
Ethics Application Form for Undergraduate Students at Roehampton


Added on  2023-04-22

24 Pages4542 Words276 Views
Undergraduate Students
Roehampton Business
(QA Higher Education March 2019)
The completion of this form should not be seen as an end in itself but as a vehicle to ensure that
you have gone through a process of considering the ethical implications of your research in detail
and that you are able to communicate this clearly.
Please complete the header with your name and Department
Student number:
UR email address:
Programme of Study:
I confirm that this submission accords with the University Code of Conduct and that
all information supplied on this form is correct
Student’s Signature:
Please use an electronic signature or type your name
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Dissertation supervisors, please:
scrutinise the Ethics Application and all participant-facing documentation
suggest and check any changes which need making before your final approval
Please tick the box to confirm that you have approved the application as ethically sound,
and the participant-facing documentation as appropriate
Please use an electronic signature or type your name
Print name:
Title of project:
Investigating the impact of after sales service in enhancing
customer loyalty
(should be the same as on participant-facing documentation)
Proposed start date:
Purpose of the proposed investigation (max 500 words):
This section should include the material which outlines the rationale for the project, i.e. why this study needs
to be done. This should be done in a way that is both accessible and scholarly, i.e. have proper cited sources.
The aim of the study would be delving into the roles which after sales services play in enhancing
customer loyalty. The fact holds more substance for multinational companies which operate in the
global information and communication technology market. The first positive result which after sales
services yield for global ICT companies like strengthening their marketing. Yu et al.(2018) points
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out after sales services enable global companies to strengthen their marketing capabilities. This is
because after sales services enable the after sales employees to use their skills to tackle challenging
questions of customers, thus sharpening their respective marketing scales. The second advantage of
after sales services is to generate revenue for the company (Antonio 2018). The sales employees can
exploit the opportunities to give after sales services to upsell or cross new products. Thus, after sales
enables the company to generate repeat business from existing customers. Kennedy, Welch and
Monshipouri (2017) throw light on the third advantage which after sales services yield for the
companies, capital generation. The multinational ICT companies like Dell Inc. have to give positive
returns to investors to be able to attract more investments from them. After sales services provide the
companies the opportunities to generate high revenue which can be channelized towards payments of
ROI to investors. . García-Madariaga and Rodríguez-Rivera (2017) throw light upon the fourth
advantage which after sales services usher upon the global ICT companies, goodwill enhancement.
This is because providing of superior after sales services enables the companies to generate positive
feedbacks from customers which are available on the digital platforms. These feedback actually
reflect the increasing market goodwill of companies. Allen and Kraakman (2016) point out the fifth
advantage of after sales services which is management of legal risks. Lemeilleur and Allaire (2017)
in this respect mentions that companies like Dell Inc are liable to provide replacement and repair
services, whichever is applicable to existing customers if the latter face problem with the products of
the respective companies as per the warranty contracts. Thus, providing of after sales services
actually enables the ICT companies avoid legal risks or at least minimise them. Rapp, Agnihotri and
Baker (2015) point out the sixth advantage which after sales services usher on the global ICT
companies like Dell Inc, employee development. They point out that after sales services enable the
sales staff secure additional sales to fulfil their respective targets. This achievement of respective
targets enable the sales employees to achieve higher performance targets which enables them to
secure professional developmental opportunities like appraisals and promotion. Sabbagha et al.
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(2019) throw light onto the seventh advantage of after sales services which is making decisions.
However, Dell Inc fails to provide efficient after sales to its customers which results in the company
losing these business opportunities to its competitors like Lenovo. The project shows that importance
of providing after sales services to generate the advantages of customer loyalty and global market
leadership in global ICT companies like Dell Inc..
Outline of the project:
This section should include the details of the research methods i.e. what will be done and how. Please start
by giving a brief summary (one paragraph) including how many participants there are likely to be, where the
research will take place and an indication of how long participation will take for each section (interviews,
questionnaires etc.) and in total.
The research method would consist of deductive approach. The research would take into account the
after sales services gap which customers face in global ICT companies like Dell Inc. These
information technology giants sell high-involvement electronic products like laptops most of which
are expensive. These products require hardware components of specific makes to function
efficiently. This gives rise to the need of the company offer after sales services to customers so that
they are able to use these highly expensive high-involvement products for prolonged periods. This
requires the companies offer highly specialised after sales services to their existing customers by
continuous communication on the customer care numbers and emails. These global ICT companies
are also supposed to give after sales services to customers they fail to resolve the issue(s) on the
phone or email. After sales services apparently are only important to customers to enable the latter to
use ICT products for prolonged period. However, in reality after sales services hold importance for
the companies as well. Provision of after sales services enable companies to create loyalty among
customers by enhancing their customer satisfaction. This integration of customer satisfaction and
customer loyalty yields strong positive results for the multinational ICT companies like Dell Inc. In
order to gain sufficiently large number of samples, it would require interviewing at least a 100 Dell
customers. The interview would take at half an hour to be able to generate sufficient response to
strengthen the research.
You should attach all the research instruments you are planning to use in your research,
e.g. interview questionnaire, online questionnaire template, etc. These should be checked
by your supervisor prior to Ethics application approval)
Please confirm that
1) you have attached all research instruments you intend to use, and
2) you will notify your supervisor of any major changes.
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Ethical issues raised by the project and how these will be addressed:
Points that should be considered include:
Participants and consent
Confidentiality and anonymity
Right to withdrawal
Permissions from organisations involved
Whether any vulnerable populations are involved (including under 18s) (also see Section 6)
This section should have some comment and not left blank.
The consent of the participants would be taken. The confidentiality of the answers would be
maintained. The prior consent of the participants would be taken to use their response to conduct the
research. The participants would have to right to withdraw their responses. The participants should
not be deceived and the prior permission of relevant organisations would be obtained. The interview
will not include any vulnerable population like Dell consumers under 18 years since they are minors.
Health & safety issues raised by the project, including any risks to participants and/or
researcher and sole working. Think of hazards, who can be harmed, how can someone be
harmed, number of people affected, what are the consequences, what are the existing or
possible control measures.
You should clearly indicate how these H&S issues will be addressed. This section should
have some comment and not left blank.
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