
Gender Equality in Leadership and Management Research Project


Added on  2023-01-10

21 Pages5106 Words25 Views
Leadership ManagementData Science and Big Data
Gender Equality in
Leadership and Management
Research Project
Gender Equality in Leadership and Management Research Project_1

Table of Contents
TOPIC - Equality and Diversity in the workplace ..........................................................................3
Background of the research....................................................................................................3
LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................4
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.....................................................................................................6
Research Philosophy..............................................................................................................6
Research Design.....................................................................................................................7
Data Collection.......................................................................................................................7
Research Approach.................................................................................................................7
Research Choice.....................................................................................................................7
Research Strategy...................................................................................................................8
Methods for data collection....................................................................................................8
Sampling ................................................................................................................................8
Methods for data analysis.......................................................................................................8
DATA ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS..........................................................................................10
Frequency Table...................................................................................................................10
THEMATIC ANALYSIS.....................................................................................................11
Research Outcomes..............................................................................................................18
Reflection ......................................................................................................................................20
Alternative research methodologies...............................................................................................20
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TOPIC - Equality and Diversity in the workplace
The gender equality is an important issue which has to be dealt with every organisation so that
they can effectively carry on all the factors as well as functions of the organisation. It is
necessary that the gender equality is motivated and encouraged in an organisation so that the
moral of the organisation cannot be negatively affected and all the practises in the organisation
can be carried on a practical basis (Braunstein, Bouhia and Seguino, 2020). In the following
report discussion is done on Sainsbury's. It is a United Kingdom-based retail supermarket which
majorly deals in groceries. The following report the discussions are made on how equality of
gender in an organisation can be encouraged by leaders and managers in an organisation. There
are a number of suggestions regarding increasing gender equality in the workplace and
eliminating any discrimination and gender. The report is based on Sainsbury's and the practices
which are done by managers and leaders in Sainsbury's. The particular branch that has been
taken into consideration is Sainsbury's supermarket located at Camden Town, London NW1 9LJ,
United Kingdom. With the help of the following report the managers can effectively work on
equality and diversity in their organisation and make sure that there is no discrimination between
different genders in the organisation and at the workplace.
Background of the research
Over the years, it has been realised that equality and diversity in the workplace are said to
be the two crucial subjects that are required to be examined as they may impact on performance
level of organisation in different ways. On the other hand, gender discrimination is also
important to be analysed and examined because organisations like Sainsbury's and more might
go through various difficulties like low motivation among staff members and so on. This may
help organisations to sustain in the market for a longer period of time because them may deliver
equal opportunities to staff without making any sort of discrimination.
To determine how can organisation eliminate gender discrimination at the workplace.
A study on Sainsbury's.
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To investigate the impact of equality and diversity in the workplace.
To explore effect of discrimination in gender at work place.
To research different ways in which business deal with discrimination and gender.
What are the effects of equality and diversity in the workplace?
How does gender discrimination affects workplace?
What are different methods which business uses to deal with discrimination and gender?
The major purpose for conducting this research is that the investigator has personal interest
in development of various research skills with the help of which they can conduct a number of
researches in future (Timperley and et. al., 2020). This will also help in generation of knowledge
about investigation on a particular topic and how to create different research in future.
Impact of equality and diversity in organisation
As per Kristal and Yaish, 2020, it has been seen that equality in an organisation is the
strategy which is adopted by a number of leaders and managers in order to make sure that every
employee of the organisation gets equal opportunities and are treated equally in the workplace.
When learning about diversity it means that a number of people who belong to different group,
culture and believes are coming together positively to work together. Equality and diversity can
be said to be promotion of equal opportunities for everyone in the organisation without any
discrimination in their sex, beliefs, values, cultural orientation or nationalism. Necessary that
every business is adopting such practices of equality and diversity legally so that they can create
a positive and hygienic working environment for their employees. It is necessary that every
employee in the organisation feels involved with the organisation and are satisfied enough. This
also helps in motivating the employer because demotivated employees in the organisation are a
burden for the organisation. It is often seen that due to such problems in the organisation the
employee engagement is less, productivity is reduced, employee absenteeism increases,
employee turnover also increases. All these are negative signs for a business and they turn profits
of a business into losses. It has also been seen that diversity has a number of negative influences
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on an organisation as the background of people form a pre-misconception in heads of the
employees. It is necessary that the results and the overall performance of employees are not
affected due to lack of equality or diversity in an organisation.
Effects of gender discrimination on workplace
As per Björkdahl and Somun-Krupalija, 2020, it has been seen that gender discrimination
in an organisation can be directly related to lack of opportunities and increments or promotion
for female employees in an organisation. It is often seen that a number of discrimination which
are taking place in the organisation are due to discrimination between different genders in an
organisation. It is seen that these discrimination have a negative effect on the employs as it might
cause anxiety, depression and stress in the employees. This is a bad effect on mental health of the
employees which often results in reduction of productivity in an organisation. Is is necessary for
the organisation to take care of the employees who are working for the organisation and make
sure there are no effect on the physiological health or psychological health of an employee due to
the things which are happening in the organisation. It is often seen that due to gender
discrimination there are a number of employees who get demotivated and perform their tasks and
objectives in efficiently. In consideration of Sainsbury's it has been seen that there is a 13.9% of
gap between the pay of both the genders. Therefore, it can be seen that due to the discrimination
towards female in the organisation there are a number of employees who are leaving the
organisation which is resulting in increase of employs turnover in the organisation. There are a
number of other negative influences of this discrimination among employs which can be seen in
the organisation.
Methods to deal with gender discrimination at workplace
On the basis of Fuentes and Cookson, 2020, there are a number of ways which are used
by Sainsbury's and which can also be used by them in the future in order to make sure that there
is no discrimination between males and females in the organisation. Below mentioned are some
of the ways which can be followed by Sainsbury's so that they can be sure there is no gender
discrimination in the organisation:
Reduction or elimination of gender pay gap: It has clearly been seen that there is a
13.9% of gap between the pay of both the genders in organisation. It is also necessary that this
big gap between both the genders should either be reduced or eliminated completely. This is a
great demotivation for the employees in the organisation. It is necessary that the company creates
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a new working environment which motivates both males and females in the organisation and also
make sure that there are no differences made between both the genders in the organisation. It is
necessary that employees must be asked to fill a form recording all their salaries and it is needed
to be compared by management so that they can reduce or eliminate this pay gap between the
employs of both genders.
Effective training for the management: It is the duty of employs to make sure that they
complain and file a report against any discrimination which they feel that the organisation carries
on. It is also necessary that the management team of the organisation is well trained about
discrimination is in the organisation. It is necessary that management is trained so that they can
motivate their staff to make sure that there are complaints regarding the discrimination which are
carried on in the organisation. It is also necessary that how to deal with these complaints and
discriminations the management wants to be effective enough. The management of Sainsbury's is
regularly training their employees for efficiency and effectiveness in managing the grievances
between discrimination. It is also necessary for the team of Sainsbury's to make sure that they
can obtain feedback from the employees in the organisation so that they can enhance the working
condition in the organisation.
Creating diversity from inside out in the organisation: It is necessary for the
organisation to make sure that they are posting the requirements for the job regularly. It is also
necessary that they motivate the female population to apply for the job. They can easily get a
number of women who are qualified and skilled enough to perform the duties related to job. In
this way they can also increase the population of women in the organisation and create a
diversity in the organisation from inside out.
The methodology of research which is used for conducting a research is an important
factor for every research. This helps in describing the systematic manner in which the research
will be carried out and completed. In the following research the use of research opinion is
conducted in a number of layers. Below mentioned are all these in detail:
Research Philosophy
Research philosophy basically means the belief on which the researcher is carrying on the
research and completing the research. There are basically two types of research philosophy.
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