
Investigation report on Food and Beverage Company


Added on  2023-06-11

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Running head: Investigation report on Food and Beverage Company
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Investigation report on Food and Beverage Company....................................................................1
Company description.......................................................................................................................1
Company products and consumers..................................................................................................2
Front of house operations................................................................................................................2
Backhouse operations......................................................................................................................2
Research and technology.................................................................................................................3
Allocation of funds and financial management...............................................................................3
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Investigation report on Food and Beverage Company
Investigation report on Food and Beverage Company
Food is a satisfaction to a basic need of a living creature. Other animals such wild and domestic
animals other than human being probably consume uncooked foods that are either fresh or
decomposed. Some eat raw foods while human beings eat cooked meals. The eating habits of
different living things depend on their digestive systems. Human being normally consumes
meals according to their appetites and likes depending on the preparation of meals. Since most
people are busy with daily activities they would wand ready meals which calls for a business
opportunity that requires some potential investors to have in place a restaurants or hotels that has
both front and back of the house operations. The investment will require employees who are to
ensure that the meals and all operations are ready and served to the targeted customers. For the
employees to work to their level beat they need a manager or a CEO to coordinate the activities.
The quality of services offered in such Enterprises depend on the employed personnel’s whether
skilled or not. The skilled employees or chefs probably are believed to produce the best products
and offer the quality services. The quality services offered give the company a positive
reputation upon its customers and therefore. The unskilled personnel depending on the
experience they have in the catering field therefore they mostly offer relative low quality services
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Investigation report on Food and Beverage Company
as the experience is decreased (Osborne, 2018). To expound the food and beverage company
activities we have consulted.
Company description
The information source that was considered in our interview conducted yesterday, we interview a
food and beverage company. The company’s name is Nestle food and Beverage Company and
out of our research questions, we realized the full details of the company operations that take
place in the company. Nestle company was established in the year 1866 by page brother in Cham
that is in Switzerland and Fortune Lactee (Wood, 2018). The company has its headquarters in
Vevey, Switzerland (Allam, 2018). The company has very many subsidiaries in the world and
therefore it is world known food and beverage company with a revenue of more than 9.8 billion
dollars. According to the company managing the revenue is achieved easily since food and
beverages are a fast moving good and basic need to human beings and therefore they have large
and a wide range of the consumers in the market. The business tends to have a wide range of
consumers because all its products are highly and well rationed in terms of nutrients (Siguaw,
Company products and consumers
The company deals with foodstuffs such as floods and beverages (Barrows, 2018). The
specification of the goods is baby foods such as baby packed milk and Weetabix, bottled water,
cereals, chocolate and confectionery, coffee, frozen foods, Dairy, and drinks. The company
produces such foods for packages and that has quite a one-month shelf life. The company has
well-laid strategies and production processes that help in the production field and all operations
that are carried out. The company's management team ensures that there are qualified personnel's
Investigation report on Food and Beverage Company_3

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