
Systematic Mapping Review of Physical Activity Factors


Added on  2020-07-22

28 Pages9393 Words32 Views
Is Type 2 Diabetes a barrier for
exercise participation in men of
Pakistani ethnicity
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I am so thankful to all those persons who have given me provision, guidance as well as much
needed motivation so as to complete the current research study. Firstly, I owe my thanks to guide
who gave me chance to undertake this dissertation. Furthermore, I am thankful to my team
members, family and friends who helped me in all possible accords. This led to successful
completion of dissertation and achievement of relevant results.
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Diabetes is determined to be a type of chronic disease which can not be cured. There are
various type of medications provided so that the rate of negative impact faced by people can be
reduced. Main focus of the research is carried out on assessing whether type 2 diabetes a barrier
to exercise participation in men of Pakistani (South Asia) ethnic origin. People face difficulty to
exercise due to lack of understanding. The research recommends that health care professional
should make sure that they help patients to prepare proper balance diet and type of exercise that
can be done so that type 2 diabetes can be controlled.
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CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................5
1.1 Overview................................................................................................................................5
1.2 Aim of the research................................................................................................................5
1.3 Objectives of the research......................................................................................................6
1.4 Rational of the study..............................................................................................................6
1.5 Significance of the research...................................................................................................6
1.6 Limitations of the study.........................................................................................................6
1.8 Dissertation Structure............................................................................................................7
CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW..............................................................................................8
2.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................8
2.2 Overview to diabetes.............................................................................................................8
2.3 Medical requirements of exercise for the patients suffering from type 2 diabetes................9
CHAPTER 3: SEARCH STRATEGY...............................................................................................14
3.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................................14
3.2 Search strategy.....................................................................................................................14
3.3 Inclusion criteria..................................................................................................................15
Exclusion criteria.......................................................................................................................15
Search results.............................................................................................................................15
Quality Appraisal of Studies..............................................................................................................16
CHAPTER 4: RESULTS...................................................................................................................17
CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION..........................................................22
5.1 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................22
5.2 Recommendation.................................................................................................................22
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1.1 Overview
Diabetes is a chronic disease where it cannot be cured. However, its impact on the body
can be reduced to minimum with proper management. It is a long-life disease which carries high
blood sugar, where less insulin is secreted by pancreas. Type 2 diabetes generally occurs due to
lack of physical activity and obesity. However, some of them are genetic risk to it. Common
symptoms that are related to it are, feeling tired, increased hunger, sores that do not heal easily
etc. Long term complications that are related to this disease include, diabetic retinopathy, heart
diseases and stroke. Some extreme intensity cases of diabetes type 2 leads to, kidney failure,
blindness and amputation of limbs due to poor blood flow (Chau and et.al., 2012).
The disease can not be cured. However, it is preventable when normal body weight is kept
with diet management and adequate amount of physical activity. Exercise plays an important role
in keeping appropriate blood circulation and continuous secretion of insulin through the
pancreas. Metformin is the typical recommendation of health professionals. However, in case of
high intensity of extreme blood glucose level, injections of insulin are also suggested to the
patient. Some of the common sign and symptoms involved in this process includes, polyureic
condition, that is frequent urination, increase in thirst, increase in hinger and appetite and weight
Diabetes leads to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease by 2 to four times in people
with 20-fold increase in limb amputations. Type 2 diabetes is considered as the main cause of
renal failure and non-traumatic blindness in the patients. Scientists have stated that different bits
of DNA have been found that affect one’s body and also have larger impact on how body tends
to form insulin. Another reason can be when wrong amount of insulin information is sent by
communication carrying cells leading to high throw of glucose to the blood (Fitzpatrick, Bulsar
and Zheng, 2017). It tends to damage the cells and the process and amount in which insulin is
actually be secreted by pancreas.
1.2 Aim of the research
It is important to have a specific aim in order to conduct a research. Hence, aim for the
present research
“To assess whether type 2 diabetes a barrier to exercise participation in men of Pakistani
(South Asia) ethnic origin”
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1.3 Objectives of the research
Based on the above aim, following objectives can be prepared for present study:
To assess the medical requirements of exercise for the patients suffering from type 2
To examine chronic condition that a patient may face due to poor management of type 2
To ascertain the attitude of Pakistani diabetes type 2 towards exercise.
1.4 Rational of the study
It is important that any research that has been conducted by the researcher hold certain
relevance. It helps in generating adequate amount of knowledge regarding the subject matter.
The present research will be conducted on assessing whether type 2 diabetes a barrier to exercise
participation in men of Pakistani (South Asia) ethnic origin. The researcher carries insufficient
amount of knowledge regarding the subject matter. Hence, it will help in addressing the issue
and gather the same for the investigator. Another important aspect for which the present research
has been conducted is due to understanding various aspect of type 2 diabetes and its direct
relation to exercise. Moreover, the research will also focus upon understanding the role of
physical activity in controlling blood sugar level (Haas and et.al., 2012).
1.5 Significance of the research
It is important that any research that has been conducted by the researcher holds certain
significance so that appropriate results from the same can be generated. The present research
focus upon relationship between physical exercise and type 2 diabetes. It will help reader to
gather adequate amount of knowledge where they will able to understand the important of
exercise for the patient suffering from type 2 diabetes (Murano and et.al., 2014). Another
important aspect related to it is to understand the topic in detail so that unidentified knowledge
can be gathered through proper conduction of research. In the end, it can be stated that, the
present research will also be helpful to the other scholars who are conducting research on same
or similar topic.
1.6 Limitations of the study
There are various limitations that are attached to the research which are required to be
considered by the researcher. One of the important aspect is related to time and budget
constraint. There is limited budget available to the researcher and the important aspect are
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