
Challenges Faced by International Students


Added on  2020-02-18

7 Pages1432 Words217 Views
Running head: ENGLISH ESSAYStruggles and Challenges of an International StudentName of the Student:Name of the University:Author Note:
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1ENGLISH ESSAYIntroductionThe growth of the different educational segments in the international country is the majorreason behind the rapid growth of the international students. Especially, in United States, theeducation population is rapidly growing. The report derived from the Institute of InternationalEducation proclaims that in the year of 2013, almost 819,644 international students enrolled inUS higher education and this amount is the 40% increased portion within a decade (Curtin et al.108). It is also reported that these students contribute almost $24 billion to the US economy (Balland Stephen 200). However, it is observed that the students from the international countries oftenface the difficulties and enormous challenges while pursuing their career in a foreign country.This essay would put forward to describe such struggles and challenges faced by theinternational students. The study would also examine the impact of the foreign scenario on theinternational students. DiscussionThe international students stand to benefit from a fruitful educational experience in theeducation sector of foreign countries. Yet, they usually have to sacrifice their comfort, natives,and families to pursue their careers (Curtin et al. 108). They are often detached from thefinancial and social supports in their home countries. Apart from this, the differences inlanguages and cultures and difficulties with their visas are also the major concerns for theinternational students. It has been implied that the international students often have to strugglefor supplementing their income when they are studying in a country like United States since thelifestyle was quite expensive (Ball and Stephen 189). In usual cases, they must work and strugglehard to integrate with their counterparts in America in both academically and socially. It was
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2ENGLISH ESSAYargued that the students not only struggle for the higher living costs, they often face challengesdue to the different societal values and the cultural distinctiveness (Wu et al. 250). They aregrown up in a different pattern and in a different cultural scenario. Therefore, it is quite difficultfor them to adjust in a complete diverse scenario. It is quite a considerable factor that the international countries like Australia, UnitedStates, United Kingdom, and others provide the significant opportunities to the foreign studentsin working towards their career growth. Especially, the students who visit United States forpursing their post-secondary education face the difficulties in some of the specific aspects. Forexample, they often face challenge due to the low competency skills in English language,acculturation, discriminations, and social and academic integration (Powell and Richard 1). Fewfactors have the recognizable influence on the adaption of a person to a new culture. The culturaldistance, linguistic values, attachments to the home culture, motivation for transition, interactingwith the members of host countries, and receptivity of the host environment are some of theseconsiderable factors (Wu et al. 244). After conducting the survey in the international education,the argument described the minimization of the educational standards for the internationalstudents (Strayhorn and Terrell 56). However, by opposing this statement, it was suggested thatthe foreign cultures should raise the standard of being more receptive and acceptable towards theinternational students (Yan et al. 62). It is noticed that in spited of judging through theperspectives of the faculty, it is considered that the both the domestic and the internationalstudents should progress in the similar standard of education. It is declared that the internationalstudents deserve to receive the equal opportunities to learn about the other cultures and traditionsof other countries.
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