
Harsh Corporal Punishment in Malaysian Homes


Added on  2022-08-27

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Harsh Corporal Punishment in Malaysian Homes
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Harsh Corporal Punishment in Malaysian Homes_1

Malaysia have a population of around 23.27 million and it is located within South-
eastern Asia. Corporal punishment refers to the punishment which is intended for inflicting
the physical pain to an individual. It is practised on the minors within the home along with
the school settings. Child maltreatment is rampant in Malaysia that have a bad influence on
the society. The incidence of the child abuse can be said to be related to the cultural practices
along with the values of an individual. The families in Malaysia have the authoritarian
parenting style where the father who is the main figure of the traditional family who inflicts
severe punishment on the children. The father have the authority in the household to provide
the punishment to the children. This essay discusses about the problem of the harsh corporal
punishment which is inflicted on the children of Malaysia. This essay elaborates on the effect
of the corporal punishment on the children and the solutions that can be brought into effect by
the authorities that can curb the corporal punishment in Malaysia.
Thesis Statement: This essay argues that corporal punishment is inflicted within the
Malaysian homes that have a detrimental effect on the children along with their families.
Corporal Punishment in Malaysia
A survey which was conducted by the international agency called YouGov brought
out the fact that the Malaysian parents believed that corporal punishment is necessary for the
children when they exhibit any kind of deviant behaviour like stealing, bullying along with
the violence. They believe that the physical agreement can be carried out by them but not by
the schools. The people who had been physically disciplined in their childhood are more
prone to physically inflict punishment on the children at a later stage of their life. It is legal in
Malaysia to physically discipline the children. The caning is used as a form of the corporal
punishment within Malaysia and the parents involve themselves in punishing the children
Harsh Corporal Punishment in Malaysian Homes_2

with the help of the rattan cane (Malaymail.com., 2020). It have been found to be culturally
accepted by the people in Malaysia. It is carried out for various kinds of reasons like the
misbehaviour along with the poor results. The act of the caning inflicts the physical and the
mental injuries on the children. The Malaysian parents believe that they have got the right of
using the corporal punishment which can rectify the behaviour of their children and bring
them in the right path. (Businessinsider.my., 2020). The punishments are inflicted on the
children with the help of the explanations however explanations are not persuasive enough
that can aid children in the understanding of their mistakes.
Effect of corporal punishment in Malaysia
The corporal punishment during the childhood exerts an influence on the
psychological development of the children. The exposure to the higher level of the parental
harshness puts the children at the risk of their psychological maladjustments. The adversity
events of childhood have the detrimental effect on the psychological well-being of the
children. It can act like a barrier in the path of the full development of the children. It paves
the way for poor educational outcome and it increases the aggressive behaviour in the
children. It leads to the poor attention span of the children that acts as a hindrance in the path
of their educational outcome (Balasingam, Nor & Shah, 2019). It increases the tendency of
the children to drop out from the school and it lowers the self-esteem of the children. It is
instrumental in causing the anxiety and the depression among the children. The children start
to adopt the aggressive conflict resolution strategies with the peers that disrupts the normal
functioning of the family. They develop the maladaptive behaviour patterns in their later life
like the aggression along with the delinquency (Chong & Yeo, 2018). It produces the
negative outcome for the children that makes their assimilation in the society difficult for the
Harsh Corporal Punishment in Malaysian Homes_3

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