
Comparative Nursing Communication Approaches


Added on  2019-09-30

1 Pages571 Words218 Views
Example of comparative writing style expected in assessment 3 This is an example of writing in a similar style to that expected for this assessment. The scenario the example is writing about below issimiliarto what you have to address-2 patients have gastroenteritis and dehydration. In the example the writer has compared the nursing communication approaches that are relevant for a child and an elderly adult.You have different nursing care elements to discuss in assessment2 however this example highlights the discussion-based writingstyle required.Example: Section from a comparative essayNursing Care: Nursing communication - instructing patient about frequent sips of clear fluids of his/her choice or dextrose/electrolyte oral rehydration solution (ORS) as he/she can tolerateTwo main nursing interventions known for rehydrating patients, are intravenous therapy and oral rehydration solution commonly known as ORS. In George’s and Eloise’s scenarios, both of these interventions are used. ORS is composed of sodium, dextrose and bicarbonate and can be mixed with other diluted drinks if preferred (Churgay & Aftab, 2012). A common similarity between George and Eloise in terms of this nursing element is encouragement from the nursing staff. Regularly drinking fluids while feeling sick and experiencing pain in the stomach can be quite difficult for any age. Encouraging communication is therefore needed for both patients in order to help them with improving rehydration. However in order to achieve this, different communication techniques are required.For Eloise, encouraging communication that centers around her is important. At this age, achild's main focus is on themselves and how certain things will effect them (Hockenberry & Wilson, 2013). Therefore by talking to Eloise about how drinking the fluid will make her feel better and not talking about anything else, will gain her attention and focus. Making the task fun will also enhance her interest. AdditionallyJones identifies (2013) that small childrendislike unfamiliar tastes so asking about her parent about what is familiar is to her and using it isimportant. For example, allowing herto drink diluted juice or cordial flavours that she likes and giving her a reward for reaching a certain point will make it feel more like a prize than a task.This type of encouragement communication is significantly different with George. Where Eloise is more focused on how things affect her, at George’s age, he is more likely to be thinking of how his illness will affect his wife, how he feels and what he can do to feel better. Therefore, in terms of communication, the most appropriate way would be toexplain options and benefits to him (Brown & Edwards, 2013). George will most likely be a lot more willing to cooperateif he understands that regular intake of small amounts of fluid willhelp improve his hydration leveland make recovery a lotquicker. Another way of encouraging fluid intake for George, would be to consider his individual preferences by asking his normal intake patterns, for example is he more likelyto prefer weak tea, water or something else? (Rose, 2014)
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