
Portfolio - Social and Ethical Awareness and Responsibility


Added on  2022-11-30

20 Pages4257 Words253 Views
Professional DevelopmentHigher Education
CW1 - Portfolio
Table of Contents
1 Introduction Page No.
2 Mini project workshops attended and how they contributed towardsthe development of my
Social and Ethical Awareness and Responsibility.
3 Importance and value of the Appendices (12 Documents) that I have compiled and provided as
part of my portfolio
4 Conclusion
5 References
6 12 Appendices for the Portfolio
Appendix 1 Personal Development Plan
Appendix 2 Personal SWOT Analysis
Appendix 3 Reading Log
Appendix 4 Photos or samples of work produced in class (during lessons or workshops) relating
to Social and Ethical Awareness and Responsibility.
Appendix 5 Time Management Skills: Weekly Schedule
Appendix 6 Communication Skills: Identification of the most effective skills
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Appendix 7 Social and Ethical Awareness Attributes: Comparison between Good and Bad
Appendix 8 Academic Writing Skills
Appendix 9 Employability Skills
Appendix 10 Notes on Reflection
Appendix 11 Up-to-Date Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Appendix 12 Action Plan on a specific academic or professional goal you aim to achieve
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1. Introduction:
Social responsibility can be stated that each individual that is living in society is accountable for fulfilling
needs of people or does not take any action or steps that can negative impact on whole society or environment.
While, ethic are moral values, belief and principle that has been followed by individuals by completing their
respective task. This report is reflection based on mini project workshop that I have attainted and the way it
contribute in development of social and ethical awareness and responsibilities in me. Moreover, it has contained
detailed pertaining to importance or value of 12 documents that has been appendices as part of portfolio.
2. Answer to the question: Specify the mini project workshops that you attended and explain how and why
they contributed towards the development of your social and ethical awareness and responsibility. (500
The mini project workshop related to social and ethical awareness and responsibilities contribute a lot in
enhancing my existing skills, knowledge and capabilities that can be used by me in both professional and
personal career. I get to know about why ethical and social responsibilities are important for individuals and the
way they can take active part for growth and development of economic (Subramaniam, 2019). I have also
gathered knowledge about the ethical practices such as providing equal opportunities, respect and recognition to
each individuals in society without discrimination among them on basis of gender, caste and religion. Moreover I
get to learn the way person can react socially responsible by making optimum utilisation of resources, reducing
its wastage and pollution so that no harm can be caused to other at any case.
Through the program I also get to know that social responsibility have four components likewise ethical, legal,
economic and philanthropic. That means the individuals need to follow all legal law while completing any task
such as health and safety of people, human right and many more. There are many examples of ethical and
social responsibilities that I have gained knowledge through the workshop such as it reduce the carbon
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footprints, improving labour policies thereby taking steps to reduce child labour. In addition to this it also include
charity giving, supporting and generating awareness among people about the way they protect environment as
well as natural resources for benefits of society (TOUITOU and BRIKINS, 2019).
3. In a paragraph or two explain the value or usefulness of the Appendices (12 Documents) that you have
compiled and provided as part of your portfolio.
There are several usages of the appendices that are part of the portfolio as they helps in understanding my key
strength, weakness and planning method to improve the same so that I can achieve greater height. Likewise
time management log has helped me scheduling my appropriate time that i will spend on particular activities so
that I can complete each task in standard time. It has also valuable as it helps me in understanding difference
between effective communication and ineffective communication. At last it contributes in learning the skills that I
have learned through workshops such as academic writing, referencing and many more (Ayish and Deveci,
4. Conclusion:
It can be concluded that there are lot many thing that I am able to learn through the workshop related
to social and ethical responsibilities. I get to know the way I will make use of this knowledge to behave
ethically and responsibly so that no negative impact it had on other individuals.
5. References:
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