


Added on  2022-09-09

12 Pages3095 Words15 Views
Global Management in Context
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From the last 30 years, the function of globalization is considered to be a more
significant factor pertaining in the economy. This particular phenomenon has created a
situation under which different countries, people and different firms that are speaking
economically have got interconnected (Thomas & Peterson, 2016). Under this respective part, it
is considered to be a proved part that as compared to the performance that are associated with the
organization on an international basis, managers are facing several issue that are associated
with the system of culture, behavior, norms and values. This respective part is considered to
be one of the core reasons why the mangers or leaders have to be intercultural competent in order
to manage intercultural teams and diversity factors.
As a part of example, the best part can be the bringing a comparison with the
management of organization IBM which operates in the international market on a complete
basis. It is considered to be one of the well renowned firms that have made adaptive performance
under informatics sector (Stevens et al., 2015). IBM in the market is considered to be
Multinational Corporation the core reason behind this respective part can be that, the business
operation function of IBM is present in many countries and the organization also has there
supply chain in the international market on a large basis. According to the functional aspects
that are associated with the manager of IBM, they generally have to perform with
employees who are from different part of world and along with those who rely on different
Under this particular situation, for IBM software development is considered to be
the core challenging part where they have to operate as per the expectation of the different
behavioral prospective of management related to the organization on all aspects. This particular
situation faced by the management of the organization can be termed as the system of

globalization. It is a challenging part for a manager to lead the international team without
having a proper mode of intercultural competence.
As compared to the operational aspects that are associated with the respective
organization in the international market, it is important for the manager to have a core
tendency under the area of controlling and managing the system of diversity factor
pertaining within the organization among workforce (Sharma & Wu, 2015). In the global market
the major initiative or strategy adopted by the manager is to maintain a passive and impersonal
outlook in order to remain more competitive with caused situation among the employees of the
company. Apart from this, the key responsibility of the manager is to understand the organization
behavioral process on the basis of market competition along with analyzing and finding adequate
solutions to overcome the risk factor caused under international competition.
A manager in the globalized market generally operates on a collaborative basis, they
are considered to be the key responsible part which creates a better enhancement for the
people associated with the organization to achieve their goals and objectives. On a complete
basis, it can be said that a manger that operates in the international market along with managing
and controlling different cultures of workforce in the organization is considered to be the figure
head in the respective organization (Rees & Smith, 2017). They show actual direction for the
management and employees in gaining an adaptive mode of competitive advantage and
sustainability in order to remain more competitive and goal oriented in the market.
Secondly, it is considered to be a stated factor that in current globalized context as the
competition increases in the international market, the challenges and complications that
are related to the system of managing diversity can be one of the major issue that are faced

by the manager. In order to remain better system of sustainability within the company and ensure
better flow of organizational functioning on a systematic basis, a manager under this
respective part must have skills and attributes to encounter diversity by the method of
adopting different aspects of behavior, thinking or valuing (Mendenhall et al., 2017). This
gives a clear idea, for the purpose of making a well-defined and effective organizational
functioning through the system of preventing any kind of discrepancies in the organization, it is
important for the manager to a strong intercultural communicator on all terms. In order to
remain more competitive and efficient in the international market operations, in order to
understand different cultural prospective that are related to the people within the
organization, a manager must have a strong ability to be a strong communicator under
both intercultural and cross-cultural basis.
The first and foremost initiative and skill adopted by the manager, in order to
understand the system of controlling and managing diversity and cultural difference in the
international market operation is to optimize the process of communication function. They
must also have the core tendency to master the different basics of cultural prospective pertaining
within the organization which is considered to be the key effective aspect of communicating on a
cross cultural basis.
Apart from this, the other core responsibility required to be maintained by a manager
is to develop awareness about the system of individuality is related to different culture.
Under this respective part, it is important for the manager to develop a better system of
individual culture within the organization and must have the capability to bring strong harmony
among the employees through avoiding the issue of cultural conflicts in order to ensure better
sustainability and competitive advantage.

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