
Food Biotechnology: Mycoprotein Use in Managing Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes


Added on  2022-11-30

11 Pages3596 Words89 Views
Disease and DisordersNutrition and Wellness
Food Biotechnology: Mycoprotein Use in Managing Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes_1

FOOD BIOTECHNOLOGY...........................................................................................................1
Main body........................................................................................................................................1
Mycoprotein use in management of type 2 diabetes...................................................................1
Mycoprotein: potential use in the management of obesity..........................................................2
Literature review..............................................................................................................................3
Health benefits and risks of Mycoprotein....................................................................................3
Food Biotechnology: Mycoprotein Use in Managing Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes_2

Food biotechnology is the food science dealing with preservation, research, quality control
and also develops food products. The research which was happening earlier was focused on food
preservation. Food biotechnology consists of wide variety of process which uses living
organisms like plants, microbes, animals etc. So that new food products can be produced. The
foods which are developed by using biotechnology involve corn products, papaya, cotton etc.
Quorn is the meat substitute products company which is the UK based company and sold its
products in many countries.
Company sale cooking ingredients and meat substitute items and also the range of pre-
packaged meal (Mycoprotein: Beneficial Vegetarian Protein Source or Dangerous Allergen.,
2018). Quorn is the only company which manufacture mycoprotein. This study will discuss
mycoprotein use in managing obesity and type 2 diabetes. Further it will discuss literature review
on health benefits and risks occur by mycoprotein.
Main body
Mycoprotein use in management of type 2 diabetes
The most significant factor for a type 2 diabetes patient is living with obesity, hence
maintaining a healthy diet can reduce life risks. One must identify the best possible way for
themselves to maintain a balanced and healthy diet. Increase in protein and fibre can help in
building a balanced diet, which could also include low saturated fats (Gupta and Prakash, 2017),
Mycoprotein is constituted of nutrients such as protein and fibre which are immensely
effective for a type 2 diabetes person. An overall low energy intake and increasing rate of daily
energy outflow are the effects of protein consumption on satiety. This is the result of increased
diet induced thermogenesis and the energy outflow which happens during sleep. Mycoprotein
shows induction of severe thermogenic response which is seen in the consumption of animal
protein. Animal protein has a relatively high energy density than that of mycoprotein.
Fibre also reduces the energy inflow which is called seminal ‘fibre hypothesis’. Fibre has
different characteristics which are
 Fibre relocates the nutrients and calories available from the diet
 Fibre is hard to chew, which increases the limitations such as more saliva secretion and
gastric juices which increases the stomach and increases satiety.
 The small intestine’s absorption efficiency is reduced by fibre in the diet.
Food Biotechnology: Mycoprotein Use in Managing Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes_3

According to certain studies the effect of mycoprotein on the energy inflow and the diet
regulation of the individuals is beneficial for the type 2 state of diabetes. Two random studies
were conducted which included 55 volunteers to consume a diet which had low, medium and
high mycoprotein meals and chicken meals. The results of the energy decreased by 10% than that
of the chicken meal with high content. Mycoprotein reduced the insulin concentration in
comparison to that of the chicken meals. The studies found that there were no significant
differences in mycoprotein and the chicken meals in glucose, gastric emptying rate and energy
outflow. The studies concluded that mycoprotein consumption can lessen the energy inflow in
people who have more weight which their body could bear with (Kalhotra and et.al., 2019).The
use high density energy meals in place of mycoprotein can be an effective way for maintaining
weight. Quorn products are a must for a healthy and steady diet for those individuals who are
vegetarian. The meat like texture of the quorn products increases the effects on individuals.
Mycoprotein modifies the rate of fibre and protein intakes in a healthy and balanced diet which is
very much crucial for the type 2 patients of diabetes. It also reduces the gastric rate of emptying.
Mycoprotein is available across Europe, North America and Asia and the name Quorn increases
the accessibilities in many cultures. Mycoproteins texture and appearance has been same as that
of meat which makes it easier for the meat lovers to adopt this. The vegans would love and enjoy
and at the same time can maintain their health as it is highly effective on the type 2 diabetes.
Mycoprotein: potential use in the management of obesity
Mycoprotein is rich in protein and fibre and it do not contain fat, cholesterol, sodium and sugar
there for it is best for the management of obesity. As obesity occurs due to the abnormal and
access fat in the body which cause risk to the health. Therefore Mycoprotein is one of the best
solutions for the management of obesity as it is less in fat and sugar and do not put any damage
to the health. As Mycoprotienis high in protein and fibre and also improves appetite which is
very important to overcome obesity. Apart from this Mycoprotien works on reducing
overweight and fat which is present in obesity? Therefore Mycorprotienis one of the beneficial
remedy for obesity (Cherta and et.al2020). Mycoprotien is one of the alternatives for this disease
and it can easily control the obesity. As this remedy reduces carbon and water footprints from
such food which contains fat. Apart from this, by reducing fat element from the food like beef
and chicken and reduces the quantity of fat and cholesterol from them. Apart from this
Mycoprotien helps in maintaining good level of cholesterol and also maintain muscle synthesis
Food Biotechnology: Mycoprotein Use in Managing Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes_4

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