
Health and social care Assignment Sample


Added on  2021-05-31

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Health and social care 1SOCIOLOGICAL CONTEXT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL CAREby Course Tutor University City and State Date
Health and social care   Assignment Sample_1

Health and social care 2Task 1 According to sociology, society refers to a group of people living together, mainly classified by clans and families in a considerably ordered manner. In a society, there is a significant way of life that is a characteristic of beliefs, customs, norms, ethics and other influences of individual and group behavior. Wellman, 2018 explains a contemporary society as one that is considered to fulfil three qualities. These qualities include; increasing interaction among the members, transformation of the way of life and the speed and extent of these transformations. This paper digs dip into the contemporary nature of society in a bid to political social and economic constructs, current trends, influence of cultural values and the impacts of societal change. According to Lewis, 2015 the political, social and economic components of society include the factors that categories the way of life of a certain group of people as being different to another. Just to begin with the political, Aristotle, a famous multi-disciplinary scholar argues that man is both a social and political animal. Aristotle continues to explain that since man is both a social and a political animal, a politically organized society is not only possible but it is also a necessity(Karlson, 2017). Therefore, contemporary societies have evolved governments that help to defend the fundamental rights of the members in the society. The form of government is best suited according to the cultures that have developed in the society over time. The economic aspect of society depends on what the society does to make a living. The economic preoccupation depends on the ecological conditions, the available resources and how these resources have been organized and harnessed to suite various needs of the society. For instance, presence of natural forests with grasslands encourages hunting as an economic activity. High and reliable rainfall on gently sloping land encourages farming activities among the members in the society and presence of large water bodies encourages fishing activities.
Health and social care   Assignment Sample_2

Health and social care 3However, in the highly civilized world. There is complete differentiation of economic activities. More economic activities continue to evolve depending on the market niches and the mode of production in the society. This is an idea that has been built upon by Herbert spencer in his work of structural functionalism where society is viewed as a whole and individuals are seen as members of the whole. The people therefore occupy several niches in the society. According to Blaikie, Cannon, Davis, and Wisner, 2014, the social aspects of society relates on the belief system of the people that form the culture. This includes the religion, social institutionssuch as marriage institutions, family, gender roles, social functions such as weddings and burials among other social aspects. The social aspects of a society also depend on the civilization, literacy levels and also the political and economic factors of the society. The theory of structural functionalism may also be relevant in examining these social functions of a society. Societies have continually evolved over time. This has been due to the several changes that have been realized by the technological pace, literacy, civilization and other aspects that has seen the continuous transformation of society over time. Social Darwinism has been used as a tool of explaining the several changes that have taken place in the society over time. Social Darwinism arises from the theory of Charles Darwin, titled the origin of species by means of natural selection. Charles Darwin developed a theory where he viewed all organisms as developing fromsimple inorganic forms to complex and differentiated organisms. Social Darwinism was developed along the lines of Darwin’s theory to describe how the society has developed from simple human interaction to complex societies. The main trends in societal changes include advances from literacy and increase in learning and research. A classic example is the renaissance that marked the end of the medieval ages. This saw a shift where humans ceased to depend on religion for answers of nature to research and learning. This helped to mark
Health and social care   Assignment Sample_3

Health and social care 4the end of a Dark Ages where there was almost no discovery but people relied on religion and governance (Marmot, and Allen, 2014). According to Kaufman, 2017 politics is another trend that has really marked societal change. The world’s political landscape that has shifted from the ancient slavery, through colonialism, neo colonialism, imperialism and finally the free liberal world. Social changes have occurred along all these lines and finally, globalization has also formed the basis for trends in societal changes as the world contracts in space through inventions and innovations. According to Green, and Thorogood, 2018 cultural values and beliefs in the society have been responsible in shaping several factors in the society. One of the area where cultural beliefs have greatly impacted the society is politics. The best method of government that a society adapts is greatly determined by the cultural beliefs. A good example is the evolution of modern liberal democracy in the United States and the continued use of the monarchy in Britain. This can be explained using the cultural backgrounds. Cultural values and beliefs have also impacted in other various components of the society such as system of education, health, economic activities, mode of production and many other social institutions. In the past century, the modes of production in the countries have been shaped by the cultural beliefs and values. Cultural values have also influenced the path of technological innovation and inventions where it has been explained that necessity is the mother of all invention. In reference to this proposition, many items have either been invented or innovated depending on the societal needs.There are various implications of societal change in the health and care sector. One factor that may be used to compare the effect of culture on the health of a society is life expectancy. Life
Health and social care   Assignment Sample_4

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