
Health and Rehabilitation Strategies


Added on  2020-04-21

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Fitness/ exercise therapy
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Health and Rehabilitation Strategies_1

Short answer questions
1. Some of the steps that are to be followed for the development fitness program. At first a
person must evaluate their level of fitness. The scores of the baseline should be measured and
according to that a program for fitness is designed by considering goals. A routine should be
planned for the aerobic activities. Some of the equipments such as the machines and the
shoes must be properly assembled. After the starting of the exercises the assessment for the
personal fitness must analyzed and new goals are being creates as required (Hoeger &
Hoeger, 2016).
2. The traditional medicine is quite different from the conventional type of medicine as it is
being developed from generations. The basic differences between the two types of medicines
are the method of observance of the health and diseases. The traditional type of medicine is
being accepted through the traditional way of culture; that is why this type of medicine
cannot be used widely. Whereas the modern medicine is scientifically proved but it ignores
the aspects of spiritual or psychological in a life of a person (Tait et al., 2013).
3. The traditional type of medicine is more helpful for the approach of the fitness therapy as this
helps in reducing the risk of the side effects. The traditional medicines are more responsive
for treating the chronic diseases. Another advantage of the traditional medicine is the low in
cost and the wide availability. Though it can be said that the combination of both the
traditional and the modern medicines is the better as the modern medicines affect more
quickly. The modern medicines treat the symptoms as well as the illness in order to reduce
the pain and the improving the healing process (Knopf, 2016).
4. Dysfunction is a type of abnormality, loss or impairment of a specified organ or the organ
system. T is a basic problem which is related to an organ or the structure of a body. Disability
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is type of lack or the restriction in human body which mainly acts as a limitation for
performing an activity. Handicap is type of disadvantage that was overcome by a person that
prevents a person to fulfill them their basic needs of daily lives.
5. The main function of fitness therapy is to improve the fitness, mobility and the self efficacy.
The improvement in the performances can be done by doing therapeutic exercises. The
fitness therapy can help in correction of the physical deformity and help in the improvement
of the overall health. The programs of the fitness therapy help to achieve the muscular
stamina and power. This fitness therapy considers all of the important factors as for example
proper diet, programs for exercises and the benefits (Knopf, 2016).
6. The Functional fitness could be described as the exercises for preparing or training muscles
by stimulating common movements to be done at work, home or sports. The functional
fitness training uses various muscles in the lower and upper body at the same time that
emphasizes core stability. Functional fitness training can be beneficial for all age groups as it
makes everyday activities easier, reduces the risk of injury and improves quality of life
(Santos et al., 2012
7. For planning restorative activities, a couple of steps can be taken after. A thorough
examination of the patient might be begun with. The issues and practical handicaps might be
resolved. The points and goals of the treatment program should be recorded. Next, a
legitimate exercise program that would serve the points and targets is outlined. Occasional
examination and re-assessment of the patients should be done week by week or month to
month. Adjustments must be made as and when required for enhancing comes about (Kisner
and Colby, 2012).
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8. An inborn inability is an irregularity or medicinal condition that is available at or before
birth. Such conditions are otherwise called birth surrenders as it can be picked up amid fetal
advancement arrange. There are a few reasons for inborn incapacities, for example,
utilization of liquor amid pregnancy, lethal substances, ill-advised medicines, diseases or
hereditary causes. The imperfections change in causes and indications. A few infections can
be recognized prenatally, during childbirth or at a later stage (Bogart, 2014).
9. The Pre-habilitation practice includes fortifying and molding particular muscles. It is
valuable as the activities help in lessening damage hazards before damage really happens.
The program helps in breaking down the uninjured player's development designs, dangers
required with the game and the player's position. It is helpful for knee substitution, bear
tendinitis, tennis/golfer's elbow, lower leg sprain and different others. The Post-recovery
helps the patients who have completed their exercise based recuperation. This program helps
in crossing over any barrier between social insurance and wellness. The program should
enable the patients in recouping to accomplish physical wellness (Knopf, 2016).
10. The lung conditions are primarily served by legitimate breathing activities. A legitimate
breathing activities program can help the patients experiencing endless obstructive aspiratory
malady (COPD). The activities help in purging lung. Not just the lungs, legitimate breathing
activities additionally help in decreasing or overseeing stress. It helps in enhancing wellbeing
and nature of living. Breathing activities are a characteristic approach to dispose of misery
and interminable torment (Marshall et al., 2014).
11. Hypoglycemia is a state of low blood glucose normally under 70 mg/dl. It is likewise called
as insulin stun. The conditions or manifestations can happen abruptly that incorporates
unexplained weariness, hazy vision, hunger, trouble in dozing, loss of cognizance, skin
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shivering, fair skin, sudden apprehension, sudden inclination changes, shaking,
inconvenience in concentrating, and cerebral pain. It additionally includes tipsiness or
discombobulation, fractiousness or fretfulness, outrage, bitterness, persistence, seizures,
chills or dampness (American Diabetes Association, 2016).
12. A therapeutic exercise program helps in increasing physiological, mental and social
advantages. The physiological advantages include preparing joints, enhancing balance,
enhancing blood flow, discharging contracted muscles, advancing unwinding, enhancing
continuance, practical limit and different others. The mental impacts include the prompt
arrival of hormones. The preparation and exercise discharges endorphins leaving the
individual quiet, empowered and idealistic. It likewise helps in enhancing general insight
remainder and subjective capacities. The social advantages include decrease in tension and
wretchedness, and enhancing confidence. The program helps in expanding self-assurance and
builds up new system for the individual (Healthguidance.org, 2016).
13. ADLs allude to exercises of everyday living that we perform day by day for self-care, for
example, showering, eating, work, preparing, recreation and homemaking. The non-
execution of ADLs can be considered as a type of confusion as it is a fundamental measure
of the capacities. The general population with handicap, elderly, or post-damage, will most
likely be unable to perform day by day exercises. The physical specialists utilize activities to
help patients and help them in picking up autonomy in ADLs (Fong et al., 2015).
14. Being a specialist in physical therapy, I might survey a couple of cardio-respiratory
conditions, for example, Cystic fibrosis and respiratory muscle shortcoming, confused
breathing disorder or hyperventilation disorder. As an expert, the reasons for the cardio-
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respiratory conditions, for example, asthma or constant obstructive pneumonic malady
(COPD) must be investigated (Gosh.nhs.uk, 2016).
15. A diabetic coma is like state is a medicinal crisis condition when the glucose level is too high
or low. Before building up a diabetic extreme lethargy, the high glucose or hyperglycemia
patients may encounter weariness, fast pulse, too much dry mouth, fruity breath scent,
stomach torment, queasiness and retching, shortness of breath and successive pee. The low
glucose or hypoglycaemia patients may hint at tension, exhaustion, instability, unsteadiness,
disarray, craving and sweating. At the point when the individual gets a feeling that he /she
might die because of outrageous states of low or high glucose signs, the person should call
for emergency (Mayoclinic.org, 2016).
16. The disabilities that are being acquired are the physical conditions which hamper the work of
daily life of a person which is the result of a disease or accident. The disabilities might be
invisible or visible and are also related to accident, illness or health. Some of the examples of
these type of disabilities that are acquired are loss of vision, hearing, trauma in head, injury
in spinal cord, loss of the limbs, arthritis, muscle sclerosis, post traumatic stress and mental
17. Out of the seven learning styles, my predominant learning style for individual comprehension
is singular or intrapersonal. The frontal and parietal projections, and the limbic framework,
are likewise dynamic with this style. Be that as it may, I have a blend of visual or spatial
learning style un which I utilize pictures or pictures for better understanding (Pritchard,
18. A seizure or shaking is change in conduct after a scene of strange electric movement in the
cerebrum. The individual encounters muscle constriction and unwinding over and over. As
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