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Learning with Fun: A Game Design to Enhance Academic Integrity


Added on  2023/06/18

AI Summary
This presentation discusses the game design 'Learning with Fun' that aims to enhance academic integrity by avoiding plagiarism and academic misconduct. The game is interactive and online-based, with three segments consisting of questions related to plagiarism, academic misconduct, and academic integrity. Participants must attain a minimum of 50 points to win the game. The presentation also highlights the importance of academic integrity and references studies on gamification in education.

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Game design
Game design is considered as the art of applying design as well as aesthetics to
developing game for the purpose of entertainment, education or some specific reason
such as removing academic misconduct and plagiarism from academic work.
Design a game
Students are involved in various unfair activities such as academic misconduct and
plagiarism that impacts on their working performance and reduce their honesty and
morality in academic work. These activities are considered as the unethical practices as
well as recognised as the activities of theft, so it becomes most important to avoid
them from academic work to enhance integrity.
Learning with fun: It is the game which is developed by the students to gain proper
knowledge and understanding regarding aspects of academic integrity that enhances
their learning in fun way. This is online based game and interactive in nature which is
produced for the purpose of avoiding academic misconducts and plagiarism form
academic work.
Structure and model of Learning with fun:
Learning with fun game structure is divided in three segments and in each segment
consist two relevant questions and participants have to chosen answer from six
options. If participants provide right answer than they will get points such as 20, 10,
40, 50 till 100.
Instruction to play game:
Initially every participant must login their accounts through their defined user ID
and password which is allocated to them to ensure data security as well as
In game various segments are consist related to plagiarism segment, academic
misconduct segment as well as academic integrity segment. To win the game,
participant must attain minimum 50 points.
There are various questions related to these segments are asked to participant and
they have to give answer from six options that are provided to them.
As the game of learning with fun is developed for the purpose of avoiding
plagiarism and academic misconduct (Isaksen, 2017). On the other hand, the
game improves students learning in terms of academic courses.
There are various rules are developed for participants such as they are not
allowed to leave in middle. If they leave than they are not able to submit their
Regular feedback is providing to students that help to improve their learning.
In each round of game when different participant’s login, questions are changes
that plays important role in avoiding plagiarism and cheating.
Importance of academic integrity
Academic integrity is referred as the characteristic and quality that reflects that
students are involve in taking decisions in ethically right manner, asking questions
as well as follow instructions in the stage when they found themselves in difficult
Chapman, J.R. and Rich, P.J., 2018. Does educational gamification improve students’ motivation? If so, which game elements work best?. Journal of
Education for Business, 93(7), pp.315-322.
Feng, A., 2017, July. The Implementation of Acoustic in the Game Design-Insight from the Recently Popular “Onmyoji” Phenomenon in China.
In International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (pp. 215-224). Springer, Cham.
Gray, S.I., 2017. Developing and evaluating the feasibility of an active training game for smart-phones as a tool for promoting executive function in
children (Doctoral dissertation, University of Edinburgh).
As per above report, it can be concluded that students
learn things and concepts more efficiently from games
because that learn things in fun way. The main objective
of developing game is to avoid the unethical activities of
misconduct and plagiarism. Academic integrity is
important for students to maintain reputation and
provide worthy learning to students. There are different
types of skills and competencies are used in developing
game that enhance its effectiveness and enhances
chances of success.
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