
Growth in tourism industry.


Added on  2022-11-19

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Leadership ManagementData Science and Big DataPolitical Science
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Challenges in HR
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Growth in tourism industry._1

Growth in tourism industry 1
The emergence of globalisation has provided the opportunity to the tourism industry
to grow its business and attain higher profitability. The success of the tourism industry is
dependent upon the quality of human resource the organization holds. In order to retain the
best human resource, the companies focus on adopting the strategies that allow management
of the human resource. It focuses on acquiring the best employees and develops career plans
for the employees. It also focuses on motivating the employees and providing the support to
overcome the uncertainties in the business (Baum, 2015).
An effective human capital development plan will allow reducing the challenges
faced by the company and will reduce the issue of shortage of labour. The principal goal of
all the HR professionals is to recruit the best employees and maximise the benefits for them.
Human resource capital development focuses on analysing the root cause for the challenges
and develops the strategies to overcome them. The further paragraphs of the report will
outline the challenges faced by the tourism industry that impacts the shortage of labour and
will also cover the strategies that the HR professional must adapt to overcome the challenges
faced by the company (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart & Wright, 2017).
Human resource challenges
It is analysed that human resource in the tourism industry faces various challenges
and creates difficulty in the growth of the tourism industry.
Economic conditions
The globalisation of the business creates a challenge for the employees because the
labour faces the challenge of poor pay and difference in the working conditions. It is analysed
Growth in tourism industry._2

Growth in tourism industry 2
that the fluctuations in economic conditions of the country create a challenging opportunity
for the company because the tourism organizations become cautious while hiring the
employees and pays low wages. Such conditions create dissatisfaction among the employees
and lead to high employee turnover. The fluctuations in the economic conditions affect the
performance of the business and in turn reduce the pay scale for the employees (Khiat &
Montargot, 2017).
Diversity among workforce
Embracing diversity at the workplace has become the greatest challenge for the
companies because the employees do not receive equal treatment and face the challenges of
exploitation, harassment, stress and violence. It is analysed that diversity in the workplace
creates a difference in the perceptions of the employees and often creates conflicts among the
employees. Such violence disturbs the mental peace and creates difficulty in the performance
of the jobs. Another reason for dissatisfaction among the employees is unequal treatment
between the male and female employees. The difference in cultural backgrounds and
languages creates difficulty for the employees to perform the task (Ladkin, 2018).
The advancement in the technologies creates the challenge for the tourism industry
because the tourism industry consists of the labours that are unskilled and are unable to cope
up with the changing technologies. It creates the challenge for the HR professionals to recruit
skilled labours who effectively manage the changes in the technologies. It creates the
emerging need to develop the training programs for the unskilled labours. Such changes
create complexity for the employees to perform the job and develop high resistance in
performing complex roles (Jayawardena, Sovani & MacDonald, 2017).
Growth in tourism industry._3

Growth in tourism industry 3
The development of the policies that do not provide favourable opportunities to the
employees creates dissatisfaction and the government does not increase the investment upon
the development of the unskilled labourers. The laws for the protection of the employees are
not sufficient and minimum wage condition is also low. Such factors limit the entrance of the
labour in the tourism sector because the employees feel that the scope is limited and they do
not get the opportunity of advancement in skills and professional development (Willie et al,
The seasonal factor of the tourism industry directly impacts labour shortages. It is
analysed that the tourism organizations recruit the employees on the basis of season and are
laid off after the completion of the season. This provides job insecurity and decreases the
satisfaction of the employees. The seasonality factor creates pressure on the employees and
lowers the morale in the performance of complex job roles. The occurrence of seasonality in
the job role leads to staff cutting and increases the dissatisfaction among the employees. This,
in turn, creates the perception of a part-time job for the employees (Madera, Dawson, Guchait
& Belarmino, 2017).
The globalisation of the tourism business has increased the risk of terrorism and the
prevalence of contagious diseases creates fear in the mind of the employees. It creates the risk
on the lives of employees and develops resistance of the employees to get employed in
different countries. The globalisation of business allows the company to hire diverse
Growth in tourism industry._4

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