
Gender Equality and Society


Added on  2022-11-30

9 Pages2958 Words338 Views
Gender Equality and
Gender Equality and Society_1

Table of Contents
MAIN BODY..................................................................................................................................3
Current debates on gender and sexuality.....................................................................................3
Theories to interpret Gender and sexuality related issues...........................................................5
Application of theories in current Gender and sexuality issues..................................................6
Building understanding of Gender and sexuality in society........................................................7
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Social science mainly helps in understanding what exactly is Gender and sexuality. It is the
study of relationships that exist between individuals and the culture of humans within the
society. This study basically focuses on various facets of culture which includes economics,
politics and social issues. Since it is focused on the role of individuals in society, gender identity
is inextricably related to this. The state of being defined and differentiated on the basis of sex is
generally known as sexuality (Ylöstalo and Brunila, 2018). There are various kinds of gender
identities that exist all over the world. This includes male, female, lesbians, bisexual, transgender
and others. In society there are various types of inequality that exist due to Gender and sexuality
like: gender inequality and also there are various discrimination done in the education system.
There are many examples that leads to the violence on the basis of gender discrimination and it
has huge social impact. Even though the countries are progressing and including various kinds of
laws that prohibit such kinds of discrimination but still it are being followed and corrective
measures shall be taken by the government and appropriate theories must be applied so that it all
such inequalities and discrimination on the basis of Gender and sexuality can be eradicated from
the community.
The aim of this report is to critically examine the everyday life experiences and all the
inequalities and discrimination being done on the basis of gender and sexuality. This report also
aimed at discussing the theoretical perspective of these examples from every day's experience.
Current debates on gender and sexuality
There are lots of cases in which discrimination and inequality have been come forward on the
basis of gender and sexuality of a person. In the UK there are numerous cases that come forward
on a daily basis. Although there are various provisions made by the government to stop such
kinds of inequalities and discrimination but still the presence of it is still there (Jacquot, 2017).
Discussed below are the three examples which are currently in debate on gender and sexuality of
a person.
There are various inequality issues seen within the education system in Britain. In the
British education system there have been differences in the number of employed male
and female as a teacher or as a support staff. According to the researchers just around
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