
Toxic Leadership and Its Effect on Employee Retention


Added on  2021-01-01

11 Pages3204 Words116 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentPsychology
Foundation ProjectResearch Plan
Toxic Leadership and Its Effect on Employee Retention_1

Table of ContentsTITLE..............................................................................................................................................1Introduction......................................................................................................................................1Literature Review............................................................................................................................2Research Methodology and Rationale.............................................................................................6Ethical Considerations.....................................................................................................................8REFERENCES................................................................................................................................9
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TITLE An investigation into toxic leadership and its effect on employee retention. IntroductionToxic leadership is basically refers as the combination of self centred attitudes,motivations and behaviours which have adverse influence on the overall performance andemployees of an organisation. Employee retention is also a key area of an organisation, thus thepotential purpose of a business is to retain employees for long time in respect to smooth workingof organisational operation. Toxic leadership has avers impact over the retention of employeeswithin the work place. Apple Inc. is the chosen organisation for this particular project. It is anAmerican multinational technology company, which globally deals in designing, developing andselling electronic products, computer software, and online services. This research will cover theliterature review, research methodology, rationale along with the ethical consideration whichmust be followed by the researcher in conducting the research. This research topic is selected forinvestigating the impact of toxic leadership over the employees retention. Research AimTo investigate about the concept of toxic leadership and its influence over employeeretention within an organisation. A case Study on Apple Inc. Research ObjectivesThe significant research objectives are associated as under: To study the concept of Toxic leadership in an organisational context. To identify the impact of toxic leadership over employees performance in Apple Inc. To Determine the relationship between toxic leadership and employees retention. To ascertain the measures that are used by Apple Inc. to increase employee retention. Research QuestionsThe significant research Questions are associated as under: What is the concept of Toxic leadership in an organisational context?What is the impact of toxic leadership over employees performance in Apple Inc.?What is the relationship between toxic leadership and employees retention? What measures are used by Apple Inc. to increase employee retention?1
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Literature ReviewLiterature review is the most imperative part of an investigation work as it provides an in-depth analysis on the research issue in respect to completion of the work in appropriate manner.This section of the research is based on secondary information as in this analysis is being donethrough accumulation of data by secondary sources like Books, journals, published researcharticles etc. In this past investigation helps the researcher in carry out the overall investigationwork in right direction. The concept of toxic leadership in organisational context.According to Dave root, 2016, When leaders fail to live companies value and develops aself-centred attitude, the result may be toxic. Toxic leadership represents the 'dark' side ofleadership. It has adverse effect on organisation, subordinates and the performance of a societyand the country. A toxic leader is a person who has some responsibility over a group ofindividuals in an organization. These leaders are boastful and arrogant, they think they arealways right and expect other individuals to follow their orders, and organisation should workaccording to them. Studies have proved that out of every fine leaders one is toxic. They do notwant any opinion of others, they just want others to quietly follow their direction. Since thisleader lacks concern for others and organisational climate, it will lead to short and long-termnegative effects. With their destructive behaviour patterns and dysfunctional interactions, theycreate a disillusioned and de-motivated workforce in the organisation. Toxic leadership isnegatively related with commitment and motivation of employees while it is positively correlatedwith high turn over and intention to leave behaviour of employees. As we know leaders play acritical role in an organization, which is why it is very important for all those who are in aleadership position to incarnate the culture and set right example for others. Sometimes, theseleaders may be harmful because leaders who don't make time to listen their employees may missout some critical information which may effect the company. Due to toxic leaders, employeeperformance may decline, because when there is no response is generated from the leader soemployees think that their behaviour is acceptable. Where there is toxic leadership, the ethics ofworking environment are compromised. In opposition of toxic leadership, healthy, reliableleadership nurtures and affirms the self-respect, worth and effectiveness of an individual. Itcreates meaningful, enabling and empowering work experiences. It is the leader who plays amajor role in retaining a employee.2
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