
Fitness And Exercise Therapy Session Report


Added on  2022-09-01

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Running head: Fitness/ Exercise Therapy
Fitness/ Exercise Therapy
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Fitness And Exercise Therapy Session Report_1

1Fitness/ Exercise Therapy
Table of Contents
Short Answer Questions 2
Case Study Questions 12
Learn Experience Questions 21
References 24
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2Fitness/ Exercise Therapy
Short Answer Questions
1. To develop a fitness program, a few main steps to be considered. For starter, the fitness
level of an individual should be assessed. To design a fitness program, the baseline scores
must be subjected to measurement, while taking the goals into consideration. Aerobic
activities must be included in a routine, which can be considered balanced. Machines,
shoes and the other equipments should be subjected to assembly. Before making
assessments in regards to an individual’s personal fitness, the exercises must begin. The
creation of new goals can be done as per the requirement (Hoeger & Hoeger, 2016).
2. The conventional medicine differs from the traditional medicine considering the fact that
the development of the latter involved generations of improvement. The difference
between the two medicinal models can be observed, only when considering their ways of
observing the disease and the health. The reason for the wide variations in the traditional
medicine in different cultures is that the practice gets accepted in a particular culture
through tradition. Even the scientific verification of the conventional medicine cannot
affect a person psychologically or spiritually, like the traditional medicine (Tait et al.,
3. The traditional medicines can be used in cases of the chronic diseases in order to get a
better response. Thus while setting up a fitness therapy, this method is considered to be a
more secure and conductive approach, since it does not involve many side effects and
also have the advantages like its easy availability and the lower cost. The fact that the
additional use of the modern and traditional medicines together can bring a better effect is
already under argumentative consideration (Knopf, 2016).
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3Fitness/ Exercise Therapy
4. Any kind of loss of function, abnormality and impairment in an organ or system that can
be related with the structure of the body can be labelled as dysfunction. Any kind of
restriction or inability in the body of a human that prevents or invites difficulty in
performing any kind of bodily movement can be called disability. Handicap is a term
used for referring the individuals who finds difficulty in performing a normal human
activity due to some limitations in their body (Anastasiou& Kauffman, 2013).
5. A fitness therapy aims for improving the fitness, level of self-efficacy and mobility. The
therapeutic exercises plays a role in improving performance. The improvement of the
overall health and the correction of any kind of physical deformity can be achieved by the
physical fitness therapy. The programs oriented with physical fitness can help in the
achievement of the strength and the endurance of the muscles. Many factors come under
consideration while setting up a fitness plan, which includes eating habit of an individual,
exercise plans, recovery along with the availed benefits (Knopf, 2016).
6. The exercises performed to help in the preparation and stimulation of the muscles to carry
out common movements during the work, sports or even common activities at home, can
be termed as functional fitness. The activities of the functional fitness program involve
the muscle movement of the upper and the lower body at the same time, which helps in
the achievement of the core stability. The training to achieve the functional fitness can be
beneficial for every age groups, since the goal of this fitness program involves improving
the quality of the life by reducing the risk of injury along with making the everyday
activity easier (Santos et al., 2012).
7. There are a few steps to be followed while designing a routine of therapeutic exercises.
As the first step, a thorough physical examination of the patient, listing all the disabilities
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and the problems in relation to the functioning, should be enlisted. The second step can
be enlisting all the possible objectives and aims of the program. After that an exercise
program addressing all those aims and objectives must be designed. Examinations and
the re-evaluation of the physical state of the patient must be done on a weekly or monthly
basis while maintaining a periodic record. In order to improve the results, continuous
modifications in the fitness program must be done (Kisner & Colby, 2012).
8. An anomaly or a medical condition, which is consistent since the birth or even before the
birth and has developed during the growth of the fetus, is known as congenital disability
or birth defects. The reasons for congenital disability of the fetus include the intake of
some kind of toxic substances, consumption of alcoholic drinks by the mother, wrong
medications, some kind of infections. It can also be genetic. The congenital defects vary
in both symptoms and causes. Some of those defects can be detected before the child
birth and some of them can be detected after the child birth (Bogart, 2014).
9. To improve the strength and the condition of the specific muscles, the pre-habilitation
exercise is used. The main beneficiary advantage of this exercise is that it reduces the risk
of an injury long before the injury actually happens. The fitness program analyse the
movement patterns of the player and also assess the risks of injury for the player in
relevance to the sport they play and also the position of the player in the same sport. The
exercise program is beneficial for the players in cases of the replacement of knee, elbows
of the tennis or golf players, ankles, shoulder tendinitis and many others. The patients
who have already completed the physical therapy may find the post-rehabilitation much
more helpful. The program along with helping the patients with the recovery of their
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physical fitness, helps in bridging a gap between the fitness and the healthcare (Knopf,
10. The breathing exercises are mainly designed to help the patients with lung conditions
such as COPD, which is also known as the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The
breathing exercises help those patients in managing the stress along with cleansing their
lungs. The exercises are considered to be a natural way to manage both the chronic pain
and the depression. Additionally they are really effective in improving the quality of life
(Marshall et al., 2014).
11. Hyperglycaemia, which is also known as insulin shock, involves the condition of a very
low glucose level in the blood, which is approximately 70 mg/dl. This disease involves
many sudden symptoms or conditions including insomnia, sudden hunger, impaired
vision, sudden and unexplained fatigue, tingling of the skin, seizures, mood swings,
losing consciousness, dizziness, headache, tremor and also difficulty in
concentrating(American Diabetes Association, 2016).
12. The benefits of a therapy oriented exercise program involve the improvement of social,
physiological and psychological health of an individual. When discussing the social
benefits, the reduced depression and anxiety along with the improved self-esteem can be
considered. The physiological benefits are the improved endurance, balance, blood
circulation, functional capacity of an individual. The mobilisation of the joints, release of
contracted muscles, and promotion of a relaxed mental state can also be included in this
type of benefits. The training along with the exercises help in releasing hormones like
endorphins and the release of that hormone help an individual to achieve relaxed mind-
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set which involves being optimistic, energised and in maintaining calm. This benefit can
be considered under the psychological benefit section.
13. The activities that are listed under ADL, involve our daily activities like eating,
breathing, moving, walking, working and various others, which is done to promote self-
care, home-making and other things like that. An individual is considered to have a form
of disability if they are unable to perform the ADLs. The reasons for these disabilities
may involve the old age, disability or a phase of post-injury. The physical therapists help
those patients, who are unable to perform the ADLs by advising them with exercises in
order to improve their condition of living(Fong et al., 2015).
14. In cases of the cardio-respiratory conditions like cystic fibrosis (which involves weakness
in the respiratory muscles), hyperventilation syndrome (which is also known as
disordered breathing syndrome), an assessment should be made by an exercise therapy
specialist. The specialist also have the responsibility of finding the reasons of the cardio-
respiratory syndrome such as COPD and asthma (Gosh.nhs.uk, 2016).
15. An individual is considered to be in a diabetic coma, if their blood sugar level deviate too
much in either direction. The patients with hyperglycaemia experience the symptoms like
shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, fatigue, stomach pain, nausea, fruity breath, dryness
in mouth, frequent urge for urination, before they develop the diabetic coma. In cases of
the hypoglycaemia patients, the symptoms involve hunger, confusion, fatigue, dizziness,
anxiety and sweating, before they develop the diabetic coma. A diabetic individual thus
always remember to call for emergency, whenever they feel like that they are losing
consciousness (Mayoclinic.org, 2016).
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16. Sometimes disabilities are acquired from some kind of accidents or disease. These types
of disabilities involve both visible and invisible damages. The examples include the loss
of hearing or seeing abilities, muscle sclerosis, head trauma, arthritis, mental illness,
PTSD, head trauma and spinal injuries (Higgins et al., 2012).
17. For personal understanding, my dominant learning style is the solitary or interpersonal
style out of all the seven styles. The limbic system along with the frontal or parietal lobes
are active, when this particular learning cycle is used. I also use the pictures or images in
order to achieve a better understanding, which is known as a mix of spatial or visual
learning system (Pritchard, 2012).
18. When an individual experiences rapid muscle contraction and relaxation due to abnormal
electric activity, which takes place in the brain, the individual is considered to be
experiencing a seizure or convulsion. The considerations, an expert for physical therapy
must take into account include the events of brief blackout, drooling, teeth clenching,
grunting, eye movement, temporary halt in breathing, snoring, jerking movements in the
limbs and loss of control of the bladder. Vertigo, anxiety, nausea or symptoms of
impaired vision are also involved in the symptoms (Nytimes.com, 2016).
19. In order to promote maximum lung expansion, the diaphragm is utilised and it is called
the diaphragmatic breathing. This deep breathing technique involves abdomen expansion
rather than chest expansion during inspiration. Diaphragmatic breathing help with various
discomforts including the high blood pressure, stress and headache. Shallow breathing,
which is also known as the chest breathing or intercostal breathing involve expansion in
the chest rather than the abdomen. The only difference between these two breathing
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