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Added on  2022/12/27

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This is case study related for ethics

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Table of Contents
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................3
Benefit of renewable energy to Carlton & United Breweries (CUB)..........................................3
Cost of renewable energy.............................................................................................................3
Company's profit..........................................................................................................................3
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Benefit of renewable energy to Carlton & United Breweries (CUB)
Company has adopted 100 % renewable energy which has given many benefits to the
company. Earlier company have to pay huge electricity bill but after adopting renewable energy
bill has reduced. It is not only beneficial to the company but also the society as it is eco friendly
so it is not harmful for the environment and if the environment is saved then the society is happy.
Company's reputation has also increased in the eyes of society because this company is thinking
about society and not damaging it (Benedek, Sebestyén and Bartók, 2018). The objective of
company is sustainability and this is the reason that company will survive in the long run. It will
benefit to climate resulting in less climate change.
Cost of renewable energy
Installing renewable energy is very costly that is why it is not adopted by every company.
For this company have to install solar panel which are expensive and also require large space.
But once it is installed it gives good benefits in long run as it reduces the cost and also good for
the environment.
Company's profit
It can affect company's profit at the initial stage because renewable energy is costly so
that will reduce the profit of the company but will give great benefit in the future (Qazi and,
2019). As company will pay less electricity bill, so the saving over the electricity bill will be the
profit for the company.
Document Page
Books and journals
Benedek, J., Sebestyén, T.T. and Bartók, B., 2018. Evaluation of renewable energy sources in
peripheral areas and renewable energy-based rural development. Renewable and
Sustainable Energy Reviews. 90. pp.516-535.
Qazi, A. and, 2019. Towards sustainable energy: a systematic review of renewable energy
sources, technologies, and public opinions. IEEE Access. 7. pp.63837-63851.
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