1GLOBAL WARMING Global Warming is an issue of serious concern in the modern ages. It is defined as the long-term increase of the Earth’s climate temperature. It is caused by increasing amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere which leads to air pollution and other problems in the atmosphere. The purpose of this essay is to make a rough draft of global warming and its effects on the atmosphere. Global Warming generally refers to the increase of the temperature of the Earth’s climate caused mainly by greenhouse gases and other human activities. One of the major causes of Global Warming are deforestation. As stated by Hughes (2017), this is because plants play a very important role in regulating the climate of the Earth. When human cut down plants, the carbon that they store from the atmosphere is one again released back into the atmosphere. This causes the atmosphere to be polluted leading to Global Warming. Other causes of Global Warming include burning of fossil fuels which release large amounts of CO2 gas into the atmosphere leading to global warming. Farming also leads to Global Warming as cattles produce large amounts of methane. Farmers also release large amounts of nitrous oxide into the atmosphere leading to Global Warming (Barichivich 2014). Global Warming can have serious effects on the living organisms and on the atmosphereingeneral.AsstatedbyVanDerSchrier(2018),itcanresultinthe environmental and social changes due to the huge amount of emissions of greenhouse gases. Glacier retreat is another effect of global warming as well as melting of glaciers in the arctic regions. As stated by Van Der Schrier (2017), the warming of the climate leads to change in rainfall, evaporation, steam and other problems that makes the water warmer. Warmer water can lead to increase in water pollution. Some other effects of global warming include rising sea levels that can lead to coastal flooding, agriculture will be affected due to increase in
2GLOBAL WARMING pests, heat waves and flooding. Lastly, it can cause destruction of the coral reefs which can lead to many animals and plants facing extinction. There are a number of steps that can be taken to control Global Warming. These include less using of hot water, recycling of waste materials, walking more and driving less, using products with less packaging, planting trees, turning of electronic devices when not using them as this can save large amounts of carbon dioxide. As stated by Trenberth (2017), some other methods include adjusting thermostats by 2 degrees which could save 2000 pounds of carbo dioxide every year. Global Warming is indeed a serious issue that is a threat to all forms of living beings on this planet. Global Warming must be controlled so that the atmosphere remains safe for all humans and other living organisms. Various steps should be taken to make sure that humans are abiding by the rules and regulations that would put global warming in check. If proper efforts to control Global Warming are not taken, then it can prove to be fatal for all living organisms on Earth.
3GLOBAL WARMING Reference List Hughes, T. P., Kerry, J. T., Álvarez-Noriega, M., Álvarez-Romero, J. G., Anderson, K. D., Baird, A. H., ... & Bridge, T. C. (2017). Global warming and recurrent mass bleaching of corals.Nature,543(7645), 373. Trenberth, K. E., Dai, A., Van Der Schrier, G., Jones, P. D., Barichivich, J., Briffa, K. R., & Sheffield, J. (2014). Global warming and changes in drought.Nature Climate Change,4(1), 17.