
Tackling Obesity: ONE YOU Campaign


Added on  2023-02-02

1 Pages832 Words97 ViewsType: 97
Disease and Disorders
Topic: Tackling obesity, in the wider population and particularly
among children- ONE YOU
Obesity is one of the major concern among people specially children.
The modern life style and unhealthy eating habits increases the
obesity and weight issues among people. It makes them more
vulnerable to chronic disease. The minor improvements and changes
in the life style can save people from getting affected from life
threatening chronic illness. The One You campaign by NHS England
aims at motivating and creating awareness among people so that
obesity related health issues can be controlled.
Childhood Obesity: ONE YOU, is an extension of COP of 2016 which
was undertaken by the NHS UK to tackle obesity in country by giving
them tips for living healthy.. This will be done by making better choice
in terms of what to eat and what to avoid that is having greater impact
on health of children. This ONE YOU will help into getting happier and
healthier so that people can feel better with these tips.
ONE YOU campaign is dealing with decreasing the obesity rates of
the children from the most and least deprived areas by the year 2030.
The program can be considered as one of the effective way to
encourage healthy life style among people. The online app launched
by the campaign educate people regarding health tips by the means of
health quiz. The campaign demonstrate and specify very simple
changes in the routine life style so that health risk can be minimised.
Thus, services and health awareness generated by campaign is
accessible to wide range of community. There are people who are
aware of the consequences of obesity but they do not have sufficient
knowledge to improve the quality of their health. However, the health
quiz by One You campaign provide them an opportunity to identify and
recognize the nutritious food choices and easy workout methods for
enhancing their health outcomes.
This help the people of country to live a health and happier life. There
has been significant rise in the obesity generated chronic diseases
such as diabetes and cancer. Most of the people especially children
are not aware of the impact of their eating habits. Around 40% of
deaths in England are due to smoking, unhealthy food habits and lack
of physical activeness (One You, 2019). Thus, there is need of
encouraging such health management programs so that children and
adults can control obesity and their quality of life can be improved.
The objective of One You campaign is to guide adults so that they can
bring significant changes to their behaviours, eating patterns and lifestyle
Such types of campaigns are designed so that people can learn to manage
their weight and future diseases can be avoided. It will also help parents to
develop healthy habits among children.
It can also be noted that e-cigarette can be used for fighting out cigarette
craving and then carrying out small fraction of risk of cigarettes.
The local authorities along with the ONE YOU campaign people must
try to develop a trailblazer program to understand the differences and
the challenges faced while imparting education about the side-effects
of obesity. This will be making many things easy and successful is
people are enjoying their physical exercise without even leaving their
house.. It is recommended that people must become conscious
about their eating habits and life style. The people must be
encouraged to participate in the events such as You One so that they
can understand the need of life style changes. This type of health
awareness and obesity management platforms must be regularly
conducted. It is also recommended that people must be provided
with the alternative choices and suggestions so that they can find it
easy to adopt the life style and weight management practices.
(Source: Susannah, 2019)
(Source: Tech platform wanted by government to help improve nation's
health, 2017)
Mulderrig, J., 2017. Reframing obesity: A critical discourse
analysis of the UK’s first social marketing campaign. Critical Policy
Studies. 11(4). pp.455-476.
O’Dowd, A., 2016. Clinicians underwhelmed by “watered down”
childhood obesity strategy.
One You. 2019. [Online]. Accessed through
Susannah., 2019. Childhood obesity strategy: Not a magic bullet;
may be missing a trick. [Online]. Accessed through
Tech platform wanted by government to help improve nation's
health. 2017. [Online]. Accessed through
Tackling Obesity: ONE YOU Campaign_1

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