
Health and Wellbeing (PDF)


Added on  2021-05-11

7 Pages3169 Words78 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentNutrition and Wellness
Health and wellbeingHealth is a state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not only absence of disease or weakness whereas well being is a state of being healthy, comfortable and happy in all ways. Many studies has shown there is a link between productivity levels and general health and wellbeing of the staff. And a healthy workplace is a happy and productive one. It’s a key factor that determines organization long term success. If an organization does not follow the concept of health and well being then it can give rise to many workplace problems such as stress, drug abuse and alcohol abuse. organisation who take their quality of life seriously i.e, there sense of wellbeing is good can help secure their employees dedication and motivation and improve productivity and retention rates. having a valued health and wellbeing scheme enables employers to bolster healthier working practices and lifestyle choices in the workplace, hopefully aiding in a better quality of life for staff.businesses must look strategically at what it is they seek to achieve fromimplementing a health and wellbeing programme. it might seem a large task, it is clear that developing an effective health and wellbeing strategy is extremely beneficial to your company.Enhancing employee wellbeing in the workplace is a crucial step towards looking after your people and improving organisational performance.One way to ensure employee wellbeing is prioritised is through the development of an employee wellbeing strategy which can be continuously developed in order to cultivate a healthy workplace. Stragic importance of health and well being is that it improve employee health behaviours. Many employees get demotivated and that result in negative results that effect the organisation. So it can be prevented with right education,skills,motivation and social support . Well being programs help to reduce health risk by organising programs regarding diet that will help employees to stay fit. Good health can really help employees to avoid any type of health risk . productivity gets low if proper importance is not given to the health and wellbeing . such as many emploees are distracted by other employees and they might be tired or they might be using facebook. That’s reduces the productivity of the organisation as well as employees inshort unhealthy lifestyle will result higher levels of lost productive worktime . its important to educate employees about how to maintain healthy blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose level to avoid absenteeism and will directly increase the productivity. By doing well being programs in an organisation it directly tells the employees that they are an important part of an organisation and organisation wants them to stay healthy, happy, an employed for a long time. By focusing on health and wellbeing strong strategy it helps to reduce absenteeism. If an organisation wants their employees to stay committed then it should focus on the health and well being of their employees. Investing in employee wellbeing can lead
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to increased resilience, reduced sickness absence and higher performance and productivity.There is a responsibility of everyone to maintain there own well being like people professionals his responsibility is to ensure that senior managers integrate wellbeing practices into organisation on daily basis. similarly it’s the duty of senior managers tofollow the self well being then only employees will get motivated to participate in the well being programs . lastly employees have the responsibility to look after its health and well being and should participate in wellbeing out side the work , employees should participate in the well being programs done by organisations not to just earn extra incentives but also to learn something new regarding health and wellbeing. Challenges faced while implementing health and wellbeing in an organisation When an organisation organises any health and wellbeing program many people justattend it to get the incentive. Employees find it boring and not usefull . its only effective if employees are truly engaged in the program. This challenge can be overcome by using variety of communication channels to increase engagement . highlighting the program success can build excitement and create positive pressure within the organisation. Communication is a best way to reduce stress specially for employees its really important to communicate. And organisation must also realise that communication is critically important for employee participation engagement and eventually the success of any health and wellbeing strategy. This challenge can be overcome by regularly communicating and provide options that encourage physical fitness and wellness . its important to communicate regularly with employees like meetings, emails, posters, leader visit , etc, and offer opportunities to employee to give feedback and how program is working and be responsive to their oberservation. Sometimes employees are not able to spend time with their families and that increases the stress for them to focus on their work so the organisation must provideflexible working hours so that the employees can take time for their family and maintain positive work life balance and this keeps them productive motivated and engaged. Employees sometimes don’t follow the healthy lifestyle because they think they will incure high cost in maintaining the healthy wellbeing and it effect the organisation in many ways so organisation can over this challenge by providing free fruit to and can put healthy food in canteen menu at affordable prices but organisation should also take care that employee is maintaining healthy lifestyle both outside and inside organisation . for outside organisation can provide discounts gym memberships and give them access to educational materials on healthy living . Now by sitting for long time many health arises in the employee. Like neck pain backpain which might result in absenteesm of the staff and then effects the organisation. So to overcome this challenge the organisation can educate employees on how they can keep moving throughout the day . and organisation should make sure that
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employees are aware of dangers of sitting long periods of time. This will help preventillness and maintain happy and healthy workforce. Sometimes office design also matters because the mood of employee by doing work on regular basis for 8 to 9 hours make them tired mentally as well as physically . to overcome this challenge the organisation can make their empty space into game area like table tennis or pool and can make big meeting rooms for employees. This allows employees to rejuvenate and re-calibrate their thoughts and it makes them motivated and reduces the stress .Talent management Talent management is a continous process that involves attracting and keep high-quality employees, developing their skills, and continuously motivating them to improve their performance. The primary purpose of talent management is to create amotivated workforce who will stay withm the company in the long run.by hiring talented employees organisation becomes more stronger and prepared to face changes and risks. Having inspiring talent on your team will motivate other employees and help them grow.it manages one of the important assets of the company—its people.That is why companies should make the effort to effectively manage the employees to help them develop their skills and capabilities in order to retain them. Talent management has become crucial in the face of todays business challenges. Companies are increasingly realizing that successful talent managementis the key to high performance. The effectiveness of organisations can be examined by various factors like absenteeism , turnover , and productivity as variables. Attracting and retaining talent is not just the responsibility of the HR manager but also each and every employee of the company.There is a long process of talent management Recruitment planning meetingJob description developmentJob post writing and recruiting location placement for the postingApplication materials reviewPhone or online screening interviewIn-house interviews that can involve multiple meetings with many of your current employeesCredential review and background checkingMaking the job offer to the selected personAgreeing on the amount of the offerEmployee starting day and onboarding processNew employee welcome information and introductions
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