
International Live Project Management - Final Report Template


Added on  2022-12-05

11 Pages3681 Words415 Views
International Live Project
Module Code:1643
Final Report Template
International Live Project Management - Final Report Template_1

Final Report
The final Report is divided into 2 sections the Project Proposal (product) and Project Reflection
(proposed product & process)
Section 1: Proposed product to address the project scope
Please use the word counts as an indication of the importance of each section. The total word count should not
exceed 2,500 words. Students are permitted to include appendices (which are not included within the word
count) of additional evidence of their proposed product (eg maps, tables and graphs etc. No detailed text
sections are to be included as appendices). All appendices should be embedded within the report after the
reference section.
Provide an overview of your proposal to address your project scope: [1000 words] – include the specific
details of the repackaged product or new product and its location on a map of Birmingham (if relevant).
Include images/maps/photos to showcase your proposal effectively citing source/title for all images (not
included in your word count).
Project manager is responsible for planning, organizing and integrating resources so that particular
project can be accomplished in limited time frame. Vintage train is an operator of heritage railtours in United
Kingdom and it operate many steam and diesel locomotives on its mainline railtours. The train is well known
for providing relaxation, comfort and charm of days gone to people so that they can enjoy the trip in best
possible manner. In order to attract more and more tourist within the vintage train there has been dediced of
repackaged the existing products for gaining more benefits or outcome. Company has planned to start a new
project of providing online booking as well as payment of services with impact of covid-19 so that they have
more fun and entertainment (Radujković and Sjekavica, 2017). This is part pertaining to the overview of
proposal of project that address the scope of project.
Project scope outlines the scope of entire project in terms of resources, activities, deliverables, and team
member involved, project boundaries, assumption, its limitation and many more. It also contained detailed
related to important stakeholders of the project so that maximum benefits can be given to them through starting
a project. The scope of project of vintage train is as follows:
Resources: In order to complete the task pertaining to project of launching online payment and booking
services there are numerous resource will be required such as financial, human and technology to complete the
task in fruitful manner. It has been estimated that for repackaging the products of Vintage train around 17000
has to be invested in making several expenses so manager need to arrange sufficient finance in order to
effective implement the project. Moreover, it can be stated that highly skilled, qualified and knowledge human
resources will be required that are able to make use of digital technology to check online payment receive and
ticket of customers are booked in limited time. Thus they need not have to wait for longer time frame in order
to get services and satisfied their wants (Picciotto, 2020). For the project sufficient computer or digital
technology and software need to be install to provide online payment services to customers. So, project
manager through effective arranging and organizing all such resources is able to complete the project in best
possible manner.
Activities: There are various activities that project manager has to undertake in order to complete the project
and achieve the desired outcome in most effective manner. First and foremost activity that will be done by
project manager is planning of resources required, then the way they will be utilized and team member will be
coordinate to work together as team so that project goals can be attained. After planning, organizing of
resources, the activities or steps that are taken to implement the project are monitored and control through
making use of information technology and comparing by making use of key performance indicators. With an
motivate to identified the key areas where the project lack so that it can be improved and more better services
can be render to traveler in the vintage train (Papke-Shields and Boyer-Wright, 2017).
International Live Project Management - Final Report Template_2

Milestones: Milestone represents the crucial information pertaining to deadline in which particular activities
associated with project will be completed for attainment of standard results in minimum cost and time frame.
For planning the project it is estimated that around 1 month will be required to decide appropriate resources,
activities should be completed so that online booking and payment services can be delivered to customer or
traveler across United Kingdom. For organizing resource related to the project more time will be required such
as 2 -3 month approximately as finance need to be arrange, human resources and technology at minimum
price and best quality. In order to implement the steps it will only required 1- 2 month maximum as each
member needs to be clearly defined its roles and responsibilities or task it need to perform so that potential
individuals can make online payment and have services of vintage train in Birmingham for having fun and
enjoyments. At last it can be stated that it is estimated that around 1 month will be required to monitor, check
or evaluate the outcome of activities, performance of each team member in order to identify key issue or
problem (Kivilä, Martinsuo and Vuorinen, 2017). Thereby, alternative method can be planned to resolve the
issue or problem for accomplishment of objective of project of vintage train.
Team member: There are various team members that the project manager need to require to accomplish the
project that have skills, knowledge and expertise in new technology and digital media. They know how the
digital technology as well as software can be used to book ticket of traveler so that while staying at home they
can get book their seat and enjoy the vintage travel. So, project manager has tried its best to have good team by
focusing on open and free communication between them so that they easily share information with each other
and coordinate as a team for work for achievement of common goals. Team member are aware of the way task
need to be completed, resources need to be optimum utilized so that maximum benefits can be render to
customers or travelers.
Assumption: There are key assumption pertaining to the project such as individual will have full access to all
resources (either human or material or financial) pertaining to the project. Team member of project will also
been provided with specialized equipment and software so that they can easily complete their respective task
and activities without much issue. All these resources and equipment will be presented in the well condition so
that project can be successfully completed. Manager will always try to reduce cost associated with resources or
material so that better outcome can be gained (Dovgan, Mokhonko and Artemenko, 2017). Moreover, there
would be active participation and engagement of each stakeholder in the project. It is assumed that all legal
cost has been considered by the project manager while pursing the project for smooth operation and effective
Limitation: The external environment is dynamic in nature or ever changing thus it may cause challenge in
implementing the project as desired. Due to limited availability of resources there may be issue created in
making utilization of digital technology to provide online booking and other services to customers. The project
manager has taken appropriate step as well as procedure in order to avoid the above limitation so that
maximum outcome can be achieved in limited time frame (Heldman, 2018). Likewise the budget is limited but
the manager has tried to make best use of available financial resources so that fruitful outcome can be enjoyed
by Vintage train in United Kingdom.
International Live Project Management - Final Report Template_3

Rationale for your proposal [1000 Words] –Consider your chosen new diverse target market (profile:
millennial, diaspora, cultural, LGBTQ, Student, overseas students based within the UK, etc), industry trends
(heritage based attractions) and destination characteristics (relevant to your proposal) and diverse criteria (be
specific about which criteria you are using)
The proposal of new project of online booking and payment services pertaining to vintage train is made
in order to attract new diverse market that is Millennial that are highly interested to have online booking rather
than physical. This is part of project that justify why it is rationale or significant to start the project for new
diverse target market, industry trends, destination characteristics and diverse criteria. The reason or rationale
for starting the new project of online payment and booking services is illustrated as follows:
New diverse target market: The project of vintage train is pertaining to use of software in order to provide
ease to customers in online booking and making payment to have services for satisfaction of their respective
requirements. Project manager has plan to targeted millennial as group for project as they are more interest to
have personalized, more innovative and creative services. Millennial are individual that belong to age group of
23 to 38 having birth in 1981 and 1996 are highly influence by innovative technology thereby ready to make
additional or higher price. Moreover these individuals are more interest to travel at destination or place that
have peace and greenly so that they enjoy the nature and relax their mind for sometimes by leaving all their
tension and stress (Jugdev, Mathur and Cook, 2018). Through the new project they need not have to stand in
long queue to have services of Vintage train or travel across Birmingham to have fun and entertainment.
Millennial is group that has maximum number of individuals across worldwide as there are more numbers of
younger generations that are highly aware as well as influence to have more innovative services travel than
other group. So new project for Millennial will contribute in enjoy higher profit and sales volume. Therefore it
can be stated that the Vintage train through implementing its new project idea can easily make Millennial
happy and satisfied thereby attract more and more people to have services of train rather than others. Moreover
in current scenario the project is useful to attract Millennial is because with impact of covid-19, people wants
to have social distancing and safe environment in order to stay safe and healthy for many years (Lai, Deng and
Chang, 2019). So they do not want to have much physical contact so online booking and payment services has
provide them ease in viewing the availability of services and actual prices thus they can take right decision to
have services at vintage train to satisfied their needs in effective manner.
Industry trends: It define the trends or changes that are taking place in particular industry which has influence
project manager to make modification in existing products through repackaging so that new diverse group can
be attracted and maximum benefits can be enjoyed. In current scenario, most of the people want to have
services through innovative technology as it contributes in providing qualitative services in limited time
possible. The companies are adapting themselves as per development in technology or changes in trends,
International Live Project Management - Final Report Template_4

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