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Food and Safety Management | Assignment Sample


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Food and safety management

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Table of Contents
AC 1.1 The control required to prevent physical and chemical contamination of food........1
AC 1.2 Compare the characteristics of food poisoning and food borne infections................2
AC 1.3 Ways to control food-borne illness............................................................................3
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................4
AC 2.1 Categories the food spoilage agents that affect food.................................................4
AC 2.2 Methods of food preservation....................................................................................4
AC 2.3 effectiveness of food preservation method................................................................5
TASK 3............................................................................................................................................5
AC 3.1 Key steps in temperature control system...................................................................5
AC 3.2 Methods for the safe storage of food.........................................................................6
AC 3.3 The importance of personal hygiene The importance of personal hygiene in the
control of food contamination................................................................................................7
AC 3.4 Importance of cleaning and disinfection as process that support safe food production. 7
AC 3.5 The problems associated with PEST control in food premises..................................7
AC 3.6 The need for Hygienic design and construction of food premises.............................8
AC 3.7 The importance of training as a quality assurance mechanisms................................8
TASK 4............................................................................................................................................9
AC 4.1 Producing a food hazard risk assessment...................................................................9
AC 4.2 Complete a food safety control system......................................................................9
AC 4.3 A food safety guidance for legislation compliance .................................................10
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Food contamination refers the harmful microorganism and chemicals that present in food
which causes and become the reason of dangerous illness or illness. Le Gavroche is a restaurant
that offers classical French food (De Boeck and, 2015). The owner and current chef of this
restaurant is Michel Roux Jr. this study shows about food contamination and its side effects on
people and workplace. It shows about some infections like food poisoning and food-borne
infection that happen from unhygienic products and lack of cleanness. This report refers methods
for the safe storage of food and importance of personal hygiene which help to control of food
contamination. Cleaning and disinfection is the most important process which supports safe food
production and the importance of food safety control system which Le Gavroche restaurant uses
for providing safe and healthy workplace to their employees.
AC 1.1 The control required to prevent physical and chemical contamination of food
This shows about physical and chemical contamination which become the reason of
illness. Physical contamination are rats, hair, glass, metals etc. Le Gavroche restaurant offers
classical French food to its customers which uses control methods from preventing diseases and
for giving better work place to their employees. Food poisoning and foo infections that grow
rapidly and happens from bacteria's and viruses (Griffiths and Schraft, 2017).
Harmful chemicals and microorganism which present in food which become the reason
of illness in people is known as food contamination. In another words it refers those food which
present and corrupted by harmful substance like chemical, biological etc. There are mainly two
types of contamination that are physical and chemical.
Physical contamination: Those contaminants which can be seen and visible and which is
not actually food. Le Gaveroche restaurant is facing this type of problems from their customers
so they tell them to keep their fingernails short and clean. Example of physical food
contamination are: dirt, artificial and long nails, hair etc.
Chemical contamination: It is also a type of contamination which presents in food
which are made up from chemicals and cause major diseases. The reason of chemical
contamination's are uncleaned products, unwashed vegetables and food materials, water and soil
pollution etc. Chemical contamination can not be seen.

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There are some control methods which Le Gaveroche follows for providing healthy and
disease free food to their customers:
ï‚· Wash food materials and utensils before cooking.
ï‚· Keep kitchen and restaurant clean.
ï‚· Air tight packaging of food.
ï‚· Use metal detector.
ï‚· Seal the drainage at workplace.
In order to control physical contamination, manager of Le Gaveroche should give
training to their employee for maintaining hygiene at workplace. If there are a female employees
then they should keep aside their ornaments while cooking. They should wear neat and clean hair
and using a hair net and at workplace (Jacxsens and, 2017).
For stopping chemical contamination restaurant should use the clean utensils and washed
fruits and vegetables for cooking as they help from diseases. They should use air tight non-safe
plastics made containers. The drainage at workplace should be sealed in order to stop pollution
and dirt at workplace.
AC 1.2 Compare the characteristics of food poisoning and food borne infections
Food poisoning: Those infections and disease which caused by viruses and parasites. It
mainly happens from improper food handling and infected food workers which produces bacteria
and toxins.
Food-borne infections: Those infections which causes by food spoilage and other toxins
substances. It is the type of food poisoning. These infections at people's home because of poor
Food Poisoning Food Borne infections
It happens from viruses, bacteria and parasitise. It happens by eating food which contain
pathogenic organism (Karg and Wallau,
Symptoms of food poisoning are vomiting,
mild fever, abdominal cramps etc.
Infections which happen from food-borne are
Norovirus, Nausea, stomach ache etc.
It is not transferable from one person to It is transferable from one person to another.
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Characteristics of food borne disease
ï‚· It grows rapidly at 30 to 42C.
ï‚· For this infection only few viral particles are necessary.
List of food-borne disease
ï‚· Typhoid
ï‚· Cholera
ï‚· Mild fever
Characteristics of food poisoning
ï‚· Food poisoning symptoms happen quickly as soon as 30 minutes after ingestion.
ï‚· Only small number of bacteria cause illness.
AC 1.3 Ways to control food-borne illness
Food borne illness: It is a type of food poisoning. This infection and illness happen by
the viruses, contaminated food and pathogenic bacteria's (Manning and Soon, 2016). The
symptoms of food-borne illness are: Diarrhea, vomiting, stomach cramps etc.
List of food-borne illness
ï‚· Listerosis
ï‚· Giardiasis
ï‚· Norovirus
Control for food-borne illness
By safe food handling practices this illness and infection can be prevented. By educating
and training the staff and people about the importance of food hygiene manager of Le Gavroche
can prevent food-borne illness.
This infection happens when the food is exposed in danger temperature zone so they
should keep the food in air tight container and at safe temperature zone (Maunula and von
Bonsdorff, 2016).
From the above study it has been concluded that food contamination creates dangerous
diseases like food poisoning and food-borne infections. From preventing this types of diseases
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restaurant follows some control methods and provide training to their employees. It helped them
in creating healthy workplace and increasing demands and sales.
AC 2.1 Categories the food spoilage agents that affect food
There are many factors that affect and are responsible for food spoilage such as: bacteria,
protozoa and fungi. Food spoilage refers the changes in normal food state. It can be identifies by
changes in the color of food, smell and texture.
Categorisation of food spoilage agents
Agents of Food spoilage Category Type of food
Yeasts It is single celled
microorganism which is mainly
found in commercial products
that is used in baking.
Food items which are spoiled
by Yeasts are: fruit juice,
honey, syrup etc.
Moths and bugs It is the types of small insect.
They are very dangerous.
There are many food items
which are destroyed by Moths
and Bugs are chocolate,
powdered milk, spices etc.
Bacteria It is single celled organism.
Mainly 4 types of bacteria are
Bacillus, Pseudomonas,
Micrococcus and
In this type those food are
affected which are kept in
cold place (Nychas, Panagou
and Mohareb, 2016).
Saklmonella bacteria is the
most dangerous bacteria
which causes illness and death
in United states.
AC 2.2 Methods of food preservation
There are several methods that can be used by manager and staffs of Le Gaveroche restaurant
such as: Canning, freezing, vacuum packing, salting etc.

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Freezing: It is the best way for preservation of food. For freezing the food safely
restaurant should require to set the temperature of refrigerator between 18°C and 22°C. Before
freezing it should keep the food in air tight container and freezer bags. For keeping the
refrigerator from ice build up they should defrost it regularly.
Salting: For stopping bacterial growth manger should salting which draws water out of
food. There are two method and forms of salting
Dry curing, by applying salt to some type of food like meat for drawing out water.
Wet curing, by mixing the salt with water a for preserving food.
Canning: This is the method of storing and preserving food for long term. For canning
process customer should buy the products with suitable jars and select good quality products
(Orellana and, 2017).
Filtration: It is the method of separating bacteria and suspended solid matter from water
and liquid.
AC 2.3 effectiveness of food preservation method
Food preservation prevents food from contamination and the growth of microorganisms.
Methods of food preservation Effectiveness of food preservation methods
Freezing It is the best method which keep food and
liquids fresh and healthy. It is the easiest way
of preserving food from long term.
Canning It is the method to stop food from spoiling by
the sealed jar. In this method food is heated to
a temperature which destroy microorganism.
Filtration In this method, water and liquid get purred for
removing biological contaminants (Soman and
Raman, 2016).
Vacuum packing It is the method of keeping food from contact
with the air. It is helpful because it prevents
food from affecting odour, taste and colour.
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Pasteurisation It is helpful and effective method which is used
to improve food safely specially in milk, egg
products. It helps in reducing the transmission
of diseases.
AC 3.1 Key steps in temperature control system
Temperature control system: A system and process which helps in controlling the
temperature and the heat energy is adjusted accordingly for achieving desired temperature. There
are some steps for controlling temperature such as:
Defrosting: It is the best method of controlling temperature accordingly. It melts the frost
which has formed.
Cooking: In this method of controlling, manager and staff of Le Gaveroche should cook
food thoroughly in order to kill food poisoning bacteria. The normal temperature should be 75°C
for cooking food and controlling temperature (Veliz and, 2018).
Preparation: Adjust the heat or cooling input accordingly for getting the temperature at
desired value. People should keep it in mind that food products must not left out for more than 2
hours out of the refrigerator because bacteria grow easily within 20 minutes and faster.
Reheating: The minimum and best temperature for reheating food products is 165 F for
15 seconds. It is important to have the knowledge that food products must be cooled and
reheated not more than twice.
AC 3.2 Methods for the safe storage of food
For preserving food from bacteria and other elements Restaurants and people use some
methods that are freezing, dry storage and cool storage. The major reason of illness of people is
food poisoning and eating of unhealthy food. For keeping far away from the diseases safe storage
of food is very essential and for that people should cook and handle food in proper manner.
Freezer method
There are some types of food which need to be freezing that are meat, fruits, vegetables
etc. By freezing, longevity can be increased of food. It reduces the risk of bacterial
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contamination. It should be kept below 5 degree Celsius for safe storing of food (Soman and
Raman, 2016).
Dry storage
Many cultures are developing innovative ways for preserving vegetables in order to store
them for several months which they use in harvest seasons. There are many foods and vegetables
which are required dry storage that are: onion, root vegetables-potato, cabbage, pumpkin, flour,
tea, coffee etc. Dry storage area should be between 50 degree F and 70 degree F.
Cold storage
Dairy products require cold storage. The temperature for storing theses products should
be 2 to 4 degree Celsius. For safe storing of theses products manager should try to clean
refrigerator rapidly.
AC 3.3 The importance of personal hygiene The importance of personal hygiene in the control of
food contamination
Personal hygiene is very important for being healthy and diseases free. There are some
other benefits for personal hygiene:
ï‚· Personal hygiene keeps our body clean which help us to prevent from illness and
infection (Orellana and, 2017).
ï‚· It keeps us far away from food poisoning and food-borne illness.
ï‚· Personal hygiene like washing hands before and after having food, clean nails contribute
to keep healthy.
ï‚· It is important not only for health but also increases self-esteem.
ï‚· Personal hygiene at workplace creates a good level of comfort for employees.
AC 3.4 Importance of cleaning and disinfection as process that support safe food production
Cleaning and disinfection is important process and step for killing bacteria's which grow
due to dirt and unhygienic products. Disinfection is the process of killing microorganisms which
is good for health and improve quality of perishable goods.
Importance of cleaning and disinfection for safe food production
ï‚· It is useful and important because it prevents from spreading bacteria's and
ï‚· It helps Le Gaveroche restaurant in creating pleasant work environment.

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There are several products which help in keeping workplace clean for food safety such as:
Detergents that can be used to remove dirt from floor and utensils (Nychas, Panagou and
Mohareb, 2016).
For reducing disinfection, some disinfectants available which help in reducing bacteria's that are
hypochlorites, Quats and sanitisers which is used for cleaning kitchen work surfaces.
AC 3.5 The problems associated with PEST control in food premises
There are some common Pests such as rats, cockroaches that affect food by growing
bacteria's and viruses. They are responsible for harmful diseases. For improving better safe
conditions and food safety, Pest control is important component. It helps managers and food
producers to run their businesses responsibly.
There are many problems associate with Pest control that involve
ï‚· Harmful side effects on ling and non-living things.(Animals, people, soil
ï‚· It kills non-pest organism and other organism like earthworms, fishes
which imbalance ecosystem.
ï‚· It becomes the reason of pollution, soil pollution, water pollution and air pollution
(Maunula and von Bonsdorff, 2016).
There are some important also for using pesticides such as
ï‚· It prevents from diseases and increases food production.
ï‚· It helps farmers in increasing farms profits by helping them in saving money on
labour costs.
AC 3.6 The need for Hygienic design and construction of food premises
There are some factors that causes and are responsible for food borne illness and for
preventing from those illnesses, hygiene design and construction of food premises is important.
It reduces the risk of pathogens, chemical contamination and physical contamination.
Hygiene design leads more consumer demands for fresh food which helps restaurant in
increasing sales and development of business. The main aim of hygienic design and constructing
a sanitary food premises is to eliminate the entrance of insects, cockroach and other sources
which are responsible for contamination (Manning and Soon, 2016).
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Le Gavroche should use hygiene equipments for cooking and serving food to their
customers and drainage should be sealed and ventilation should be proper in order to maintain
food premises.
AC 3.7 The importance of training as a quality assurance mechanisms
Quality assurance is the way of eliminating mistakes and avoiding problems that occur in
production processes. The main aim of quality assurance is to identify and know the actual
situation and standard of products and services which are given to the customers. For assuring
the quality of products Le Gavroche restaurant provide training to its employees which has some
benefits like:
ï‚· Training provide and improve skills and knowledge of employees which help
them in maintaining a good image (Karg and Wallau, 2018).
ï‚· Training program make cooks and employee able in handling food safely.
ï‚· It helps them in serving customers courteously.
ï‚· It helps them in reduction of food wastage which prevents cross contamination
AC 4.1 Producing a food hazard risk assessment
A hazard analysis is the process which is used in risk assessment. The aim of hazard
analysis is to know about several types of hazards. There are many types of hazards which is
categorized as biological, physical and chemical.
Biological hazard: Biological hazards defines biological substances that create a threat
to the health of living organism or become the reason of illness. There are many sources which
create biological hazards such as: animals, bacteria's, viruses etc.
Chemical hazard: Chemical hazards refer those hazards which is caused by chemicals
like acids, caustic substances. There are several chemicals that include immune agents,
Neurotoxins, sensitizers etc.
Physical hazard: Physical hazards refers those factors which are present in the
environment and harm human body even without touching it. Examples of physical hazards are
vibration and noise. There are some steps for controlling food hazards that Le Gavroche
restaurant should focus on like carefully wash cooking utensils (Jacxsens and, 2017).
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AC 4.2 Complete a food safety control system
Illustration 1: HACCP plan
Sources (HACCP plan, 2015)

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Food safety control system is the method for preventing public health. It can help in
developing economic by maintaining consumer confidence in food system. This food safety
control can be done by HACCP plan which has seven principles.
Principle 1- Conducting hazard analysis
Hazard analysis involves some steps which identifies types of hazards. It focuses on those
hazards that can be prevented and controlled by HACCP plan.
Principle 2- Identification of critical control points
A critical control point is a step and point at which control methods can be applied.
Principle 3- Establish critical limits
It is the minimum and maximum value which are used in controlling risk. It measures
time, temperature and other measures which are based on regulatory standards (Griffiths and
Schraft, 2017).
Principle 4- Monitor CCP
Restaurant uses monitoring procedures which describe and help them in taking the
Principle 5- Corrective actions
It includes identification of problems and actions for that problems which will not occur
in the future.
Principle 6- Verification
Verification plan has to be done in this plan identifies some activities like auditing,
record review etc.
Principle 7- Record keeping
Recording information are used by LE Gavroche restaurant to ensure that food is
producing safely.
AC 4.3 A food safety guidance for legislation compliance
Food safety act 1990 is made for protecting people from eating unhealthy food. The main
aim of this act is to prevent people from diseases and ensure them that there is no element is
included in food which may cause illness ( (De Boeck and, 2015)). For this, Le Gavroche
restaurant should have certificated related to food hygiene. This regulation apply to all food
business operators for knowing that food is safe for consumption
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From the above study it has been concluded that food safety plays an important role from
preventing dangerous diseases and illness which happens because of bacteria and viruses. This
report showed the importance of training programs at workplace for giving the best and safe food
to their customers. Cleaning, disinfection and hygienic designs helped manager of restaurant in
developing their business and achieve great demand of customers.
This report also highlights on methods for safe storage of food which control and
prevented from food contamination. It showed the solution of problems which occurs with pest
control in food premises.
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Books and journals
De Boeck, E. and, 2015. Food safety climate in food processing organizations:
development and validation of a self-assessment tool. Trends in Food Science &
Technology. 46(2). pp.242-251.
Griffiths, M.W. and Schraft, H., 2017. Bacillus cereus food poisoning. In Foodborne
diseases (pp. 395-405). Academic Press.
Jacxsens, L. and, 2017, April. Food safety management and risk assessment in the fresh
produce supply chain. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and
Engineering (Vol. 193, No. 1, p. 012020). IOP Publishing.
Karg, G. and Wallau, R., 2018. Pest Management at Food Processing Facilities-Recent
Developments in Germany. Eur. Food & Feed L. Rev. 13. p.214.
Manning, L. and Soon, J.M., 2016. Food safety, food fraud, and food defense: a fast evolving
literature. Journal of food science. 81(4). pp.R823-R834.
Maunula, L. and von Bonsdorff, C.H., 2016. Foodborne viruses in ready-to-eat foods. In Food
Hygiene and Toxicology in Ready-to-Eat Foods (pp. 51-68). Academic Press.
Nychas, G.J.E., Panagou, E.Z. and Mohareb, F., 2016. Novel approaches for food safety
management and communication. Current Opinion in Food Science. 12. pp.13-20.
Orellana, L.E. And, 2017. Non-thermal Methods for Food Preservation. In Microbial
Control and Food Preservation (pp. 299-326). Springer, New York, NY.
Soman, R. and Raman, M., 2016. HACCP system–hazard analysis and assessment, based on
ISO 22000: 2005 methodology. Food Control. 69, pp.191-195.
Veliz, E. and, 2018. Importance of cleaning and disinfection of critical surfaces in dental
health services. Impact of an intervention program. Revista chilena de infectologia:
organo oficial de la Sociedad Chilena de Infectologia. 35(1). pp.88-90.
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