
Factors Affecting Income of Workers: Gender, Nationality, Company Size - Research Study | Desklib


Added on  2023-06-11

15 Pages3498 Words329 Views
Research on Income of Workers
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Factors Affecting Income of Workers: Gender, Nationality, Company Size - Research Study | Desklib_1

Executive Summary
Employees are the core of any organization who works towards obtaining the common goals set
by the company. The main objective of this research is the evaluation of the various causes that
affect the income of the employees and it’s how those factors influences the income. The
research has a wide range of scope as the research topic has a significant effect on the
employees. The factors which influence the income of the employees or workers could affect
their motivation towards achieving the organization goals.
Qualitative research approach is used in this research for the reason that it is best suitable with
the exploratory research design that is selected for investigations on factors impacting income of
workers in Australian organizations. Quantitative research approach is employed in the research
for the reason that it can help in obtaining reliable data by converting them to valuable statistics
in analyzing viewpoints regarding income of selected survey respondents.
The research has numerous useful findings but is also observed to have certain limitations that
are deemed to be addressed in the future research. One of the major research limitations is
regarding the primary research carried out. The research did not consider using a large
population sample that might have facilitated in attaining more significant findings on the
research topic.
The desired outcomes are also other factors that influence the income such as the requirement of
certain skill set in the company which is different from what the employees have. Hence, the
income of a person varies on various factors which are aforementioned.
Factors Affecting Income of Workers: Gender, Nationality, Company Size - Research Study | Desklib_2

Table of Contents
1. Introduction...................................................................................................................................3
2. Research Objectives......................................................................................................................3
3. Research Scope.............................................................................................................................3
4. Literature Review.........................................................................................................................4
5. Research Questions/ Hypotheses..................................................................................................7
5.1. Primary Question...................................................................................................................7
5.2. Secondary Questions..............................................................................................................7
6. Research Design and Methodology..............................................................................................8
6.1. Qualitative Research..............................................................................................................8
6.2. Quantitative Research............................................................................................................9
7. Research Limitations..................................................................................................................10
8. Time Schedule (Research Plan)..................................................................................................10
9. Conclusion..................................................................................................................................11
Factors Affecting Income of Workers: Gender, Nationality, Company Size - Research Study | Desklib_3

1. Introduction
Employees are the core of any organization who works towards obtaining the common
goals set by the company. The primary objective of the employees is to earn for the organization
or contribute significantly towards earning process of the company (Alam and Imran 2015). The
productivity can be segregated into individual productivity as well as organizational productivity.
In lieu of the productivity of an employee, the company provides them with salary or wages on a
period of time. However, the income of an individual can vary and there are certain influencers
of the same such as the nationality, gender, education, designation, company’s size as well as its
profitability (Blau 2016). In this research paper, the significance of various influencers of income
will be evaluated and its impact on the income of the individuals as per their gender.
2. Research Objectives
The main objective of this research is the evaluation of the various causes that affect the
income of the employees and it’s how those factors influences the income. The significance of
income to the employees is needed to be evaluated as it motivates the people to work as per the
requirement of the organization. The objectives of this paper are detailed below:
Significance of income to the employees and the pay as a motivating factor.
The various factors that affect the income of the individual on a huge basis.
The influence of the same towards the benefit of employees in an organization.
3. Research Scope
The research has a wide range of scope as the research topic has a significant effect on
the employees. The factors which influence the income of the employees or workers could affect
Factors Affecting Income of Workers: Gender, Nationality, Company Size - Research Study | Desklib_4

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