
Digital Marketing vs Traditional Marketing


Added on  2020-02-14

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Global Marketingand Digital Business
Digital Marketing vs Traditional Marketing_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1Assessment- 2..................................................................................................................................11. Global marketing within Marks and Spencer .........................................................................12. Critically evaluate the current online business marketing plan .............................................23. Weaknesses and areas for improvement ................................................................................74. Develop on the weaknesses ....................................................................................................85. Justify the proposed marketing plan.......................................................................................9CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................10REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................11
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INTRODUCTIONWorldwide merchandising is the term which is related to selling of goods and servicesalong with commercial advantages of planetary . one of the leading British retailer engaged hisoperation in selling of clothing, and high variety of goods. It was established in 1884 and itsheadquarters are situated in the City of Westminster, London. The present report focuses onformulation of a global marketing plan for M&S(marks and Spencer). The basic way in thepresent globalised economy, it is essential to have companies which are reactive both in thehost country and the parent country market conditions and identifying the current marketperspective prevail over there.Assessment- 2Global Marketing and Online Business Marketing Plan1. Global marketing within Marks and Spencer Global marketing is process through which it gives the ideas of different productsaccording to demand in the market. It help to visualizes the strategy to adopt the niche marketingat the international level. To attract the customer in the current globalised market, it is essentialfor the companies to be adoptive both synergetic so that it would help them company to operatein the global market (Vendrell-Herrero and et. al., 2017). The most interesting persons of the UKwhen they started their operation in the manufacturing sector they gave the example of how to goour business at the global level.The company besides started to sale Kellogg corn flakes. Marksand Spencer has has 852 stores in UK and have many international stores across the world. Themanagement of company is of opinion to expand its business across the world by globalmarketing strategies (Eck and Uebernickel, 2014). The company have many stores in Canada,France , India and many more . Marks and Spencer has adopted various marketing strategies toexpand its business globally. Past issues related to M&S in global market are:Hong Kong and south Africa are the two major exporting countries those day, so theydecided to entered in the market as targeting them. After this, it targeted Canadian marketby opening 275 stores in the country. It then entered US market and was not successful because of tough competitors.Marks and Spencer also they wants to entered into European market by adopting newstrategy started its business operations without a rationale strategic approach to it.Its current international strategy-1
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The company wants to carry the capabilities, knowledge,skills of the staff ,and theexperiences of the expert who can be assets to customer at global market.They decided to modify themself from the economic condition period and increases itsmarket percentage in the UK for the succeeding 3 years. And operative on a rationaleworldwide business .They has changed its marketing variety from different product impelled to marketcondition. This assist the company to realize the territorial demand of their creation.Franchising is a important option as an alternative than starting its own retail store(Taylor, 2013). it will improve market sales and capturing.The company should also promote its business through online media so that it can createits own brand image on the minds of customers.2. Critically evaluate the current online business marketing plan 1.Situational analysis- it is the method which has been used by the management of Marksand Spencer uses to analyse its over all environment which includes external and internalenvironment for understanding the abilities and capabilities and wants of its customers. SWOT synthesis It is a method by which M&S can examines its strength , weakness , opportunities andthreats within market.Strengths-Its is known through 1.382 stores worldwide. its international expansion has let it obtaina strong competitive advantage in UK among its rivalry companies. (Sarkar, 2016).Its a one of the famous brand in UK which has been established in UK, and is reasonedas a top brand and has a rank in top 10 companies in UK. The manager ODF thecompany has developed a strategy in which they have introduced innovations and tobuild a brand, has made him a good company in the from of its customers..The company's strong food business has grown its market share in last year and alsooutperformed the marketplace with 3.6 % with the help of its well-defined anddistinguished expert strategy made by the managers of the cited company. .A shift from merchandise strategy to aim at its customers has made it advantageous forthe company. (Sivan, 2016). The company is aiming to provide the customers servicesthrough online sector has ensured its growth more .2
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