
Global Networks And Innovations


Added on  2022-09-01

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Global networks and innovations
Global Networks And Innovations_1

An overview of the internationalization strategy of Sharp Kabushiki Kaisha
The paper looks at Sharp Kabushiki Kaisha, a Japanese electronic manufacturing firm. It
was founded in the year 1912 in Tokyo and its name comes from a very fast invention “ever-
sharp mechanical type of pencil” in the year 1915 by Tokuji Hayakawa. The firm manufactures
and makes designs of various electronic products and redistributes them to different parts of the
world. It has its headquarters at Sakai-Ku in Sakai. It has been one of the subsidiary companies
of the Taiwan Foxconn member group since 2016. Internationalization in business refers to the
process of manufacturing and designing multiple products in a manner that the product will be
readily consumed across different countries. The internationalization strategy taken by this firm
to develop international markets has the characteristics of both the multi-domestic and global
firms (Wanvik, 2016 P.518). To achieve this, Sharp Kabushiki Kaisha has created economics of
scale further upward in the value chain. Besides, the firm has sought to achieve flexibility and be
limited adaptive in its downward tasks, which include sales and marketing. The firm has created
an organizational design with interdependent and integrated network subsidiaries in all parts of
the globe. The different subsidiaries created in district areas of the world play important roles
and act as centers of excellence (Brondoni, 2015 P.110).
The company employs approximately 50,000 employees across the world. The company
started making electronics commercially since the year 1945 (Oosterveer, 2015 p.148). It was in
1953 when the company made the first tv set by the name Sharp TV3-14’’. In the year 1964, the
company had advanced and become the first developed company in the manufacture of the
transistor calculator approximating $1,400 million (Oosterveer, 2015 p.150). There was no
developed and advanced technology so it took the company too long to come up with the
calculator because it had to be mechanized. From 2012 up to the present the company has
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achieved a lot of accomplishments and it has become of the most selling company of different
types of electronics in the world. It is now recognized as an international company that supplies
advanced electronic products. The company has grown its financial stability considering that in
2012 it reported a financial record of $4.7 billion and this is just one of its worst times. From this
data, it shows that the company has made a lot of struggle for its advancement and success. In
the year 2012 the company made a wise decision of joining Taiwan based group trade by the
name Foxconn to expand its production and sell.
Application of network visualizations and analysis techniques to describe the network in
which sharp Kabushiki Kaisha is embedded
Through the use of different network visualization and study techniques an analysis of
the various networks in which Sharp Kabushiki Kaisha is emended in different parts of the world
carried out. The first network analysis technique is the use of MNC. Mobile network code can be
described as a two-digit number used to identify a mobile network. By the use of this technique,
one can locate the different mobile subscribers and use location Area Identification to determine
their specific location (Seth, Cheldize, Brown & Freeman, and 2017 P. 209). Using this network
analysis technique, it is evident that the firm is embedded in a global production network. It is
evident by looking at the different calls received in the firm main office in Japan, which indicates
that the company has many integrated network subsidiaries in all parts of the globe.
The global production network is a network which has interconnected links and nodes
extended spatially across different national boundaries. This network integrates subnational
territories and the different parts of disparate nations (Khan, Rao-Nicholson & Tarba, 2018 P.67)
Sharp Kabushiki Kaisha has established a vast global production network across Europe by
opening an LCD manufacturing plant in Poland in the year 2007. In Europe, Sharp has also been
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able to establish many subsidiaries by licensing of different firms, including Slovakia electronic
company, to start manufacturing televisions. Besides that, sharp has been able to open up
factories in Poland, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Mexico. All these companies in different nations
contribute to the global production network of Sharp Kabushiki Kaisha (Hossain, Simula&
Halme, 2016 p.133).
The type of network embedded by this firm has several traits, which include; converting
inputs into outputs through production circuits and integration of firms into structures that blur
past organizational boundaries. An unevenness of power relations and involvement in both
competition and cooperation are some of the other traits of a global production network. All
these are the traits that are acquired by Sharp Kabushiki Kaisha through its different global
production networks (Ahram, Sargolzaei, Sargolzaei, Daniels & Amaba, 2017 p. 221).
Through the use of visualization analysis, it is evident that Sharp Kabushiki Kaisha processes
various traits involved in the theories of social capital. The theories of social capital include
cultural, social, and economic capital. By the theory of social capital, Sharp is embedded in a
social network for different inter-organizational business practices (Schmid, Knierim& Knuth,
2016 p.334). Through this type of network, the firm can reinforce its identity, influence other
firms, offer social credentials, and enable the flow of information. The application of this
strategy has led to the firm influencing various companies across the globe to sign agreements
that allow them to manufacture their products. These forms include Slovakia Electronics
Company and Vestel in Europe for white commodities. Besides, the social network has offered
Sharp a great deal in acquiring social credentials. Theses social credentials ate rights and
privileges in the production of different electronic devices. Through 10382 patent activity Sharp
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