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Legislative Compliance for Food Safety


Added on  2020/07/23

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This assignment provides a comprehensive guide to legislative compliance for food safety in restaurants or hotels. It outlines regulations such as the Food Safety Act 2014, legal requirements for food safety practices, disclosure of hygiene regulation information, designing food premises with hygienic standards, and ensuring personnel follow safety and security instructions while cooking. The assignment also covers legislation regarding temperature control and emphasizes the importance of initiating a food safety guide to personnel.

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Food Safety management

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Table of Contents
TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1
AC 1.1 Controls required for physical and chemical contamination of food..............................1
AC 1.2 Comparing the characteristics of food poisoning and food borne infection...................1
AC 1.3 Methods for controlling food borne illness.....................................................................1
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................2
AC 2.1 Categorizing the food spoilage agents affecting food.....................................................2
AC 2.2 Various methods of food preservation............................................................................2
AC 2.3 Evaluating the effectiveness of food preservation methods............................................2
TASK 3............................................................................................................................................3
AC 3.1 Key steps included in temperature control system..........................................................3
AC 3.2 Summarizing the methods for safe storage of food........................................................3
AC 3.3 Evaluation of importance of personal hygiene in controlling food contamination.........4
AC 3.4 Assessing cleaning and infection as a process of supporting food safe production........4
AC 3.5 Problems associated with pest control in food premises.................................................4
AC 3.6 Justifying the requirement of hygienic design and construction of food premises.........5
AC 3.7 Importance of training as a quality assurance mechanism..............................................5
AC 4.1 Food hazard risk assessment...........................................................................................5
AC 4.2 Completing a food control system..................................................................................6
AC 4.3 Devising a food safety guide for legislation compliance................................................6
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AC 1.1 Controls required for physical and chemical contamination of food
Presence of harmful chemicals or microorganism in the food refers to food contamination
that can cause consumer illness. Chemical contamination can be present due to the use of
agrochemicals, such as, residues of veterinary drugs and pesticides. Chemical contamination can
also be present in food due to environmental sources, such as, water, air and soil pollution.
Physical contaminants can be in the form of, nails, broken glasses, staples, nail polish flakes, dirt
and hair. It can develop due to poor procedure practices. There are various control measures that
can be adopted to control contamination of food (Crago and, 2012). These are, following
manufacturer’s instructions, keep the food covered, ensuring that the entire building is pest free,
ensure that the practices of employees is hygienic and control employee sabotage.
AC 1.2 Comparing the characteristics of food poisoning and food borne infection
Food borne illness is an infection that is the result of eating contaminated food with live
microorganism or their toxins. It can also be inclusive of allergic reactions and other related
conditions of the food which can act as a carrier for allergens to it. However, in contrast to this,
food poisoning is a type of food borne illness which is generally caused by ingestion of
performed toxins. There are various types of food borne illness, which can be in the form of
Salmonella, E. coli, Listeria, Norovirus and virus of Hepatitis A. Further, food poisoning is
another form of food borne infection, with the symptoms, vomiting, nausea, watery or bloody
diarrhoea, abdominal pain and cramps (Food Safety and Risk Assessment. 2011).
AC 1.3 Methods for controlling food borne illness
Since food borne illness take place due to contamination of foo through chemicals or other
aspects, its prevention become quite important for both commercial and non-commercial
purposes. Proper food handling procedures and storage capabilities can help in preventing the
food borne illnesses. There must be certain conditions present that leads to growth in harmful
pathogens. By controlling these environmental conditions, bacteria can be controlled from
surviving, growing and multiplying, that can ultimate cause illness (Havelaar and, 2012).
There are six main factors that can increase or decrease bacterial growth in food. These are, food
itself, acid, temperature, time, oxygen and presence of moisture. Controlling these factors can
help in leaving the food fit for consumption.
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AC 2.1 Categorizing the food spoilage agents affecting food
Food spoilage refers to the process of bringing change and physical and chemical
properties of food that makes it unfit for consumption.
Food Spoilage Agents Foods affected by each food spoilage agent.
Microbial spoilage It is caused due to various microorganism, such as fungi and
bacteria. They grow in the food producing various substances
that can change texture, color and odor of the food.
Enzymic spoilage There are two types of enzymes present in the food where, some
help food to ripe and other leads it to decay. Presence of
enzymes speed the process of decay, making it unfit for
Physical spoilage It takes place due to physical damage in the food at the time of
harvest, process and distribution. Damage in skin of the apple
making it to rot quickly (Hussain and Gooneratne, 2017).
Chemical spoilage It leads to bring changes in color and flavor of the food at the
time of storage and processing steps. It can lead to break down of
fat and smell bad. These are the naturally occurring enzymes that
rot food with age.
AC 2.2 Various methods of food preservation
The most common methods used by restaurant to preserve their food from contamination
are, vacuum sealing, salting and sugaring, freezing, pickling etc. It helps in preserving the food
for longer period. The method can be adopted based upon the nature of food. There are various
types of food preservatives as well that also used by the restaurants. These are, Benzoates,
Nitrites Sulphites and Sorbates.
AC 2.3 Evaluating the effectiveness of food preservation methods
There are various advantages that are attached to food preservation methods. It can help in
reducing the overall disposal cost of restaurant and simultaneously reducing the trash as well. It
also helps in ensuring that optimum utilization of raw material has been initiated so as to ensure
that the overall cost of the same is minimum (Kirk and, 2014). These methods being

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discussed, can help in saving green house gases that are generally used to grow, manufacture of
dispose off food materials.
AC 3.1 Key steps included in temperature control system
Safe storage can help in longer usage of food and prevent food from any type of infection
that can ultimately affect the consumers.
Method Description
Refrigeration The ideal temperature for preservation of food is, 8 degrees or
below than that so as to prevent the growth of bacteria in perishable
food items.
Freezing The multiplication of bacteria can be prevented at – 18 degrees
Celsius or below than that.
Cooking In order to kill all types of bacteria, it is important that the food
product is cooked at at least 75 degree Celsius or above (Leff and
Fierer, 2013).
Cooling It is important that the food product is cooled quickly by placing it
in the refrigerator so as to limit the germination of spores and other
bacteria growth.
Reheating The food that has already been heated, must be reheated at 82
degree Celsius. It is important that chefs working in the kitchen
have adequate knowledge regarding time and temperature so as to
ensure quality of food (Taylor, Bogdan and DeVault, 2015).
AC 3.2 Summarizing the methods for safe storage of food
It is important that the food has ben stored in a correct manner so as to protect wastage of
food and also ensure that healthy food is consumed by the ultimate consumers. Various methods
of safe storage are discussed below: Correct control of temperature: In order to ensure proper storage, manager must have
adequate knowledge regarding temperature control, which is required to be maintained
differently for different products. For instance, meat may require chilling temperature.
However, vegetables may require normal temperature.
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Stock rotation: It is also another important aspect that is required to be ensured for proper
management of inventory of stock. First in First out (FIFO) is the best method that can be
used by the manager so as to reduce the consequences of spoilage of food which can prove to
be hazardous for consumers at the restaurant (Losasso and, 2012). Mentioning ‘Use by’ date: While labelling the food, it is important to mention, the use by
date. It will help the consumer in knowing the expiry date and will be aware that till when
they need to consume the particular product.
AC 3.3 Evaluation of importance of personal hygiene in controlling food contamination
Personal hygiene plays an important role in controlling contamination of food. One should
maintain personal hygiene to eliminate exposure to microorganism. A little avoidance can prove
to be hazardous, in the form of unclean clothing, smoking, long untied hairs, licking fingers to
taste, wearing jewellery etc. It must be ensured by the manager that handwashing is regularly
initiated by the chefs and using food handlers while handling raw material or having food. Food
safety management must be followed by the personnel at the restaurants and training must be
initiated to the chefs as well (Maffei and, 2016).
AC 3.4 Assessing cleaning and infection as a process of supporting food safe production
It is important to clean the workplace so as to gain adequate amount of nutritious support.
For people. Food must be safe from every kind of bacteria and other germs. Safety must be
ensured in various procedures, such as, preparing, serving and storage of food and other related
food items. Cleanliness must also be ensured at the restaurant, by assessing food cutting
equipment and surface at which they are actually handled. Specifying clears instruction with the
help of training can help in meeting the requirements of cleanliness and disinfection at the
workplace. Hence, cleaning and disinfection plays an important role in supporting safe food
AC 3.5 Problems associated with pest control in food premises
It is important for the organization to ensure that the best pest control method at food
processing areas have been used. To fulfil the requirements, it is important to detect and prevent
cockroaches, ants, mites, insects and other organisms (Nesbitt and, 2014). The hotel must
indulge in checking of holes, pipes and drains so as to reduce3 and mitigate pest at the location
of food preparation and storage areas. Pest control must also be organized every month by the
hotel for securing food material from any type of organisms. It is due to the reason at least have
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adequate contribution towards contamination of food and spread of diseases among consumers as
well as food handlers. Spray can also be used assessing and evaluating the risk of chemical
contamination to food. It can spoil the food if it is left open.
AC 3.6 Justifying the requirement of hygienic design and construction of food premises
For any type of food preparing organization, hygiene in the first and foremost aspect so as
to ensure that the best possible products are provided to the customers without initiating any type
pf food borne illness. Maintaining hygienic conditions can help in attracting large number of
customers towards it. It also helps in reflecting the quality of food served by the organization to
its customers. It is important for the entity to practice good hygiene standards and cleaning
methods that helps in ensuring clean and hygienic environment with appropriate sanitary
facilities as well (Olaimat and Holley, 2012). While designing the outlay of the hotel, the
durability and safety of floors must be ensured with non-absorbent walls, prevented doors and
windows from entry of insects in the kitchen. Further, washing facilities and washbasins with hot
and cold-water facilities must also be provided in the premises for clean and hygienic conditions.
AC 3.7 Importance of training as a quality assurance mechanism
It is important for the organization to train its employees in the best possible manner so
that quality services can be maintained with respect to hygienic conditions, preserved with a
certain kind of aura in the environment. The main issue of food poisoning can be due to entry of
bacteria in the food items. Proper training can help in specialising them in mitigating food
defects and ensuring hygiene.
There are numerous trainings available so as to fulfil the requirement of management of
food handlers. It helps in providing adequate knowledge and properly evaluating the
performance of each personnel in the organization. Training on cleanliness, pest control aspects,
food storage and preservation, and personal hygiene, are quite important to be initiated in a food
related organization (Olaimat and Holley, 2012).
AC 4.1 Food hazard risk assessment
Food hazard risk assessment helps in identifying major risk that can help in effectively
evaluation of risks. Restaurants are mainly prone to unhygienic food handling and preparation
conditions that can lead to microbial attacks on food. Hence, it become important for the
organization take adequate steps that can help in assessment of risk and taking steps that can help

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in solving out the issue in the best possible manner. These steps of food hazard risk assessment
are mentioned below: Identification of hazard: It is important to analyse the type of hazard that can affect the
functioning of the organization. Characteristics of hazards: Based on the characteristics of hazards, steps can be taken by the
organization to ensure that best practices are adopted to combat the upcoming hazard (Ramos
and, 2013). Assessment of exposure: Assessment of exposure can be initiated to ensure that what type of
food or food products can have direct or indirect impact on hazard. Risk characteristics involved: In the end, it is important to assess the risk that are involved as
per the hazards so that appropriate steps can be taken by the organization for the same.
AC 4.2 Completing a food control system
Safety of food have been the major concern and hence it becomes important to ensure and
initiate food and safety control systems by protecting public health from any kind of risk from
food borne illness within people. It helps in protecting unhygienic and unlabelled food protected.
In is the risk of consumer to have awareness regarding each and every aspect of food starting
from manufacturing date to use by date. It is important for the organization to have specific rules
and regulations regarding food trade and facilitate the stand against any type of unhygienic
condition prevailing in the organization. Food safety control system is comprised of central food
authorities, food and safety officers, licensing authorities, chairperson and other state authorities
as well.
AC 4.3 Devising a food safety guide for legislation compliance
Legislative authorities have successfully framed various rules and regulations that are
required to be followed by the organization while offering food to its customers. This food safety
guide for legislative compliance has been discussed below:
Detailed information with respect to licenses of restaurant or hotel
Regulation of Food Safety Act 2014 (Stals and, 2012)
Fulfilment of legal requirements for food safety practices
Disclosing information regarding hygiene regulation
Designing the layout of food premises with all types of hygienic standards.
Ensuring all the safety and security related instructions are given to personnel while cooking
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Legislation regarding temperature control
It is important to initiate food safety guide to the personnel who are working in the
organization so as to ensure that all the rules, regulations and practices are appropriately being
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Books and journals
Crago, B. and, 2012. Prevalence of Staphylococcus aureus and methicillin-resistant S.
aureus (MRSA) in food samples associated with foodborne illness in Alberta, Canada
from 2007 to 2010. Food microbiology. 32(1). 202-205.
Havelaar, A. H. and, 2012. Disease burden of foodborne pathogens in the Netherlands,
2009. International journal of food microbiology. 156(3). 231-238.
Hussain, M. A., and Gooneratne, R., 2017. Understanding the Fresh Produce Safety Challenges
[Editorial]. MCPI. 6(23). 22-23.
Kirk, M. and, 2014. Foodborne illness, Australia, circa 2000 and circa 2010. Emerging
infectious diseases. 20(11). 1857.
Leff, J. W., and Fierer, N., 2013. Bacterial communities associated with the surfaces of fresh
fruits and vegetables. PloS one. 8(3). e59310.
Losasso, C. and, 2012. Food safety and nutrition: improving consumer behaviour.Food
Control. 26(2). 252-258.
Maffei, D. F. and, 2016. Microbiology of organic and conventionally grown fresh
produce. brazilian journal of microbiology.47. 99-105.
Nesbitt, A. and, 2014. Baseline for consumer food safety knowledge andGreig, J. D., and
Ravel, A. (2009) behaviour in Canada. Food Control, 3Flint, J. A(2005)8, 157-173.
Olaimat, A. N., and Holley, R. A., 2012. Factors influencing the microbial safety of fresh
produce: a review. Food microbiology. 32(1). 1-19.
Olaimat, A. N., and Holley, R. A., 2012. Factors influencing the microbial safety of fresh
produce: a review. Food microbiology. 32(1). 1-19.
Ramos, B. and, 2013. Fresh fruits and vegetables—an overview on applied methodologies
to improve its quality and safety. Innovative Food Science and Emerging
Technologies. 20. 1-15.
Stals, A. and, 2012. Extraction of food-borne viruses from food samples: a
review. International journal of food microbiology. 153(1). 1-9.
Taylor, S. J., Bogdan, R., and DeVault, M., 2015. Introduction to qualitative research methods:
A guidebook and resource. John Wiley and Sons.

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