
Global Business Environment: Analyzing the Influence of Globalization on Marks and Spencer's Operations in UAE


Added on  2024-05-23

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Global Business Environment: Analyzing the Influence of Globalization on Marks and Spencer's Operations in UAE_1

Table of Contents
LO1: Analyze the key factors which drive globalization................................................................3
Question 1: Analysis and discussion of key factors driving global trade and commerce...............3
LO2: Determine the strategic complexities associated with operating in a global environment.. . .4
Question 2: Explaining the strategic complexities associated with operations in a global
Question 3: PESTLE and SWOT analysis...................................................................................6
LO3: Evaluate how operating in global market influences an organization’s structure, culture and
Question 4: Influences of globalisation in organization’s structure, culture and functions.........8
McKinsey’s 7S model..................................................................................................................8
Table 2: McKinsey’s 7S model....................................................................................................9
Figure 2: McKinsey’s 7S model..................................................................................................9
Figure 3: Hofstadter’s Dimensions............................................................................................15
LO4: Evaluate the influence of globalization on organizational decision making and strategy.. .16
Question 5: Influence of globalization on organizational decision making and strategy..........16
Question 6: Researching on the strategy adoption process........................................................18
Global Business Environment: Analyzing the Influence of Globalization on Marks and Spencer's Operations in UAE_2

Global market influences the structure, function and culture of the organisation. This paper
describes the influence of decision-making process towards the formulation of organisation
strategies. Marks and Spencer is one of the largest retail stores in the UK which provides high-
quality food, branded clothes and home products to the international consumers. The
commitment of the company towards providing branded and better quality brands differentiate
the company from their competitors. This company generally deliveries the food materials and
grocery items for the consumers. The business of Marks and Spencer’s is built up through strong
values of inspiration, innovation and integrity. These values helped the organisation to stand
upright among the competitors.
LO1: Analyze the key factors which drive globalization
Question 1: Analysis and discussion of key factors driving global trade and commerce
In recent years success of globalisation provided an evidence of increased foreign trade,
acceleration of growth rates, capital flows and rising of per capita GDP to the developed
countries. Countries In global has opened up individual's economy to rest of the world through
following a closed economy model. Variety of factors is contributed to the globalisation process
and among which four basic influential factors are listed below.
I. Cost
As per Glavina (2015), maximising investment is the key motivator for efficiency development
in the global company. Marks and Spencer’s are investing in several costs while expanding the
business in UAE. The company is using promotion and advertising strategy to sense the products
to the consumers. Transportation cost is another existing key factor in the business flow. In this
case, the global opportunity has created a tough decision for the marketing department to pursue
the price leadership.
II. Environment
Increasing consumer’s mobility and wealth brought rapid transformation in the purchasing
behaviour. In order to expand the business, the company seeks more positive environment. The
environment of the demand of customers forecasts the organization's future. In UAE the demand
Global Business Environment: Analyzing the Influence of Globalization on Marks and Spencer's Operations in UAE_3

for retail stores is very high. The technological revolution in UAE is very good which makes
easier payment and smooth flow in purchasing procedures for consumers. The newly emerging
market, Marks and Spencer gains benefit from the advanced communications.
III. Market
Consumers in the advanced economies are more similar in terms of income, aspirations, lifestyle,
education and leisure time (Hu et al. 2016). Marketers of Marks and Spencer’s are made certain
products ready for the buyers in UAE with well-developed infrastructure and high purchasing
IV. Competition
According to Zheng (2017), in order to remain competitive, the global rival companies need to
identify their competitors. The competitors can be of two types direct and indirect. The direct
competitors are those which are having same business areas, whereas the indirect competitors
differ from the business area. The competitive companies of Marks and Spencers introduce,
distribute and upgrade the new products available within the market at a faster pace. As stated by
Dodson (2015), the companies that do not remain ahead will face the competition risk by the
global players. There is no structural reason for why the specific products are more attractive to
the consumers compared to rest of the others. Most of the products of Spencer's are sold in the
UAE in huge quantity. The competition in UAE for retail products is very high and this in term
helps the organisation to introduce more varieties of brands.
Discussing the critical impact of these key factors
The key factor of the market helped Marks and Spencer to pick up the regions for opening the
store and expand the business. The regional grouping has helped to follow the organisational
structure for existing management. The key factors of globalisation helped to find the alternative
strategy for Marks and Spencer to expand in UAE. Balancing the cost differentiation and
leadership helped the company to make mass customisation.
Benefits faced by the Marks and Spencer’s
Similar behavioural traits and demographic status helped the organisation to find the key
business interest of the consumer. The goal has been set to achieve the mileage from the
investment cost in UAE. The key factors of globalisation helped Marks and Spencer’s to make
product differentiation. The marketers of the company can be able to take advantage of value
Global Business Environment: Analyzing the Influence of Globalization on Marks and Spencer's Operations in UAE_4

elements like technical support and design (Quan and Lin, 2017). This organisation gets helped
by the perceived or real superiorities.
Challenges faced by the Marks and Spencer
During the dramatic changes in the marketplace, Marks and Spencer have faced greatest
challenges to accommodate cost to various stores in UAE. The market is not large enough to face
the competitors in the target country. Marks and Spencer have faced the tough challenge of
making a decision about customer segment, markets, product positioning and to focus on the
appropriate strategies. Investing in controlling costs and scale economies leads to overhead
issues (Hossain and Zakaria, 2017). The logistic, research and development of the company gets
LO2: Determine the strategic complexities associated with operating in a global
Question 2: Explaining the strategic complexities associated with operations in a global
In any kind of the business, the strategic complexities are associated with the global
environmental infrastructure. One of the main challenges faced by the organisations is related to
the compliance and regulation, environmental impact, language, culture, communication and
technology. Being the UK originated company the Marks and Spencer have been facing the
strategic challenges based on executing the business process smoothly in hub country.
Strategic challenges in the context of risk and diversification strategies
Diversification pays off for the Marks and Spencer business operation (Schotter et al. 2017). In
the context of risk, the strategic challenges faced by the Marks and Spencer are mainly classified
into three types which are listed below.
I. The economy
Marks and Spencer are mainly dependent on the consumers market of UK where the global
market gain achieved is only 11%. In the recent year, the economy of UK is fluctuating this in
term impacting the business economy. This is one of the serious issues faced by the organisation
in strategic terms. The British consumers are running very tough time.
II. Flawed execution of new selling channels
Global Business Environment: Analyzing the Influence of Globalization on Marks and Spencer's Operations in UAE_5

The biggest challenge faced by the Marks and Spencer is related to the logistics. There is a fall of
3.8% in the sales volume in a recent year. The modernising measuring steps taken from the end
of the Spencer are not effective. The logistic and flawed execution of policies and procedures
causes problems to the suppliers. The automated warehouse introduction move in the big logistic
has created the issue in supplying goods globally.
III. Loss of engagement with the potential and core customers
Spencer is failing to maintain the desired communication with its potential customers. It has been
observed from the operation sector of the company that most of the customers are not
recommended to provide feedback regarding the available services and products. People are also
flaws in the company's operation as poor products are rumoured and highlighted by the
consumers in a bigger manner. In order to avoid the issue, the organization must communicate
better manner with its customers.
Supply chain flow of Marks and Spencer
Supply chain management is one of the crucial issues for the international companies. The
profitability and the company growth of Marks and Spencer are mainly dependent on the
efficient supply chain management. This in term helps the organisation to achieve the brand
loyalty, profit growth, customer satisfaction and market growth. Marks and Spencer is one of the
leading retail stores operating in UAE with over 10 million consumers visit the store in a week.
The supply chain flow of the Marks and Spencer includes the wide range of products, consumers
and the suppliers. There are more than 2000 suppliers available around the globe among them
2000 people are working in UAE stores. The core features of Value, Quality, Service, trust and
innovation are important factors of the supply chain.
Marks and Spencer are having a large number of supply chain partners all over the globe. This
company is using the technology to cut the costs. One of the unique ways used by the Spencer in
the supply chain is related to the usage of international information technology. This company
improving the customer's service and convenience through newly launched app named as ‘Shop
Your Way' (corporate.marksandspencer.com, 2018). It has targeted to achieve the productivity of
5000 million pounds by the end of 2020. This company has committed to building world-class
retailers through driving operational excellence in the current business. Multichannel building
capability helped the organisation to gain the international portfolio (Kim and Chai, 2017).
Complexities associated with Supply chain flow
Global Business Environment: Analyzing the Influence of Globalization on Marks and Spencer's Operations in UAE_6

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