
Exercise Plan for Chronic Disease Patients: Case Study of Steve Brown


Added on  2022-10-02

25 Pages5256 Words120 Views
Disease and DisordersNutrition and WellnessPublic and Global HealthHealthcare and Research
Running head: EXERCISE PLAN
Exercise Plan
Name of the Student
Name of the University
Author Note
Exercise Plan for Chronic Disease Patients: Case Study of Steve Brown_1

As per the definition of physical fitness coined by the American College of Sports
Medicine, it is reported that, the physical fitness is the ability to perform daily exercises along
with adequate amount of vigilance and vigour and at the same time it is also crucial that the
person must not feel any type of physical fatigue due to the performances of the exercises
(Acsm.org, 2019). However, it is also quite evident that, a person who is not completely
physically fit, then he or she are not completely eligible to perform all type of physical
exercises. As a result, it is very important to identify the needs of individuals with chronic
disease and as per the requirement of the physical needs of the individuals; the physical
activity plan must be designed (Bennie et al., 2015). As per the requirement of patients, the
physical activity plan will be designed as they are not at all fit enough to perform all type of
vigorous exercises like a fit individual. It is the duty of the individuals to share all the
information related to the health condition and this will help the physical activity planner to
design the health promotion plan in a proper manner. So, if the individual has any kind of
physical complications, the individual should share all the information with the health
activity planner (Coombes et al., 2015).
This report discusses about the case study of Steve Brown who is suffering from a
chronic disease condition for a long period of time. A detail physical activity plan is
discussed along with the possible solution of the present disease condition of the patient.
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Patient Details
Background Information of Patient
Steven Brown is a 57 years old man who is suffering from high level of blood
cholesterol levels along with the coronary artery disease. The patient was experiencing
angina which defined by reduced blood flow to the heart (Lippi & Favaloro, 2019). In order
to enhance the physical activity condition of the patient, multiple physical activity plans and
exercises can be recommended for the patient. The patient has no history of previous health
related injuries and he is a former soccer player. On the vital sign assessment, it is observed
that, the patient has the high blood pressure level (almost 146/ 100mm hg). The heart rate of
the patient is reported as 86 beats/ min. Therefore, in this case study, the cardiac condition of
the patient must be considered during the development of the exercise plan of the patient.
Along with this, the age related condition of the patients should be considered during
developing the exercise plan. As the age of the patient is almost 57 year, hence, the
functionality of the cardiac muscles is also reduced. According to the study of McNamara et
al., (2017), it is reported that, with growing age, the tenacity and functionality of the cardiac
muscles are also reduced and so the working capacity of heart is also decreased. As a result,
the efficiency of performing physical activity of that particular individual is also deduced as
part of their growing age.
Name of the
Age Blood
Heart rate Body
57 146/100 mm
86 beats/min 36.4 degree
Last year, the patient was also admitted to the hospital due to the problem of angina and from
that time onwards, the patient came to know about the high blood cholesterol level in his
Exercise Plan for Chronic Disease Patients: Case Study of Steve Brown_3

Selected Disease Condition (500)
From the case study of the patients, it can be stated that, the person has the
problem of high blood cholesterol level along with problem of the cardiovascular disease.
The patient also had angina which affected her normal functioning of the body. The early
signs of the coronary artery disease is chest discomfort, heaviness of the patient in the chest,
aching and burning sensation of the patient. The angina in patients usually develops when
patient is suffering from the coronary heart disease which is a condition developed in the
individual due to formation of plaque in coronary arteries that damages arteries (Vissers et
al., 2016). As observed in this case study, the patient had a sedentary lifestyle and high
cholesterol. (Dash et al., 2019) suggested that sedentary lifestyle involve little to no exercise
which leads to high cholesterol and high level of low density lipoprotein is the main player
behind development of condition which is deposited because of unhealthy diet routine. The
age is one of the prime risk factors of the disease as with rapid aging, the cardiac muscles
become weak and unable to pump the adequate amount of oxygenated blood (McNamara et
al., 2017). The case scenario depicts that the patient was 57 years who have high cholesterol
and have a sedentary lifestyle which further impacted the quality of life. The inadequate
blood supply facilitates myocardial cells to start anaerobic metabolism from aerobic
metabolism with progressive damage of metabolic and electrical functioning of the body
(Hoedemaekers et al., 2017). The primary mediator of angina is adenosine as during
ischemia, adenosine,and triphosphateis break down to adenosine and causes the diffusion to
the extracellular spec followed by dilation of arteries which further led to angina pain (Suda
et al., 2017). It has been reported that the progression of the age, high cholesterol and high
blood pressure further enhanced the development of angina. The case suggested that the
patient had high cholesterol and high blood pressure. The patient in 57 years old and his vital
sign suggested that heart rate of 86 bpm, indicating normal heart rate. The healthy individuals
Exercise Plan for Chronic Disease Patients: Case Study of Steve Brown_4

usually have heart rate within 60 to 100bpm, indicating the patient had slightly elevated heart
rate towards the upper range (Tonello et al., 2016). The case scenario suggested that the
patient had a high blood pressure which is 146/100 where 146 mmHg is systolic blood
pressure and 100 mmHg is diastolic blood pressure. In the healthy individuals, the normal
blood pressure is 120/80, indicating the patient of the case scenario have hypertension. The
patient has no history of previous health related injuries and he is a former soccer player.
Hence, in this case, proper physical activity would be effective. Therefore, in this case study,
the cardiac condition of the patient must be considered during the development of the
exercise plan of the patient. However, considering the health condition of the patient, the
intense exercise cannot be recommended to the patient due to high angina and high
cholesterol. Mild to moderate exercise can be recommended to the patient in order to
improve the health condition (Boyle et al., 2017).
Methods to Treat the Disease (500)
As discussed above, the patient is experiencing coronary artery disease which is
developed due to build up plaques in the coronary arteries as result from high cholesterol and
high blood pressure in patients. Since fat deposition in the coronary disease is most common
feature of the coronary artery disease, the available treatment options in case of the patient
would be modification of the lifestyles through involvement in the physical activity and
dietary modification, medication (Koppad, Kaulgud & Arun, 2017). In severe cases, the
patients with coronary artery disease are subjected to surgeries such as angioplasty
(McCreanor et al., 2018). In order to reduce angina pain in patient, the professionals are
required to monitor the pain of the patient with the assistance of pain assessment scale. After
monitoring or assessing the pain, the patient can be administrated with aspirin to reduce the
pain (Shafiq et al., 2016). Aspirin and other associated disease reduces the ability of the
blood to make clot in the arteries and making it easier for the blood to flow through the
Exercise Plan for Chronic Disease Patients: Case Study of Steve Brown_5

narrowed arteries. In this context, after administration of the medication, pain assessment is
required to conduct. The heart rate and rhythm of the patient is also required to monitor since
patients with unstable angina will have increased risk of acute life threating dysthymias
(Spinka et al., 2019). The lifestyle modification of the patient is another effective
intervention to treat the disease. The details of the medications and physical activity would be
discussed further in details in following paragraphs. The lifestyle modification of the patient
can be done with the assistance of modification of diet of the patient. Since the patient had
high blood pressure and high cholesterol, the diet should be high protein and low fat diet that
should be devoid of the sodium. The diet chart of the patient would be incorporated with
beans, peas, white flesh fish, and light tofu, vegetables (broccoli, spinach and other green
vegetables). The fluid based diet can be incorporated in the diet of the patient in order to
improve the health condition (Reynard et al., 2018). The fish and meats are high protein in
nature which will further facilitate the metabolism of the patient and prevent the poor
prognosis of the disease. Each diet of thepatient should be devoid of sodium since presence of
sodium aggravate hypertension. The nursing professionals must assess the dietary intake of
the patient for gaining the idea of the health condition of the patient. The proper management
of the angina pain and reduction of cholesterol will further indicate the effectiveness of the
interventions (Beltrame et al., 2015). The anxiety of the patient is required to assess since it
is common with patients of coronary artery disease. In this case, relaxation technique such as
yoga can be helpful in reducing the feeling of anxiety and improve mental wellbeing.
Pre Exercise Screening and Exercise Testing (400)
Screening Method of the health condition:
Since the patient has coronary artery disease, the common screening method of health
condition would be vital signs of the patient. The vital signs of the patient is extremely
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