
Factors that lead to success and failure of a company in mobile phone segment: A case study of Nokia


Added on  2023-06-11

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Factors that lead to success and failure of a company in mobile phone segment: A case study of Nokia_1

The current project is based on the topic of, to analysis the factors that causes success of a
firm along with determining the factors which causes failure of a company in mobile phone
segment. It has been seen and observed that the mobile phone segment is tend to be highly
dynamic in nature along with regular upgradation of the technology that leads to many factors
and reasons which causes and leads to success or failure of a firm. The current study is based on
Nokia company with is a renowned name in mobile phone segment but because of certain factors
this gain company faces higher decline and failure. Further, current study is based on analysis of
only secondary sources of data as it supports a more time and cost efficient way of investigation.
Review of data would be made with the online articles and journals that has bene systematically
analysed under the heading of literature review along with proper analysis of data is also made.
Beside this, a valid discussion on findings and conclusion has been also included in current
project along with significant recommendation to reduce and mitigate the risk of failure within
mobile phone segment.
Factors that lead to success and failure of a company in mobile phone segment: A case study of Nokia_2

Table of Contents
Topic: LESSONS FROM NOKIA’S FALL....................................................................................4
Overview of the project..........................................................................................................4
Background of the organisation..............................................................................................4
Research aim and objectives..................................................................................................5
Rationale and significance for selection of topic...................................................................5
Research questions.................................................................................................................5
Structure of the project...........................................................................................................6
Scope and limitation...............................................................................................................6
LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................7
To evaluate about the factors that lead to success of a company...........................................7
To analysis about the key aspects that lead to the failure of a company within the mobile
phone segment......................................................................................................................10
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY...................................................................................................14
ANALYSIS OF DATA.................................................................................................................19
Factors that lead to success of a company............................................................................19
Key aspects that lead to the failure of a company within the mobile phone segment..........22
DISCUSSION ON RESEARCH FINDINGS................................................................................27
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION.............................................................................30
Factors that lead to success and failure of a company in mobile phone segment: A case study of Nokia_3

Overview of the project
It has been seen that running a business in a successful manner and ensuring its long term
sustainability is a difficult and complex task as there are many factors and risk that tend to affect
the performance and smooth running of a business. Thus, the current project is aim and focused
at the determining about the some of the key aspects and facts that leads to the failure of an
organisation within mobile phone segment (Mohan, 2022). It has been seen that the main mission
and core aim of every business organisation is to maintain and ensure its long term success and
mitigate all possible threats and obstacles such as the lack of focus, ineffective management, lack
of motivation in employees, etc. Therefore, current study has been conducted and lead out to
review and analysis about the key factors that lead to success of the company along with
determining about the factors that leads to the failure of the firms in the mobile phone segment.
Background of the organisation
The organisation selected for undertaking current project is Nokia which is tend to be a
Finnish multinational telecommunication, consumer electronics and information technology
company which was founded on 1865. The main headquarter of Nokia is tend to be situated in
Espoo, Finland and they tend to become very active in the field of the computer industry during
the times of 1950 and 1960s. Further, a rapid and significant growth is being seen within Nokia
during the rimes of 1996 to 2001 when it has a fivefold surged in its revenue from €6.5 billion to
€31 billion which was tend to reflect the peak performance of Nokia. Along with this, Nokia tend
to have a larger workforce of around 92000 people and its currently operating in more than 100
countries of world with a revenue of more than €23 billion (Magnani, 2022). Thus, Nokia tend to
be one of the most popular mobile brand of all time but recently a decline in the production level
is being seen by the Nokia which tend to be based on many reasons including the proper
managerial decisions along with higher level of politics in organisation that leads to growing
Factors that lead to success and failure of a company in mobile phone segment: A case study of Nokia_4

issue of bureaucracy which resulted in form of decline of Nokia comply. Thus, the current study
is undertaken on Nokia company to review about the factors that caused failure of a company in
mobile phone segment.
Research aim and objectives
Research aim
The main aim of current project is, “To analysis the factors that causes success of a firm
along with determining the factors which causes failure of a company in mobile phone segment.”
A research project on Nokia.
Research objectives
The main objectives set out for current project are listed as below:
To evaluate about the factors that lead to success of a company.
To analysis about the key aspects that lead to the failure of a company within the mobile
phone segment.
Rationale and significance for selection of topic
The selection of current topic tends to be rationale as it supports a better discussion and
analysis of the failure that are the main reason and causes of failure of a company. It has been
seen that running a successful business is a complex and difficult task that includes effective
management along with proper decision making and management of company resources and
asset. Along with this, the selection and undertaking of current project is also rationale as it
supports better review of the key factors that are vital and important for the success of the firm
(Ali and et. al., 2022). It has been seen and reviewed that Nokia is among one of the most
popular and successful mobile company but due to certain factors and reasons this company
faces a sudden failure and lack of productivity. Thus, it is significant and rational to look out for
the reasons and factors that supports the success of a company along with reviewing the key
aspects that leads to failure of a mobile company. Beside this, the undertaking of current project
is also rationale and important from the personal view point of researcher and also meets the
educational perspective of researcher thus supports better creation of knowledge and
understanding level. Along with this, the undertaking of the current project also leads to an
improvement of the skill and competency level within in researcher based on better managerial
and research skills which makes it more rationale and reflecting significance of undertaking
current project.
Factors that lead to success and failure of a company in mobile phone segment: A case study of Nokia_5

Research questions
What are some of the factors that led to the company's success?
What caused the company's failure in the mobile phones segment?
Structure of the project
The structure of current project includes and comprises of following main chapters and
Introduction - In this part, a brief overview of the study along with research aim objectives
and questions are provided. It also includes rationale of the study along with some limitations of
study due to which the outcomes of study may impacted.
Literature Review - This section involves review of different literatures in which the
viewpoints of different authors are compared on the themes associated with the topic. It forms
the main part of dissertation in which information from various sources are gathered so that
researcher will be able to draw valid conclusion of study.
Research Methodology - It consists of different methodologies which help researcher in
performing the research study systematically and accomplish its aim. It is also a crucial part of
study as with the assistance of different methodologies, investigator will be able to conduct study
systematically in proper and structured manner. The current research project would be based on
use of only secondary source of data that would be analsysed through applying thematic analysis
and systematic literature review.
Data Analysis - In this part, data is analysed and the findings are discussed which further
help researcher to draw conclusion of the study.
Conclusion and Recommendations - This part provides summary based on the overall
report. It also includes some recommendations which are providing on the basis of findings of
the study to organisation. It provides conclusion of overall dissertation which involves summary
of entire project.
Reflection- It tends to provide information about the personal learning and own experience
of researcher that are gained while undertaking current project. Thus, the main focus and purpose
of reflection in to gain higher underdoing level based on won experience through reviewing the
faced challenges as well as analysing the steps taken to overcome these challenges.
Factors that lead to success and failure of a company in mobile phone segment: A case study of Nokia_6

Scope and limitation
The current study is tending to have a wide scope as it presents an in-depth and detailed
review of the factors that leads to failure of a company within mobile sector. Thus, current
project tends to have a better future implication and use for the mobile company to ensure better
success and mitigate the risk of failure by the way of the leading analysis of the factors that
supports higher success along with analysis of factors that causes failure so that it can be
overcome in a timely manner. Beside this, the limitation of the current study comprises of
limited access to the resources along with time constraints. It has been seen that selecting and
analysing the suitable set of data is a complex and time consuming process that is a biggest face
within current issues. Besides this, ensuring and considering all the set ethical consideration is
also difficult that lead to limitation related with maintaining the authenticity and reliability of
It tends to forms and comprises of a vital set of every dissertation that is related and
associated with the systematic analysis and review of the pre-existing set of data. Undertaking of
the literature review tend to supports and leads out better base for the investigation by the way of
the supporting the review of the already exiting and pre-collected facts that leads to better review
of the set topic and objective (Burgelman, 2018). The current literature review is tending to be
based on the topic of the factors that lead to success of a company along with the key aspects that
lead to the failure of a company within the mobile phone segment. The use of the online set of
the articles as well as the journal and other set of the pre-existing literature is being used to
review and analysis about the selected topic a discussion and evaluation of which is tend to be
provided and listed as below:
To evaluate about the factors that lead to success of a company
As per the view point of the Angri, I., Mahfoudi, M. and Najid, A., 2022, it has been seen
and evaluated that the various factors are there which supports and contributes in the success of a
company. These sector comprises of better leadership, effective decision making, efficient
communication, effective production together with supports from the great marketing and
customer services. It has been that the Nokia is a very successful as well as productivity
company that is driven and supported by the energetic leaders along with use of innovative
Factors that lead to success and failure of a company in mobile phone segment: A case study of Nokia_7

technology and keeping proper pace with the dynamic and growing business environment. A
discussion and review of the key factors that lead to success of a company are discussed and
evaluated below in context of the Nokia company:
Leadership- These comprises and consists of the capable people who are able to focus and
leads to the big picture and higher success and productivity of the firm by the way of the
effectively directing and channelizing all the business resources. Beside this, it is also necessary
and vital that the leaders of the firm should not be lost on the trenches along with consuming and
leading with the putting out of the fires together with gridding their own axe which plays a vital
role in the success of the firm. In context of Nokia it has been that the many successful and
effective leaders such as the Pekka Lundmark who is tend to be a Finnish business executive,
and the President and CEO of Nokia plays a vital role in its success by the way of proper use of
resources. Beside this, the leaders such as the Stephen Elop tend to also plays a vital role within
the success of the Nokia by the way of the Operate in an openly and honestly manner along with
having proper directly and with transparency (Sulphey, 2019). Beside this, the leaders of the
Nokia tend to also focus on the Willingly engagement of all employees in a respectful debate,
and then affirmatively support the decisions that arise which brings in more creative and
improved decision making to support higher success of the Nokia. Along with this, it has been
seen and assumed that the leaders of the Nokia tend to supports the best of intentions in the
actions of others along with the compete and respectfully to win in external way and internally,
partner to achieve the best balance of outcomes that leads to the higher and improved success of
the firm (Sackmann, 2021).
Strategic and tactical plans- Another vital factor that plays an effective role within the
success of a firm tend to includes and comprises of company up with effective planning at right
time. It is essential to have a systematic planning to ensure the grapping of the prevailing
opportunity in the target market along with having proper plans to mitigate and eliminate the
possible risk. Within Nokia, it has been seen and evaluated that the this mobile company tend to
have proper strategic planning and effective timely ideas to come up with effective ways that
supports better results and higher success (Panigrahi, 2020). It has been seen and analysed that
many effective ways and planning is being undertake by the Nokia that tend to supports and
leads to better success for instances when Nokia was facing the verge of collapsing due to its
immense success the company responded and come up with the effective planning and strategic
Factors that lead to success and failure of a company in mobile phone segment: A case study of Nokia_8

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