It is challenging g in the area of intellectual property
where the production of various original works through various legal rights are not recognized
due to the availability of technology (Liu, & Wang, 2020). It also contributes to musical piracy
which is considered to be a specific form of ripping. The digital predator is also considered to
actively seek individuals to abuse those individuals who have a weaker status within the digital
environments. The ethical challenges or the issues faced by the individuals are considered to
exist in the workplace where there is workplace discrimination and along with such, there is an
existence of a strained work-life balance. In addition to such, there are unequal opportunities for
the scientific as well as technological development. Inequality also prevails which are in terms of
scientific as well as technological knowledge as the developed countries are considered to invest
in large-scale research and other research facilities along with costly instrumentation. Therefore,
these are the few ethical issues down the road (Delgado, 2017).
Moral Issues now and down the road
Morally modifying the technologies is considered to provide an under-incentivized means
where the scientists, as well as the engineers, would be able to assist in disentangling the
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society’s most contentious moral issues. Although the individuals, as well as the organizations,
are considered to use the technology to enhance and improve their daily operations the
advancement in technologies is not considered to elicit any kind of moral or ethical issues.
Nuclear technology along with biotechnology and information technology are considered to
provide certain major technological innovations which are raising various ethical as well as
moral issues these are considered to also consist of various ethical dilemmas regarding health
issues as well as job displacement and gender. The use of technology is considered to have the
capability regarding the deterioration in human health which is considered to be a moral concern.
It can be understood as an example that nuclear technology is considered to have the potential of
killing several people and destroying the environment as this particular issue raises some crucial
health concerns. In addition to such on the other if there has been any kind of job displacement
then such would be considered to be a moral and ethical concern as the machines have been
enabling the companies to cut down on their labor force and use the technological tools along
with the knowledge from the robots or the computers to run the business and take care of the
operations and the functioning of a company. Therefore, these are considered to raise ethical as
well as moral issues. On the other hand, gender discrimination is also considered to be moral as
well as an ethical concern as such causes an impact on human values. It is one of the essential
aspects to raise certain ethical and moral concerns. It has been understood that women have been
discriminated in many ways because of the advancement of technologies as men are considered
to be more productive than that of the women. Therefore, this would be affecting the issue of
gender equality. Thus, these aspects are considered to pose certain moral as well as moral issues
in the technology as they are to be controlled in a manner where all the parties are considered to
be involved (Lipschultz, 2017).
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