
Human Resource Management Theories and Practices


Added on  2020-02-14

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Human Resource Management Theories and Practices_1

Human Resource Management Theories and Practices_2

INTRODUCTIONWith the globalization the market has become more competitive in the present era. Thusthe to attain the competitive edge in the industry, the company needs to have an efficientemployees. Now days with this the human resource development is becoming more crucialelement in the organization. The management of human resources is the foremost task of thecompany so as to perform their operations in an effective manner (Hendry, 2012). Among theleading retail stores, Sainsbury is an efficient business store which is serving the customers witha wide range of products. The company aims to grow and develop in the industry, thus for that ithas to manage human resources in an efficient manner so as to ensure the productivity of thefirm. Thus in this report various methods and theories are used to manage the employees in aneffective manner. This includes defining an efficient recruitment process, using motivationalfactors like rewarding them so as to enhance the capabilities of the employees and the legal andregulatory norms which must be considered to satisfy the staff members so as to retain them inthe company. Further, the cessation as well as exit procedures are determined.TASK 11.1Human resource management refers the fields which are involved in the acquisition,maintenance, development and coordination of people at the workplace. This is done to ensurethe productivity. It is a systematic function of planning of training, giving compensation andprovisions for performance appraisal so as to retain the employees in the organization (Markosand Sridevi, 2010). On the other hand, personnel management refers to the department which isinvolved in the recruitment, hiring, staffing, development and compensation of the workforce soas to achieve the objectives of the organization. Further, the difference between personnel andhuman resource management are discussed below:Human resource managementPersonnel managementIt is a modern approach of managingthe people in the firm.It is the traditional approach to managethe people in the organization.It mainly focus on the development,motivation and maintenance of humanresources (Pfeffer, 2010).It focuses on the personneladministration, employee welfare andlabor relation.Under this, they consider people as animportant and valuable resource whichis used to achieve the goals ofcompany.It assumes people as an input to meetthe objectives.
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In this, administrative function isundertaken for meeting the goals.In this, personnel function is beenundertaken to ensure the employee’ssatisfaction (Smith, 2014).Under this, job design is formulatedaccording to the group work.In this, job is designed on the basis ofdivision of labor.The employees are provided withtraining and development programs.Under this, less training is given to thestaff members. The staff members actively participatein the decision making process of theorganization.Top management is responsible fortaking decisions for the company.1.2There are several functions within the HRM which helps in achieving the goals of theorganization. Further, the manager of Sainsbury should consider while improving the operationsof the company. Some of the functions are discussed below:Training and development- For developing the skills and knowledge of the staffmembers, it is important for the company to organize regular training programs so as toenhance their capability. The updated technical terms must also be explained to theemployees in an efficient manner so that they can work with them easily which willdirectly help in increasing the productivity of the organization (Iles, Chuai and Preece,2010). This program must be organized on the regular basis as this will help the staffmembers to enhance their personal as well as professional skills.Employee career- The individual joins the company to develop their career goals. Thusto ensure this, the HR manager must identify the interest of the employee and motivatethem to achieve it. Further, employees must be given challenging work which will help tofind the perception of them towards their work. Further, they must be rewarded forachieving the goals or performing well. This will help them to motivate at higher extent.HR planning- This is a method used by the HR department to forecast and estimate thedemand and supply of human resources in the organization. This help to find as howmany employees are needed and for which post (Schuler, Jackson and Tarique, 2011).Thus it makes easy for the department to recruit the employees. This assists in developingeffective strategy and the measures to monitor the performance in an effective manner. Managing relationship- The core responsibility of the HR manager of Sainsbury isto maintain harmonious environment at the workplace. They must ensure fair dealingwith the employees and also maintain industrial relations. Further, good relation with
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