
Holistic Child Cluster Assessment


Added on  2023-04-06

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Design and CreativityGrammar and Writing
Thank you for submitting your Holistic Child Cluster Assessment and I can see the time and effort
that you have put into it. You have made a start however at this stage I am going to ask you to
revisit and resubmit the sections indicated below with ‘Please resubmit’. Please refer to the
comments and suggestions provided throughout your assessment in purple.
Please resubmit: Task 1 – those sections indicated with ‘please resubmit’
Task 2
Task 3
Task 4
Thank you for your introduction letter. It is great to hear that you want to pursue a career in the
Early Childhood Field and have decided to study with TAFE Digital. Please do not get disheartened
by being asked to resubmit, this is a long and challenging assessment which has many sections so
please read through the comments and suggestions carefully. Please upload this assessment again
when resubmitting your review assessment and do not hesitate to speak to a teacher if you
require any assistance at all. I wish you all the best and look forward to marking your review
Mark: 21/100 Please resubmit 19.2.19
Gemma Refalo
Offsite Marker TAFE Digital
Holistic Child Cluster
Early Childhood Education and Care
Off-the-job assessment
CHCECE017- Foster the Holistic Development and Wellbeing of the Child
in Early Childhood
CHCECE018- Nurture Creativity in Children
CHCECE022- Promote Children’s Agency
CHCECE023- Analyse Information to Inform Learning
Please note that all four (4) units in the Development Cluster are co-assessed.
This is the only written off-the-job assessment to be completed for all four (4)
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units. Please ensure that you have read the learning materials for all four (4)
units prior to commencing this assessment.
I have read the learning resource CHCECE017
I have read the learning resource CHCECE018
I have read the learning resource CHCECE022
I have read the learning resource CHCECE023
I have attended a live/recorded Connect Session for this cluster of units
I have accessed the forums for assistance with this unit (optional)
You are NOW ready to start this assessment. Good luck!
Assessment Summary
This assessment is graded. Learners will receive a Competent with Distinction or Competent with
Credit or Competent or Not yet Competent in accordance with TAFE NSW Assessment Guidelines.
Weighting: 25%
Marks out of 100
What you have to do
Before beginning your assignment, it is important that you have all required formats and
documents that were part of the download for this assignment.
Also check in the ‘Assessment tips’ section under this assessment tab in the OLS for this unit for
any helpful fact sheets and web-links.
Task 1 involves completing a series of observations on a three (3) year old child, ‘Lucas’ using
scenario information and video clips. (out of 50)
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Task 2 involves completing a developmental summary of the child’s interest, strengths and
emerging skills referring to scenario information and video clips. (out of 25)
Task 3 involves creating planning suggestions for the child based on the observations and
developmental summary and identifying appropriate educator interactions. (out of 25)
Task 4 involves developing an observation schedule to ensure all children are included in
observation and planning (satisfactory)
Please read through all tasks very carefully.
Task 1: Observations (out of 50 - 12.5 marks for each observation)
Watch the following video sequences of Lucas (4.3 year old child). Video available on
practice-eylf-nqs/car-factory/ (Car factory)
practice-eylf-nqs/rolling-in-a-tyre/ (Rolling in a tyre) Lucas is the boy in the red hat.
practice-eylf-nqs/vignette-discovering-making-connections/ (Discovering – making
connections up to 2:15) Lucas is the boy in the blue shirt at the beginning of the video.
practice-eylf-nqs/vignette-finger-painting/ (Finger painting) Lucas is the boy in the hat at
the table.
Video clips can be accessed from the OLS under the Assessment Information tab; Resources tab;
click on Notebook icon and this opens up a new screen.
Complete 4 observations (as detailed below) based on the clips provided:
Observation 1 – Anecdotal Observation – Sequence 1: Lucas making a car. (Focus on
fine motor, language, emotional and social development)
Observation 2 – Learning story- Sequence 2: Lucas rolling tyres. (Focus on gross motor
and social development)
Observation 3 – Jotting – Use Sequence 3: Lucas ‘making connections’ (Focus on
language, cognitive and social development)
Observation 4 – Work sample – use Sequence 4: Lucas doing finger painting. (Focus on
fine motor, language, emotional and social development)
Additional information – Use the information from the enrolment form and scenario to
document further contextual information about Lucas (see end of this assessment)
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The following observation templates
Your four (4) completed observations and additional information must cover the developmental
Physical; Social; Emotional; Cognitive/Creative; Communication
Each observation must include:
The story of what you saw
Interpretations, including clear links to development and theory
Links to the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) Learning Outcomes and sub
Future planning ideas for each observation
Your observations must cover the following five (5) developmental domains:
The following observation proformas have been developed to use for this task
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Child’s name: Lucas Smith Observer’s name: Faiza Date:2/7/2019
Setting: outdoor Context / parent input: Lucas is attending centre two day per
week Thursday and Friday he is very good child and lives with his
parents and 6-month old sister
I put Lucas painting on board Lucas mother was very happy to
see his painting and she informed that he loves painting and she
wrote some good comments on our weekly sheet
Faiza, this section needs to have information that has been
provided to you in Lucas’s enrolment form and parent
information sheet.
Observation – Write down what you
saw and what you heard:
Educator gave Lucas a box to create his
cardboard car. When told to go
outside, he asked Isabella
if she was going to paint her car. Lucas
watched as the educator grabbed the
red paint and the paint brush for
He said “I can help her she said”, the
educator then takes another paint
brush for Lucas.
Lucas holds the brush with his right
hand and throws it to Isabella’s right.
He then shows to the brush on his left
and speaks “that’s yours”.
Lucas held the brush with his right hand
at the very end of the paint brush.
He goes away from Isabella when she
tells him to. What was Isabella’s
statement to Lucas that made him go
He then moves closer and touches the
top of Isabella’s box with his left hand
and paints the top of the box using the
brush in his right hand.
He finishes painting and says “ow” as
Interpretation, including developmental
skills, concepts and dispositions and links
to developmental theory:
PHYSICAL: Through this observation, it is
evident that Lucas has good fine motor
He was able to hold onto the paint brush,
which indicates that his fine motor skills
aren’t weak since it didn’t fall out of his
Towards the end of the video, Lucas is
seen to be holding a pair of scissors in his
right hand which further supports
Faiza, yes Lucas displays some fine motor
skills however some more detail is needed
here. What specific fine motor skills is
Lucas showing? Eg handedness, hand/eye
coordination etc. Also please try and
refrain from using the term ‘good’.
Developed or age appropriate is more
SOCIAL/EMOTIONAL: in the video, Lucas is
seen to be following directions. He waits
for the educator and when told to go
he immediately goes. He positively
interacts with Isabella by offering to lend
her a hand in painting her car box.
Framework Links:
Refer to one to
two outcome/s
and one sub
outcome/s from
the Early Years
1.2 Children
develop their
autonomy, inter-
resilience and
sense of agency
EYLF Outcome 5
Children are
5.1 Children
interact verbally
and non-verbally
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he looks the paint on his left hand. He
flips his hand around, and then scraped
it on the side of the table and speaks,
“I’m red, I’m red”. When the educator
Lucas if the logo on the paper is his
he switches the brush to his left hand,
while using his right hand to point at
the Porsche and speaks “this”.
He takes the paint brush with both
hands and paints the top of the box
Lucas is then told to help the educator
find the Toyota logo. He takes the
papers and takes a seat.
He speaks “oh no” when the educator
tells him that he got paint on his logo.
He placed papers on his lap, and passed
one of them to the educator.
As Isabella points to the educator the
paint on her hands, Lucas responded by
saying “you can do hand paint”.
The educator indicates at one of the
papers and speaks “do you remember
what’s this car?”, “Lexus” Lucas
Lucas watches another paper and
speaks “Aldi” before passing it to the
educator. He notices the next paper
says “Ford”, as he distinguishes the
Ford logo paper from the rest of the
papers, he relinquishes one on the
floor and tells “Toyota”.
The educator releases the Toyota to
Isabella and says “there’s 2 for you”, in
which Lucas responds and says “no
Yes, Lucas certainly interacted positively
with Isabelle however again think about
the specific social skills that he is
demonstrating. Consider skills such as
sharing and turn taking. Also think about
the type of play that Lucas is engaging in as
COMMUNICATION/Language: Lucas used a
lot of pronouns in the video. He has said
“I’m red, I’m red”, “I can help her”, and
“you can do hand paint”. He shows
understanding of the English language by
reading the car logos,
and he was able to differentiate between
the logos. Lucas responded promptly to
the educator, and spoke in full sentences.
He initiated conversation at the start the
video by asking Isabella if she was going to
paint her car.
Lucas also conversed in full sentences with
Isabella, saying “you can do hand paint”
and “I don’t want paint on mine”.
Faiza, you have highlighted pronouns and
Lucas’s use of full sentences however
when interpreting language and
communication skills it is vital that you also
consider skills such as clarity, vocabulary,
number of words in a sentence etc.
Cognitive: Enjoys stimulating
environments, especially anything physical
You have mentioned above that Lucas was
able to differentiate between the car
logos. Now you need to go further with
Lucas’s cognitive skills and think about
colour awareness, problem solving,
memory recall etc.
Erik Erikson (1902–1994) Please provide
some detail about how Erikson relates to
your interpretation.
with others for a
range of
Faiza, you have
provided some
appropriate links
to EYLF here.
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there’s 3”.
The educator receives the papers from
Lucas, and he says “there’s one more”.
He rises up holding the scissors in his
right hand and says
“I don’t want paint on mine”.
Faiza, I can see that you have watched
the video recording carefully and you
have recorded some nice detail
including Lucas’s actions and dialogue
with the educator and other child. You
started to record this observation in
the past tense however then you have
switched to the present tense.
Remember that anecdotal observations
are always recorded in the past tense
so please revisit this observation and
ensure that it is recorded in the past
tense. Please resubmit.
Faiza, you have made a nice start on this
interpretation and you have identified the
relevant developmental domains.
However, some more detail is needed
when interpreting Lucas’s specific skills.
Please refer to the comments and
suggestions provided above. Please
Future planning (ideas for the child):
I did an observation Lucas is good in fine motor skill I would more work on his gross motor skill I
will put on some music and I will give instructions to Lucas that, dance a particular way so he can dance
slow, fast, in a circle, and I will involve with Lucas.
Faiza, when thinking about future planning ideas it is important that you consider the skills and interests
that Lucas was displaying in the observation and how you can further develop and extend on them. You
have not discussed gross motor skills therefore perhaps consider that Lucas has an interest in and
knowledge of cars. Perhaps consider a future planning idea that might extend on this interest. Please
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LEARNING STORY (You can attach photos to this if you wish and you have
Child’s Name and date of observation: Lucas Smith Date: 7/2/2019
Child’s Age: 4 years 3 months
What happened and who was involved (written like a story):
In the garden there is a group of children and one teacher and one child set inside the rolling tyre than
teacher said ready? And begins rolling the tyre and stop because Teacher guide him that put your hands
up and Lucas asked to the teacher Let me do that’ and teacher allow Lucas to push the tyre and children
and teachers appreciate the Lucas and said Fast’ and a bit help to Lucas to Push the tyre and one child
suggested to Lucas that’s Enough
And after finished his turn Teacher said that its Jack turn and Jack set in the tyre and set his cap and
teacher guide him how to set in the tyre and Lucas helped to Jack to put his hands up and teacher roll the
tyre and child in the red shirt to help to roll the child and jack said Stop and he take off
And now Lucas know that now is his turn he came towards the tyre and set in the tyre as I observed –you
do not need to record ‘I observe’ - he set himself inside the tyre very well How did you do this? and Kale
push the tyre and Teacher observed it that’s it’s hard for him so he asked others children to help him to
roll the tyre and they did very well
And after few steps Lucas turn finished and he carefully come out from the tyre and put the hands on the
floor to get up
And said to his friend now it’s your turn and run and his friend sat in the tyre but he didn’t sit properly and
Kale and Lucas push the tyre and child said Stop please’
Now Jack in the sat in the tyre and Lucas and his friend try to push the tyre teacher said you both push the
tyre because it’s very hard and teacher help to the children to push the tyre and Lucas push the tyre by
himself and Jack said Enough Kale
And Jack take off and get up and clean the dirt from his left arm and teacher said that’s it and asked him
you going backward and How you feel like and Jack replied Good
And teacher asked who is going now? And children pointing to teach others as I observed children got
tired and they don’t want to play more and Lucas was just hand on top of the tyre.
Faiza, it is important to remember that when you are recording a learning story you need to record it like a
story. It must be recorded in sequence and use speech marks when a child has spoken. Your learning story
is quite challenging to read and I think that it would be beneficial for you to ask someone to proof read this
learning story for you. Please also ensure that this learning story is recorded in the past tense. Please
Context/parent input (anything that may happen outside of the service that influences this
As discussed with parents Lucas is playing with football/soccer in park with other park friends but
Lucas parents was happy to see this activity, Lucas parents said that’s the new activity he is run
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