
Exemplary Leadership: Inspiring, Challenging, and Empowering


Added on  2023-04-04

11 Pages3333 Words264 Views
Leadership ManagementDesign and CreativityHealthcare and Research
EXEMPLARY LEADERSHIP.......................................................................................................1
My Personal Leadership Experience...............................................................................................3
a. Model the way..............................................................................................................................4
B. Inspire a Shared Vision..............................................................................................................5
C. Challenge the process..................................................................................................................6
D. Enable Others To Act.................................................................................................................7
E. Encourage The Heart...................................................................................................................7
Role and nature of effective leadership in health.........................................................................9
Leadership is a critical subject in today’s organizations. Leadership inspires, guide, and develop
individuals with experience to be led or to lead. Effective leadership is essential in nurturing and
managing team members to achieve the desired goals set by the organization. Transformational
leadership in healthcare organizations shape individuals as well as members towards to
appreciate the nature of their job and treat the patients with respect. Kouzes and Posner (2012)
articulate a model for developing leadership ability, providing a roadmap to becoming an
exemplary leader. They describe five practices: ‘modeling the way,’ ‘inspiring a shared vision,’
‘enabling others to act,’ ‘challenging the process’ and ‘encouraging the heart.’ Two
commitments support each practice.
Visual Representation of My Future Leadership Development.
Being a campus outreach leader rouses my vision of the type of leader I aspire to be. The
experience of leading a team with a grand vision of achieving drug-free universities shaped my
leadership development skills. I was confronted by many situations which strengthen my
character and ability to remain composed. The position shaped my character by reinforcing my
patience and resilience in dealing with drug addicts.
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Using a creative piece, I have used cartoon pictures to explain the leadership development skills
that made the goals of drug-free society accomplish. In building the team leadership ability, we
shared a vision of a drug-free society, especially in universities. My leadership as a campus
outreach leader strengthen the unity of the team through the inspired spirit of liberating our
fellow being (Weberg, 2010).
Creative Representation
Step1: Model the Way Step 2: Inspire A shared vision
Step 3: Challenge the process
Step 4: Enable others to Act Step5: Encourage the Heart
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Step1: Model the way
The picture in the drawing shows a person holding a lamb. The lamb is
lighting the way for the others as shown in the picture. In my personal
experience, holding the values of passionate living as well as quality lifestyle
for all, I led a group of youths in sensitizing university students towards
abstinence in drugs abuse. I model the way in achieving the goals of drug-
free universities. As a leader, I understood the need to share a common
vision with dreams, ambitions, and aspirations with the team members regarding drug abuse in
the country and especially in universities (Dewar, 2012).
Step 2: Inspire A Shared Vision
The drawings in step 2 shows a group on individuals watching a glowing light at a distance.
These scenes are symbolic of ‘inspiring a shared vision’ of my aim to build a comprehensive
rehabilitation service for the drug addict individuals. Our shared vision then opened the avenue
of reaching out to the affected individuals, no matter the challenges. In my leadership
development, I will reflect and seek feedback to ensure that I model a strong work ethic and
follow through on my commitments, therefore building trust within the team (Maiden, 2017).
Step 3: Challenge the process
The picture in the drawing shows a person walking on a hilly terrain. This shows a great
challenge to meet the goals of the group. In my experience, I took an opportunity to innovate and
learn on the mistakes of experience to help navigate to the future. In planning my leadership
development, I look to expose myself to challenges and risks through testing and refining new
models of care and ways of working, challenging the status quo and leading the team to build on
our new model of care. In moving through this process, I will undoubtedly meet resistance to
change, so for support and advice in my leadership development (Kouzes & Posner, 2012).
Step 4: Enable Others to Act
The drawing in the picture shows a person helping another person climb a mountain. This picture
represents the ability to enable others act as a leader. The picture above shows individuals with
power and confidence to Act. Through promotion of one’s confidence, capability, and
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competency ensured that members are empowered to choose, make decisions, and be
accountable. Treating individuals in the organization with respect help promote a sense of
control of their own life (Zaharris et al., 2017). Leaders enable others to Act by building a
positive relationship based on trust and commitment towards the goals of the organization. When
leaders empower individuals in a team, the team is strengthened.
Step 5: Encourage the heart
Finally, in encouraging the heart, the picture above shows individuals celebrating their spirit of
the community after achieving their goals (Wang & Hsieh, 2013). In my leadership plan, I took a
chance of congratulating every team member acknowledging their achievements. I took the
members through a festive session where members celebrated the achievements.
My Leadership Experience
Youth outreach association for drug abuse awareness was created to provide solutions for young
adults battling with addiction in drug substances. During the 2018 election of leaders, I was
nominated by the board as the leader of campus outreach activities. However, this was not my
first time in the leadership position, but I found this nomination a challenging experience in the
leadership space.
Being the leader of campus outreach here is my analysis of the leadership challenges and using
five (5) exemplary leadership Practices as advocated by(Kouzes & Posner, 2012)
a. Model the way
One of the most significant setbacks of useful leadership qualities is the lack of functional
leadership skills. This leadership challenge focuses on the role of leaders in mobilizing followers
to actualize their goals. Model the way focuses on the transformation of values into actions
(LeBlanc, 2014). This practice amplifies the role of personal values in guiding followers by
leading the way. The values that leaders possess must be endorsed as part of the organization.
Consequently, the values must be part of the team as adopted by everyone. Modeling the way by
the leaders is equally important in creating a baseline of expectations, especially in portraying
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