
Fitlife Health Club Strategic Marketing Plan 2015-2020


Added on  2023-03-29

7 Pages552 Words240 ViewsType: 240
Fitlife health club strategic
marketing plan 2015-2020
Fitlife Health Club Strategic Marketing Plan 2015-2020_1

Different activities that affect the marketing
Code of practice
It is the guidelines which is issued by professional association and the official body to their
members that help them to comply with the standard ethics. Different company various operation
and these operations are affected by the codes of conduct, by such codes organisation can't use price
discrimination, use ethical promotion techniques etc.
Pivacy and confidentiality
It is the process of controlling access to oneself which includes physical privacy and it is also related
to information which means handling the personal information so that will not harm the interest of
the individual.
Ethical principles
It is the guidelines which is in the particular dilemmas that may be analysed and follows by the
organisation, marketing ethical principles are all the marketing channels should communicate the
true and fair information
Fitlife Health Club Strategic Marketing Plan 2015-2020_2

Legislation and regulation
There are different laws relates to the marketing operation that are bait
advertisement is the promotion given of that products that are not fulfilling the
need and expectation of the customer and this activity is illegal.
Safety issues
Distribution and marketing safety committee arrange activities and programs to
enhance the performance of the companies in the marketing operation. It helps
the organisation to enhance their safety performance and manage good and fair
Fitlife Health Club Strategic Marketing Plan 2015-2020_3

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