
Global Business Strategy Assignment - Talent Plus


Added on  2020-10-23

16 Pages4598 Words417 Views
Business DevelopmentLeadership ManagementProfessional Development
Global Business Strategy
Global Business Strategy Assignment - Talent Plus_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3Main Body.......................................................................................................................................3ACTIVITY 1....................................................................................................................................3a) Analyse the techniques of environment and their assessment...........................................3b) Analysis of Micro and Macro-environment of the organisation by using the techniques offirst plan. ................................................................................................................................4c) Impact of international business environment and analyse it.............................................5d) Assess the benefits, opportunities and challenges of globalisation....................................6a) The expansion of organization on global level..................................................................7b) Organization Structure operating in international markets................................................8ACTIVITY 2....................................................................................................................................9Moral and ethical issues in a global market...........................................................................9Contrast between corporate strategy and ethical and social responsibilities........................10Corporate Social Responsibility legislation and guidance for organization .......................11Activity 3.......................................................................................................................................12Critically evaluates the international operations of your chosen organisation. ............................12Conclusion.....................................................................................................................................15REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................16
Global Business Strategy Assignment - Talent Plus_2

INTRODUCTIONGlobal Business Strategy helps the organization to expand its business on global leveland can increase the revenue by increasing extent of globalization of organization. There aredifferent type of strategies such as multi domestic, transnational and global which can help tobuild efficiency across nations. This report describes the expansion of organization called TalentPlus on global level and explains the structures of different organization who operates ininternational markets like McDonald's and Amazon. The moral and ethical values used byorganization on global level has been included in this report. This report also shows the variousconflicts created between corporate strategy and CSR. It also includes the regulations andpolicies used by CSR on global market.Main BodyACTIVITY 1a) Analyse techniques of environment and their assessmentDifferent techniques for assessment of environment areSwot AnalysisIt is the most important techniques which is being used by organisation to evaluate competitiveposition of company and also do strategic planning. It analyses the values of internal and externalcircumstances at same time also sees potential of current and future. Swot analysis stands forStrength, weakness, opportunity and threats of an organisation.Strength is characteristic which is being there in company as capability and it is positive factor ofcompany which is being used against competitors by making strategies and take advantage.Weakness is factor which is also being present in a company or say it is restriction for companyand it is one of disadvantages for organisation.Opportunity it is the condition in which the organisation will enable the favourable factors anddo strengthens its position (Hitt, Li and Xu 2016). Every organisation will see the opportunityand use the competitive advantage.Threats is an unfavourable condition in company specially from external environment whichcause damage or risk to organisation and its position. Competitive company will take the benefitsand cause the damage.3
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PESTEL analysis is tool used to examine and observe factors of macro-environment which ishaving an impact on performance of an organisation. It is helpful for new venture or businessand also for company who wants to enter in a foreign market. Often it is used for collaborationand it stands for Political, Environmental, Social, Technological, Economic, Legal factors. Political factors is the factor in which the government will involve in the company and also tellshow and the degree about the intervention of the government.Economic Factors is having determinants which describes certain performance of the economysuch as inflation rates, growth rates, interest rates, disposable income of consumers. It impacts oncompany directly or indirectly.Social factors gives idea for general environment which entitles characteristics of demography,customs, norms and value of population which gives idea for company to operate.Technological Factors includes technological changes and their impact in the market as it is theinnovation in the market that may affect the functioning of the company.Environmental factors become the important because of many reasons as the increasing scarcityin resources like raw materials, scarcity in carbon footprints set by the government.Legal factors are factors which overlap political factors and there are many specific laws,antitrust laws, copyright, trademark etc. or any other specific laws which company has to adhere.b) Analysis of Micro and Macro-environment of organisation by using techniques of first plan. Talent Plus is the organisation which does not making the profit and it was not operatingin large scale so they use the different techniques to make the organisation strong and becomemore efficient. Talent Plus is a privately held company. It is the Leading Talent AssessmentPartner and a premier, global human resources consulting firm with over 400 world-class,quality-growth-oriented clients. As they believe that this type of company are avoidable and canbe eradicated by actions of human (Hotho, Lyles and Easterby‐Smith, 2015). Techniques usedby Talent plus are SWOT AnalysisStrengthTalent plus is the company which is having mission and strategies and also havingSWOT Analysis of their own. Their team must have to identify factors which are favourable forthe company and also being examined. They may offer new and innovative services and they can4
Global Business Strategy Assignment - Talent Plus_4

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